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[1.3.x] SETI, Unmanned before Manned [Patreon]


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That particular setting wouldn't be buried in a SETI config file though, it would be changed via overwriting the remotetech config with Yemo's file which has simply made that change already, nothing is stopping anyone from changing it back, or choosing not to download the optional file. Part of balancing is providing sensible defaults, and many of the players who are interested in SETI appreciate the gameplay centric approach that also takes realism into account.

The last few pages have been talking about how to rebalance the EC system and remotetech because they weren't particularly well balanced, especially compared to the rest of SETI. As far as deciding how KSP is should be played vs rebalance, balancing is a difficult task and is very much intertwined with how the game is played. In fact, the way you play the game is heavily dependent on balance (unless you're simply building things for aesthetics) so we have to talk about how we want to play the game to make sure that the balance reflects that and doesn't create chokepoints where a player can easily get stuck without the parts they need, or give the player useless/overpowered parts. If you're main issue is with the proposed EC rebalance, the stock EC system is not consistent at all and we're trying to bring a sensible balance to the system, and remotetech is kind of a tangent off that since it's a popular mod that is heavily tied to the whole EC system and also happens to need its own rebalance.

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That particular setting wouldn't be buried in a SETI config file though, it would be changed via overwriting the remotetech config with Yemo's file which has simply made that change already, nothing is stopping anyone from changing it back, or choosing not to download the optional file. Part of balancing is providing sensible defaults, and many of the players who are interested in SETI appreciate the gameplay centric approach that also takes realism into account.

Exactly, I would just distribute a remote tech settings file to overwrite the stock one.

And sensible defaults is exactly what I would like to have for SETI.

In other news:

Alkaline Fuel Cells

As written before, they will consume 30times the resources.

But from 0.8.6 onwards, AFCs will be load dependent!

That means, if activated, they will only produce EC, if there is an energy demand!

If the 1EC/s cell is activated, but you only need 0.3EC/s, then the fuel cell will only produce at 30% capacity.

And concerning RemoteTech, I added antenna values to the rebalance:

* Reflectron DP-10 rebalanced, 0.02 EC/s instead of 0.1EC/s

* Communotron 16 rebalanced, 0.04 EC/s instead of 0.13EC/s

* CommTech EXP rebalanced, 0.06 EC/s instead of 0.18EC/s

* Communotron 32 rebalanced, 0.16 EC/s instead of 0.6EC/s

* DTS-M1 rebalanced, 0.2 EC/s instead of 0.82EC/s, later @advElectrics (behind R&D upgrade)

* KR-7 rebalanced, 0.05 mass instead of 0.5, 0.2 EC/s instead of 0.82EC/s, earlier @scienceTech

* KR-8 rebalanced, 0.15 mass instead of 1.2, 0.16 EC/s instead of 1.81EC/s, 0.1 cone instead of 0.01

* 88-88 rebalanced, 0.1 mass instead of 0.5, 0.21 EC/s instead of 0.93EC/s

* KR-14 rebalanced, 0.2 mass instead of 1.0, 0.21 EC/s instead of 0.93EC/s

* CommTech-1 rebalanced, 0.3 mass instead of 1.0, 0.3 EC/s instead of 2.6EC/s

* Reflectron GX-128 rebalanced, 0.18 mass instead of 0., 0.34 EC/s instead of 2.8EC/s

edit: CraftPacks

Also, the FAR craft pack and the maxMods craft pack will be merged, 3 packs is just too much effort to maintain.

Everything earlier than the MunProbe will only require the bold mods (Ven's Stock Part Revamp is now listed in bold), from the MunProbe onwards, the other part mods are used as well.

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Alkaline Fuel Cells

As written before, they will consume 30times the resources.

But from 0.8.6 onwards, AFCs will be load dependent!

That means, if activated, they will only produce EC, if there is an energy demand!

If the 1EC/s cell is activated, but you only need 0.3EC/s, then the fuel cell will only produce at 30% capacity.

That's quite a neat feature, how is it implement? In the past I tried something similar using the kOS, but it was a bit difficult to use (I had to start the script every time manually)

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That's quite a neat feature, how is it implement? In the past I tried something similar using the kOS, but it was a bit difficult to use (I had to start the script every time manually)

Actually it was quite simple, I just overlooked it all the time.

After every converter output resource, there is a dummy variable. If that is set to True, the converter continues converting even if there is no more storage space for that resource on the vessel.

If it is set to false, the converter stops if there is no space available. While I used it for other resources, I just did not think about setting that to false for EC.

So now the converter config looks like this:

name = REGO_ModuleResourceConverter
ConverterName = Fuel Cell 1kW
StartActionName = Start Fuel Cell 1kW
StopActionName = Stop Fuel Cell 1kW
RecipeInputs = Hydrogen, 0.120938774549499, Oxygen, 0.061687352238298
RecipeOutputs = ElectricCharge, 1, False, Water, 0.000097851562488, True

It needs Regolith/CommunityResourcePack, though TAC life support has an even better converter (which uses a factor, so for a 12kW fuel cell, you would just set the factor to 12 instead of having to multiply all resource amounts manually...)

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But that is only usefull for consumption when you have an energy shortage, but how do you intend to implement automatic power storage when you have an energy surplus from your solar panels? It would constrant manual switching.

In the past used a simple kOS script binded by action groups which depending on the the EC power storage level would either activate production of hydrogen or water. I always wonder why no one bothered to make a part which would do they same, it should not be so hard to create.

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But that is only usefull for consumption when you have an energy shortage, but how do you intend to implement automatic power storage when you have an energy surplus from your solar panels? It would constrant manual switching.

In the past used a simple kOS script binded by action groups which depending on the the EC power storage level would either activate production of hydrogen or water. I always wonder why no one bothered to make a part which would do they same, it should not be so hard to create.

I can't. And since the batteries will be able to store 12 times as much energy, they are now appropriate buffers for solar panels.

While the alkaline fuel cells are more like emergency fuel storage. When you really want to land on the wrong side of a moon/planet.

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I do like the idea of a system that uses fuel cells/elektrons as a kind of extended battery arrangement, the energy density would be much higher than batteries alone. I might have to give kOS a try again, although I seem to remember that it was a pretty demanding mod (i.e. tended to slow the game down) the last time I used it (which was quite awhile ago), has it improved in recent versions?

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Another thing I just remembered that I forgot to ask earlier:

The recent updates for Nightingale's contract configurator and contract packs now allow for dynamic contracts based on the game variables (like planet size) instead of having to hardcode values so they can be used with rescales without breaking, would it be possible at some point to do the same with the SETI contracts? Right now the only contracts that I can think of that might have an issue are the initial altitude contracts.

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@Lord Aurelius: Will take a look at those contracts.


You need to reassemble your vessels so that the changes work.

Especially regarding command parts, batteries and solar panels!

So if you have a craft design, detach all the parts from the command part, then add the command part again from the VAB and reattach the rest of the craft.

Same goes with batteries and solar panels, so that the changed stats are recognized.

You might want to put BackgroundProcessing on hold, until you are sure that you can supply your vessels with energy!

New Version 0.8.6

IMPORTANT: Massive EC rebalance, standardization of many parts to 1EC/s = 1kW = 1kJ/s

  • The mod Background Processing is now listed under the dependencies, though it is not a technical requirement
  • New TAC life support compatibility file, increases crew energy requirements by a factor of 20!
  • A 1 kerbal crew now requires 0.71EC/s instead of 0.036EC/s, 3 kerbals now require about 1.275EC/s
  • Probe Cores now require 2 twice as much energy (0.04EC/s instead of 0.02EC/s), but batteries have 12 times the capacity
  • So Background Processing is very strongly recommended, but not required without TAC life support

NEW Craft file

  • Many changes require the reassembly of craft designs
  • Eg only newly assembled (not launched, assembled!) command parts have the increased energy storage
  • Only newly attached solar panels have the correct size
  • 2 version of craft files: minMods and FAR+partMods (using bold mods until the Mun Probe ComSat)

Extended Mod Support, updated AutoPruner file

  • New dependency: Background Processing (non-technical)
  • EVA Fuel
  • SETI-Greenhouse (included in the manual download)
  • USI Karbonite

Solar Panels

  • Solar Panels renamed to reflect their output and shape
  • Models, Masses, TechNodes and Output of Solar Panels rebalanced, only applies to newly assembled vessels
  • Solar Panel models increased by a factor of about 2.3, to balance realistic W/m² (would need a factor of 3.24) with game optics
  • Solar Panels now use power curve resembling inverse square law, as set by CaptRobau for StockRebalance mod from stupid_chris
  • That means, with twice the distance from Kerbol, they are about 25% as effective
  • Eg at Duna Apoapsis (21.8Gm) Solar Panels are only about 39% as effective as they are around Kerbin (13.6Gm)
  • For Dres Apoapsis that goes down to about 8.4% and for the Joolean system the effectiveness is only about 3.5%
  • Use TweakScale and/or alternate energy sources to compensate

Fuel Cells, Batteries, RTGs

  • Alkaline fuel cells only produce energy, if the batteries are not full, thus they are now load dependent!
  • Alkaline fuel cells now require 30 times the input resources, but have increased resource storage
  • All batteries have massively increased capacity, eg former Z-100 battery now rated at 1200ec, instead of 100ec, only applies to newly assembled vessels
  • Batteries are also rebalanced in terms of part volume
  • RTGs rebalanced

Procedural Parts and Hydrogen Storage

  • Hydrogen tanks have much less dry mass and double the capacity
  • Procedural Food tank has higher density, you can now copy paste procedural water tank and switch to food for same supply duration
  • New TankTypeOption for the procedural TAC life support tank: Nutrients
  • Same volume/mass as Food, but cheaper and twice as mass efficient to transport
  • Nutrient storage needs much less dry mass per volume/mass compared to Food, it can be used for the SETI-Greenhouse


  • Reflectron DP-10 rebalanced, 0.04 EC/s instead of 0.1EC/s
  • Communotron 16 rebalanced, 0.06 EC/s instead of 0.13EC/s
  • CommTech EXP rebalanced, 0.08 EC/s instead of 0.18EC/s, earlier @electrics
  • Communotron 32 rebalanced, 0.16 EC/s instead of 0.6EC/s
  • DTS-M1 rebalanced, 0.2 EC/s instead of 0.82EC/s, later @advElectrics (behind R&D upgrade)
  • KR-7 rebalanced, 0.05 mass instead of 0.5, 0.2 EC/s instead of 0.82EC/s, earlier @scienceTech
  • KR-8 rebalanced, 0.15 mass instead of 1.2, 0.16 EC/s instead of 1.81EC/s, 0.1 cone instead of 0.01
  • 88-88 rebalanced, 0.1 mass instead of 0.5, 0.21 EC/s instead of 0.93EC/s
  • KR-14 rebalanced, 0.2 mass instead of 1.0, 0.21 EC/s instead of 0.93EC/s
  • CommTech-1 rebalanced, 0.3 mass instead of 1.0, 0.3 EC/s instead of 2.6EC/s
  • Reflectron GX-128 rebalanced, 0.24 mass instead of 0.5, 0.34 EC/s instead of 2.8EC/s, later @experimentalElectrics

Other Rebalances & Adjustments

  • Most RoverWheels earlier available
  • Hydroponics tech node in CTT renamed to advRecycling
  • Sabatier reactors earlier @advRecycling (new SETI-Greenhouse @shortTermHabitation)
  • 2.5m Skipper rocket engines later at heavierRocketry, use adapters and engine clusters for early 2.5m rockets
  • Procedural Real Fuel parts now follow the SETI diameter progression

Minor Changes and Fixes

  • Procedural HRBs fixed for RealFuels, thank you Chonner
  • RealFuels procedural parts diameter progression closer to SETI

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Nice, didn't realize Karbonite was scheduled for this update (on top of the whole EC rebalance and everything else), I'll have to play around with those parts, I especially like the propfan engine (on a side note, Karbonite is still listed in the development section).

Edit: The Probodyne Rovemate looks like it got missed in the EC rebalance, it still only holds 25EC. As an aside, there's a mod here that has a bunch of variants of this part with some interesting configs. It also makes it a probe core, which I actually like the idea of, especially since it's already listed in the game as a Probodyne.

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Nice, didn't realize Karbonite was scheduled for this update (on top of the whole EC rebalance and everything else), I'll have to play around with those parts, I especially like the propfan engine (on a side note, Karbonite is still listed in the development section).

Edit: The Probodyne Rovemate looks like it got missed in the EC rebalance, it still only holds 25EC. As an aside, there's a mod here that has a bunch of variants of this part with some interesting configs. It also makes it a probe core, which I actually like the idea of, especially since it's already listed in the game as a Probodyne.

Originally Karbonite was scheduled for 0.9.0, but a lot changed and I forgot to delete some half-done Karbonite configs for the 0.8.5 release. So I just wrapped it up to avoid the multi-version mess, the air intake engines were roughly balanced, it might need another pass in the future. Removed Karbonite from the dev section, thank you.

Yep, looks like I forgot the Rovemate. And I already found a few other issues.

For example there are a few size problems without Ven's Stock Part Revamp.

And the SETI Mun Probe ComSat craft file is messed up. The SolarArrays are now clipping into each other. This is the corrected version:

Download SETI Mun Probe ComSat - fixed craft file


The idea behind it is, that you do a Mun flyby, collecting some science with magnetometer and thermometer (if you can get below 30km) and then position the probe outside the Mun's sphere of influence on the same orbit around Kerbin. Either behind or in front of the Mun, it would be able to cover a good part of the "dark side" of the Mun. One KR-7 for communication with Kerbin, one for tracking an active vessel, and two for other stuff, eg further relay to Minmus or for other Mun Comsats. The Communotron 16 barely manages to reach the Mun, it could work for a dense low Mun Orbit Network or as a fall back, otherwise use the two KR-7.

The craft has double the amount of necessary solar panels for that mission, if you forget to align the craft correctly. It also has two batteries, one of them can be switched off as an emergency battery.

I guess some oversights had to be expected after that kind of patch.

KSPI integration needs some preliminary work, because of the TweakScale - Procedural Parts issues, so that may take some time.

Maybe I ll release a small patch within the next days, with some minor part pack supports or configs to at least put some more mods into the "AdditionalMods" section without too many inconsistencies.

Increasing basic mod compatibility with minimal workload.

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I break my lurking silence to say not only this patch is great, but also congratulate on the fact that max mod game can now reach RAM limit and crash (at least for me)

Thank you!

Breaking the RAM limit for windows is a major milestone, on to the next (breaking the windows RAM limit with normal ATM).

Hm, and another bug discovered, without Ven's Stock Part Revamp, the small batteries are as bad as before.

I might even have to release a minor bugfix patch.

edit: And the Karbonite SRBs should have been hidden/pruned...

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I got around the RAM limit by using -force-opengl, I don't like how blurry the textures look after ATM so I avoid using it if I can. It freed up enough RAM to be able to also use a few graphics mods like EVE and texture replacer while still being stable.

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Just thought I'd jump in here and say that adding the new dependencies on CKAN broke updateing of the mod. When you attempt to update the mod through CKAN it will say that BackGroundprocessing is not installed. The solution to this problem is to uninstall and reinstall SETI in CKAN. Do _not_ start your game between uninstalling and installing. The effect of this solution is that you perform manually what CKAN would otherways do automagically. Unfortunatly it does not currently support changing dependencies and then performing automatic updates.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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I got around the RAM limit by using -force-opengl, I don't like how blurry the textures look after ATM so I avoid using it if I can. It freed up enough RAM to be able to also use a few graphics mods like EVE and texture replacer while still being stable.

Thank you, I might have to update the OP, stating that the maxMods game scratches the win RAM limit. And maybe some short advide how to get around it (-force-opengl, ATM, LINUX!).

Just thought I'd jump in here and say that adding the new dependencies on CKAN broke updateing of the mod. When you attempt to update the mod through CKAN it will say that BackGroundprocessing is not installed. The solution to this problem is to uninstall and reinstall SETI in CKAN. Do _not_ start your game between uninstalling and installing. The effect of this solution is that you perform manually what CKAN would otherways do automagically. Unfortunatly it does not currently support changing dependencies and then performing automatic updates.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for the warning!

BackgroundProcessing is not a technical dependency, so there should not crashes or something because of that.

And the CKAN dependency change coincides with a pretty big "Savegame endangering" content patch for this mod, so changelog reading users might expect problems anyway.

Did i get it right - actual flying vessels will not change, so I do not have to save my kerbals immediately?

Well, KSP has quite some quirks/bugs, so I can not confirm that with certainty!

A problem is, that with BackgroundProcessing, you need a lot more energy, eg for ComSats and for life support if you use the new compatibility file.

But since your vessels may not update, they lack the battery capacity to fulfil those needs, resulting in problems.

With every major update, I recommend that you copy paste your Kerbal Space Center folder (since it has no DRM) and then apply the patch. So you can always go to your backup if things go wrong.

Also you might wait with installing BackgroundProcessing until you are able to update your ingame vessels, especially manned ones (since losing probes is part of a space program anyway).


I will try to release a minor patch later today (UTC), fixing some stuff and maybe including support of a mod which has been requested long ago.

It will also bring back the stock StackDecoupler, so you would have to unprune with the current SETI-AutoPruner file and then prune again with the new file.

This is a response to the twitch stream by "SmeggCo", who did a short introduction to the SETI-BalanceMod 0.8.5 on 25th of May.

Until the Mk1 command pod gets proper fairings...

edit: Those are the preliminary bug fix notes:

**Minor Changes and Fixes**

* Fixed Batteries (Z-100 and Z-400), they were not updated if Ven's StockPartRevamp was not installed

* Fixed Rovemate EC storage and HeavyDutyCommandSeat EC storage

* Fixed SETI Mun Probe ComSat craft file

* Removed Karbonite Boosters, which were forgotten, updated AutoPruner file

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It will also bring back the stock StackDecoupler, so you would have to unprune with the current SETI-AutoPruner file and then prune again with the new file.

Why not Deadly Reentry decoupler? If you are doing this because of clipping

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Why not Deadly Reentry decoupler? If you are doing this because of clipping

I need the TR-18A for the Mk1 pod and the Rockomax Brand for the Mk1-2 pod, if no other mods are installed.

Then I additionally need the UP-25 from DeadlyReentry to fit with the Mk1-2 + HeatShield, if StockPartRevamp is not installed.

But I can not use the Deadly Reentry ones as default, since not everyone uses Deadly Reentry or puts a HeatShield on the Mk1-2.

If Stock Part Revamp is installed, the Mk1-2 has an integrated HeatShield, thus I would only need the TR-18A and the Rockomax Brand and none from DeadlyReentry.

However Stock Part Revamp provides a shorter version of the Rockomax Brand, so in that constellation I will deactivate the normal Rockomax Brand and only use the shorter version...

It is quite a mess...

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As always, thanks again for making this amazing mod and for all the attention to detail (like with those decoupler parts) to make everything work together nicely.

I'm sure you've got plenty to keep you busy, but I found a few more mods that looked interesting:

Mk2 Essentials Adds a few new parts (like decouplers and a jet engine) that fit the Mk2 stack

TurboNisuReloaded Adds a few interesting structural parts that can't be duplicated with procedural parts, like a triangular plate and some new girder segments

Hangar Unloads a vessel and stores it in a hangar part and loads it again when taken out, i.e. doesn't count towards part limit, improves performance since parts are unloaded. Size/weight are taken into account so you can only store what would actually fit inside and still have the appropriate weight.

Hangar Extender For building those excessively large rockets that don't fit in the VAB

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As always, thanks again for making this amazing mod and for all the attention to detail (like with those decoupler parts) to make everything work together nicely.

I'm sure you've got plenty to keep you busy, but I found a few more mods that looked interesting:

Mk2 Essentials Adds a few new parts (like decouplers and a jet engine) that fit the Mk2 stack

TurboNisuReloaded Adds a few interesting structural parts that can't be duplicated with procedural parts, like a triangular plate and some new girder segments

Hangar Unloads a vessel and stores it in a hangar part and loads it again when taken out, i.e. doesn't count towards part limit, improves performance since parts are unloaded. Size/weight are taken into account so you can only store what would actually fit inside and still have the appropriate weight.

Hangar Extender For building those excessively large rockets that don't fit in the VAB

;-) Those decouplers are annoying as hell.

Well, the next patch today or tomorrow is mostly fixing stuff.

But I wanted to include a little more, to call it 0.8.7, so I turned to BoxSat, which was asked for way back in the beginning of February.

Unfortunately, BoxSat is incompatible with easy ModuleManager referencing (due to not following the no-spaces in folder names convention).

So about an hour ago, I searched for someting different, but small. And well, as it turns out, I m just finishing the Mk2Essentials support ;-)...

Though I want to do something about the contracts as well, before releasing 0.8.7.

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First I want to thank twitch streamer "tommyterrific22", who uses the SETI-BalanceMod for his sandbox game. At the moment he is assembling a Jool/Laythe mission craft in LKO.

New Version 0.8.7

IMPORTANT: This patch mainly provides fixes for the massive 0.8.6 changes, so take a look at that changelog

  • ContractConfigurator will be updated and many SETI-Contracts had to be adjusted, please report any issues in the SETI-thread
  • CKAN has problems with updating dependencies like BackgroundProcessing from the last update
  • So please uninstall and then reinstall SETI via CKAN to avoid this problem
  • Thank you Dazpoet for the workaround!

IMPORTANT: Reintroduced & New Parts, updated AutoPruner file

  • Please unprune with the old SETI-AutoPruner file and then prune again with the new file
  • Reintroduced the stock KSP Stack Decoupler, until Command Pods have proper fairings
  • New Procedural KAS Tank, TankTypeOptions for LFO, liquidFuel, Monoprop and Karbonite


  • Thank you to twitch streamer "SmeggCo", who is doing a career game with the SETI-BalanceMod!
  • Thank you to twitch streamer "tommyterrific22", who is launching a sandbox Jool mission with the SETI-BalanceMod!

Extended Mod Support

Rebalances & Adjustments

  • Shuffled around many Mk2 parts in the tech tree
  • Added TweakScale Support to Karbonite landing frames
  • SpotLights ligther and cheaper, Mk1 requires much more energy
  • Name of Karbonite Radial Lander Leg changed to Lander Leg, radial
  • Names of Mobility Enhancers changed, so all of them start with "Mobility Enhancer"
  • Naming scheme applied to Parachutes, in case RealChutes is not installed

Minor Changes and Fixes

  • Fixed several Karbonite air breather engine configs, since RoverDude used MM modding incompatible code
  • Fixed Batteries (Z-100 and Z-400), they were not updated if Ven's StockPartRevamp was not installed
  • Fixed Rovemate EC storage and HeavyDutyCommandSeat EC storage
  • Fixed Universal Storage Z-800 Battery
  • Fixed SETI Mun Probe ComSat craft file
  • Removed Karbonite Boosters, which were forgotten, updated AutoPruner file

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I like procedural KAS tank, but there are already two canisters from Karbonite. Maybe prune them in next version?

Some new Contract Configurator packs seem to go okay with SETI (like tourism, banking), I think there should be a proper list of SETI compatible contract packs.

Edit: Munar Surfaces Experiment package has been updated with a new experiment. I suggested it some time ago but you never acknowledged it

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I like procedural KAS tank, but there are already two canisters from Karbonite. Maybe prune them in next version?

Some new Contract Configurator packs seem to go okay with SETI (like tourism, banking), I think there should be a proper list of SETI compatible contract packs.

Edit: Munar Surfaces Experiment package has been updated with a new experiment. I suggested it some time ago but you never acknowledged it

Please keep in mind that the KAS tank is experimental, and I m not sure yet how it plays out with KIS, once that got its patch I will try again.

About the contracts, I did not look at contracts very much, since I m not playing a proper career myself. With Contract Configurator 1.0 coming out, I might take a look after that.

Until then if you have a working list, I could include it in the OP.

Also I kind of lost the proper version of my backlog, so I will have to crawl through the thread again, to find out what I m missing...

Which I did not do yet, since there was no shortage of stuff to do.

Development Plans 0.9+

With the unplanned EC rebalance done and the bug fix patch out (though ContractConfigurator 1.0 might require another SETI update), it is time to take a look at the planned SETI-BalanceMod progress again.

There are basically 4 "mod complexes", which were on the ToDo/Development list since the first release of the SETI-BalanceMod, but did not make it yet, due to various reasons.

1. KSPI extended, planned for 0.9.0

After the EC intermezzo, this is the priority again. The tweakscale/procedural parts issue might require unpleasant stop gap measures, but it should be manageable.

2. MCM/MKS/OKS, moved to "Additional Mods"

With RoverDudes planned restructuring and MCM's current balancing restrictions, it is just not time-efficient to specifically rebalance them. And they are kind of "in their own league" anyway, having relatively little overlap with the already SETI supported mods, so not a priority to rebalance them.

3. Tantares, we be rebalanced enough to fit into the "Additional Mods" with some of the 0.9.x patches

It adds a great variety of parts, which also was one of the problems for integration. It was just too big before getting the basics in order. The EC rebalance hopefully was the the last of the major game breakers. But it is still quite large...

4. B9 Aerospace, planned for "Additional Mods", when I have the time

Same problem as with Tantares, but less priority, because at the moment there is at least some selection of cockpits, but essentially very few non-shuttle space pods.

Additional Mods Category

This category in the OP is the new focus for mod support after KSPI. Imho the SETI core is strong enough (indicated by scratching the RAM limit) and it is more time efficient to remove the worst inconsistencies, than to fully rebalance everything.

Going this route allows for more mod diversity and greater general compatibility at the price of some consistency.

The focus of those rougher "integrations", will be

1. EC balance, to allow them to work within the SETI EC framework using BackgroundProcessing

2. Reaction wheels, which are usually off by a factor of 10 or so compared to SETI

3. Rough edges, like drastic mass or thrust balance issues

Names and costs are not the focus, especially the first one gets a bit tiresome. I kind of lack the motivation to mob up after mods, which fail to use a halfway player friendly naming scheme.


That is one of the areas where I will put more effort into. While the SETI-BalanceMod brings the modded gameplay into some better shape, the documentation is still a problem. There are very good guides for RemoteTech and FAR, and Kolonization should get better with RoverDudes rework and the increase effort which goes into the documentation. But for other aspects, like TAC LifeSupport recycling, it looks very challenging to people who did not "grow with the mods" or are fast adapters.

I can not replace a full guide, but I already started making much better descriptions for TAC Life Support recyclers in game and I believe something like an overview would already help tremendously in most cases.

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Sounds good, I like your extended plan for SETI and I'm glad to see that the core is almost done.

The only other thing I can think of suggesting that might fit in the core is a mod that tweaks the stock science experiments, i.e. I always thought it was silly that the scientists at KSP seem to magically know that certain bodies are airless, and where the boundaries of their atmospheres are with space and so disable the barometer in those settings (note: this isn't necessarily my idea, BTSM does this and after playing it I've been annoyed with the stock science experiments ever since). Some kind of radiation experiment would be nice as well, I think FASA has a Geiger counter part with an appropriate experiment definition that would work well. Also, were you still considering adding a basic telemetry experiment to the probes?

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