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2014 KSP forums Threads Of The Month


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January is a time for reflection on the year past, and a time to look to the future, so we'll begin with a new thread for 2014, see the 2013 thread here.

Without further ado...


This may be an old thread, but it is still as relevant today and will be for some time to come, so a big thanks goes to Xeldrak once more, tell us, what did you do in KSP today?


Temstar impresses us again with his secrets of base construction, and here was me trying to land all my base parts close enough to magnetize :confused:

It'd be great to someday see NASA, or maybe SpaceX do the same thing.


Monty_Droppings wins points for excellent writing alone in his hilarious THE EXTREME ION CHALLENGE!

It's a great way to get more people to appreciate, or curse, the feeblest engine in the game, and gives a taste of how our own future probes are likely to explore the solar system :)


I'll admit it, I'm a sucker for real world craft made from stock parts, so much ingenuity goes into these vessels and it's humbling to think that their real world counterparts have been in space for so long, so thanks Sickle for these amazing designs!


katateochi will have you smiling with his mission report by the Wrong Brothers - career mode done differently, can you imagine trying to build a plane when you've never seen one before? At least the Wright brothers had birds.


And finally, kola2DONO asks us all to share what we got for Christmas, some of us got presents, some of us got the flu :D

Jokes aside, we should all spare a thought for the people who couldn't enjoy the holidays, those who are alone, those with little or no means to celebrate, if you know someone like that then go say hello, share a few words, even though the holidays have ended it means far more than you can imagine :)


That's it for January, fly safe!

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  • 1 month later...

Welcome to February at the KSP forums, we have a bunch of new threads of special note for you to check out :D

Starting with the Other forums section this time, we're taking a look at jfull's reusable craft discussion, with the focus on SpaceX's Grasshopper, it's an interesting subject and a glimpse of future rocketry :)

Brotoro takes us to Laythe in his Long-term Laythe Mission, hang on to your hats and pack your snacks guys, this is a long one!

Do you have craft that never flew? Or ones you can never stop tweaking, that are never truly finished? Gusturbo sure does and shows us a few in his Work-In-Progress thread, he and many others have designs that look great but were just never quite right, how about showing us some of yours?

Remember play by mail? BBS? Hotseats? No? You young whipper snappers don't know you're born! But you too can get a taste of the good old days with your favourite space game by taking on The Hawkinator's almost-multiplayer pass along the save file challenge thingy!

And finally for February, ShadowDragon8685 asks us to think of the important things we've learned in and about KSP, and to pass on these snippets of info to others who may need it, so if you need pointers or have a few of your own to share, drop by :)

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  • 1 month later...

Already March is here, and with it comes a new round of community contributions, thoughtful discussions and big things going boom :)

Our first stop this month is General Discussion and the simple question asked by Phenom Anon X, how do you know you've played too much KSP? (is there even such a thing?) :D

Xeldrak challenges us to remake the Aeris 4a - Yes, it's spaceplane time!, can you take HarvesteR's very own personal creation (yes, really!) and make it better?

Something that Felipe did intend was that the craft not be that easy to fly, it was meant to be a challenge, so bare that in mind ;)

I'm showing the modded crafts some love this time, and also revealing my age by getting all nostalgic for the toys of my youth, thanks to clown_baby's undeniably superb fully functional KSP Zoid :D

That's just straight up inspired, also spiderzoid plz ;)

If KSP has a "Hard mode" it's this, Real solar system, Deadly re-entry and FAR combined in DonLorenzo's career journey to Mars! See how hard spaceflight can be, are you up to it?

A first for the TOTM and hopefully not the last is a visit to the Modding forums, and we open with TaranisElsu's excellent example plugin projects to help you get started .

Ever wanted to get into plugin writing? Here's what you need so get cracking and maybe next month it'll be your addon thread stickied ;)

And finally we put our feet up in the space lounge, where Kerbals can relax and post about (almost) anything including your KSP experience in pics (thanks go to Tassyr for this thread)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone, this months notable threads were delayed but I'm sure you don't mind, what with having ASTEROIDS! :D


Now, not everyone is great at intercepting those things, if this is you then Starwhip is here to help you out with his very thorough tutorial on the navball, rendezvous, docking (or grabbing in this case) and even some help on building stations, and who doesn't want a station on an asteroid!

Lets see those science platforms and rocky habitats guys and gals :)


Catching asteroids can be expensive, so why not see if you can save your space program a few Munnies and send a reusable craft? Luckily SirJoab has just the challenge to help you practice, can you run a reusable space program?


I have no doubt that soon the spacecraft exchange will be full of size 3 SLS vehicles, lofting nuclear powered grabber equipped science beasts... er I mean bases to orbit.

But what if one of these 'roids had turned up near Earth? Could we have reached it with a Space Shuttle? Giggleplex777 lets us do more than just imagine the possibilities with his excellent Shuttle, oh and keep an eye out for strange metal plates ;)


I have seen a lot of great fanworks submissions recently, but one really stood out, arc5555 put together an amazing papercraft Kerbal and you can download it and make it yourself!

Can anyone get a pic of one of these on a big rock? :D


That's it for this month, see you next time :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

April turned out to be a busy month, with the 0.23.5 update there's been activity forum wide there's lots to see and do for May :)


Starting off we take a look in GD at SlowThought's thread on re-entry technique, are you kind to your Kerbonauts, or do you like yours well done?


Next up are Tutorials, have you wondered just what on Kerbin is going on with your fuel flow? Kasuha has and he's gone to some lengths to find out, are the secrets of Kerbal plumbing finally known?


The update boosted the power of the Ion engines, and zarakon challenges us to reach for the stars!, you're going to need a lot of solar panels for that!


There's been some interesting new craft in the Exchange since the update, and we stay with Ion power with Camaron's thread showcasing the new Ion craft that the update has made possible, with the tiny engine now a lot more viable what can you build with it?


From the Fanworks, if you fancy a bit of reading (and lots of pics), Dave Kerbin takes us through his career save and mission report using the "Better than starting manned" addon, this addon greatly changes the feel of the game, Kerbals take a back seat while they slowly build up the tech to put a (Ker)man in space.

If you'd rather watch someone play with this excellent addon, then Elodia7's ongoing video reports are the thing for you, I almost missed this, check it out.


Space won't always be about peaceful exploration, sooner or later one nation will accuse another of spilling its coffee and there will be a fight, but just how will such a fight take place? We don't know but the guys in bighara's thread are giving it some thought, it makes for some interesting, if scary, reading.


And finally, after all the seriousness, we take a break in the Lounge with a fun little side game of Spore played by the KSP community, take a look and let Holo know what the little Groszvenatz should do next :)

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  • 1 month later...

Another month, and another batch of notable threads for you to check out, this time we'll start by looking to KSP's past :)


awsomejwags asks "What was ksp like when it first came out?", do you remember the old days? If you do then drop in and share your experiences.


Never played KSP when it was young? Well now is your chance in supers challenge, to put the VERY first kerbals on the mun! , try version 0.12 and see the Mun for the first time all over again.


An old thread, but a good one, xorg tried to get all the old versions together in one place, so check it out if you'd like to see what things were like for yourself when KSP was really new.

We're still looking for a few versions, so all you older astronauts, check your hard drives, maybe you can help complete the collection?


And now for something completely different!, everyone likes a good laugh and Xacktar does not disappoint with his excellent series "All Kerb'd Up!", If you like Danny2462's videos you'll love this :)


Lastly for June the KSP forum plays KSP!, thanks go to Maximus97 for starting this thread, pop in and help guide the Kerbals through their space career :)


That's all for June, have fun and fly safe!

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  • 5 weeks later...

The Kerbin cup may be the star of the show but there have been many excellent threads started by our members, so lets have a look at a few :)


Starting with Tutorials this time, have you ever looked at your four booster rocket and thought "this needs just one more" ?, UpsilonAerospace has, and has tricked KSP into five way symmetry, and now you can too :D


GregroxMun impresses again with his Apollo Redirect Mission (A Beyond Apollo Reboot) challenge, dust off your best Saturn rockets and go asteroid hunting!


This is just too good not to include, arc5555 has made some amazing paper KSP rockets, just remember not to run with scissors :)


Northstar1989 gets us thinking about rocket design, and whether a big dumb booster might be the way to go for low cost launches, are the trade-off's worth it?


Finally, we visit the Space Lounge, and follow Novasilisko and his new game, the Science of the Spheres, take a look at the prototype and have fun :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Lets see what's going on around the forums this month, some of these threads you may know, others maybe not so much, but all are worth a look :)


Where's all that juicy science? Timbo knows and now you will too, thanks to "The Definitive Guide" to all obtainable science in the universe!


A slightly different kind of craft is called for in this months challenge, a gyrocopter! How high can you get in the Gyroplane altitude challenge?


Go for a drive around the KSC in one of Vagani's sleek sports cars, or take the jeep off road, all cars come with a full tank and are hand made.


How much science can you get in two launches? How about 11,944...

katateochi takes tier 0 parts and unlocks the entire tree in two launches and 38 days, which is a challenge all by itself.


Now this is really thinking outside the game, can the KSP community put a satellite in space? Maybe we can, join the discussion in the KSP Community CubeSat thread by K^2

Anything is possible...

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys and girls, it's another month in 2014 and with it comes another batch of threads you may have seen but are worth seeing again :)

We start September by looking back at what has to be one of, if not the most impressive mission reports (formally in GD) by Wooks, is he the first one to circumnavigate Kerbin by land? I think he is, and I think you'll be equally as impressed by his accomplishments.


From Gameplay Questions comes not a thread this time but a post by merendel, succinctly explaining why we see contrails on our aircraft at such low altitudes :)


We visit the Science labs again this month (always dangerous, but trust me) for Streetwind's excellent thread on catching Sedna, is it possible? Maybe...

Maybe NASA need to borrow the Kerbals Claw?


Fan art now and we lose ourselves in the deep chrome of SybyAbraham's Mainsail engine, we're still waiting to see your Skipper SybyAbraham :)


In the Spacecraft Exchange Nik_601 shows off what he's capable of in the Army, civil and sport trucks pack.

These are some impressive machines, so if you are into heavy metal check them out!


We can't have a TOTM without a challenge, so this month we take a look at Kadrian's thread, Poland can into Space!

It's both hilarious and challenging :D


And finally, the thread that all the others measure up against, or more accurately that measures other threads, is JoePatrick1's Banana for Scale.

Fruity :)

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, can't believe I missed this, but in my defence it's all Kaspers fault for making me watch youtube vids :P


We have a few threads for your perusal this month, starting in General Discussion with TheNerdyOne_ and his quest to get a Lego Kerbal X, his mock up is pretty impressive, can you help him reach his goal?


Confuse by KSP's physics? I am but that's because all physics confuse me, don't be like me and educate yourself with mhoram's "The Physics of KSP".

In his own words:

Be advised that this contains a lot of Science and is not for the faint of heart. ;)


This TOTM's challenge is very new, it was only posted yesterday, but it definitely deserves a look due to the effort 1greywind put into building the track for the Zero-G RCS Race!.

How fast can you get round?


To the Spacecraft Exchange now and we look at Hatbat's thread on military vehicles, looks like any goes as long as it's warlike :)


KSP's tunes are nice, but they could be better, UpsilonAerospace treats our ears to some new themes that really should be in the game, have a listen!


Finally we have lajoswinkler in the Science Labs, with his project to send a Jeb figurine into stratosphere.

How hard can rocket science be anyway? :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome to November, the days are getting shorter and colder (unless you're south of the equator), but nothing warms you up quite like rocket thrust, so let's see what we have this month :)


Starting in General Discussion, Sivert3 encourages us to consider optimising the costs associated with our craft, there's a lot to be said for a low cost launcher that minimises fuel expenditure, or for a fully reusable design for maximum recovery bonuses at the cost of greater fuel use.


Taking a look in the Spacecraft Exchange we see a very unusual craft indeed, an airship by Tsevion!

Taking advantage of KSP's glitches and quirks, this all-stock craft flies like a, well, I'll let you try it and find out for yourself :)


A familiar name on the forums and in the TOTM thanks to his frequent posting (spamming?), GregroxMun does it again and this time it's in the Challenge section.

The stock KSP craft are all kinda flawed by design, they are "almost good" except for something here or there that the player is welcome to fix, such as adding bigger boosters to the KerbalX.

Greg invites us to design some "stock" craft of our own...


Two threads from Fanworks this month, because I couldn't choose between them and because I can :P

First is Alizerin's mug, no not his face, his Kerbal mug he made when he was dragged to pottery class by his wife, it even has room for a snack in the bottom :D

Second Fanworks thread this month is an excellent mission report from maccollo of his flight to Venus in Real Solar System, if you like giant rockets you'll like this!


In Gameplay Questions, Northstar1989 tells us about off-world refuelling and what it's all about, as now we know Squad are looking at it again it's useful to have an idea of when and why you'd use it :)


We're taking a look in Development this month, as something popped up yesterday which I really think more people should see, and that is ZodiaK's suggestion that KSP use a Scratch style system for the action groups, seriously, how cool would this be?


The last thread this month comes from the Science Labs, Frank_G links us to news that the movie Interstellar doesn't just feature an "artists impression" of a black hole, but a vision of these monsters based on real astronomical data, rendered by computer and as accurate as we're ever going to get without seeing one up close for real.

We're always learning more about the universe around us, and even things as utterly destructive and implacable as a black hole can be beautiful...

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  • 1 month later...

Happy Wintereenmas everyone!

The dark days are upon us and it's the time to stock up on food to get through to the new year, so get ye to the shops and buy all the tasty things!


It's also a time to spend with good friends and family, to catch up with how they are doing and their hopes for the future.

And for us it's also time to look back on a few more threads, some recent, others not so much but still great and still worth a look.


Lets open the December TOTM with a challenge shall we? And what better than one that is themed for the time of year?

Welcome to TJPrime's Kadvent Kalender - 24 missions leading up to Christmas!

These will keep you distracted while Jeb gets the rocket sleigh fuelld up :)


Need help just getting off the ground for those challenges? Then check out Spheniscine's Guide, useful to have open in a window for new players ;)


Need a rocket? Need a real life rocket in KSP? Need it stock? Then danilon62 has what you need down at Bespin Aerospace - Completelly Stock Replicas of Real Stuff! - NOW TAKING REQUESTS!

Now what was that British design called that was going to use thousands of sep motors....


Maybe your desktop needs a tune up, but any good KSP player uses the loading screen image like a good Kerbal, what to do?

How about this new and improved loading screen, er I mean desktop background from gmiezis?

C'mon Squad, lets have a makeover, it even has snacks :D


An old thread now, but still alive, is Rhyunix's SESEOR Munbase- A pictorial Mission Report, there's a lot of content here, what will happen next?


Everyone who is anyone has heard of TheWinterOwl, but have you seen his video's?

Known as White Owl on the KSP forums, he's made a lot of video's and you can check them out here!


To the Science labs now and we take a look at xenomorph555's thread on the Mk1 pod from Indian Space Program.

I wonder how many Kerbals will fit in there :)


And finally, the Space Lounge, where Duke23 asks where all the retro PC enthusiasts / gamers are?

Got any old hardware? Does it still work? Can you show us? :D


That's it for now, have fun and fly safe!

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