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The KSP Community My Little Pony Megathread


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Hey guys,

I decided to stop by and see how everyones doing. I got told by a good friend high up that this thread was still going. I hope all of you have been having a great time. Thanks to this friend, I've found my interest in KSP again and he is currently assisting me with dealing with several...past issues. I hope that...I hope you've all been well. I'm sorry for leaving too.

I had to think a while.

Nice to see this thread still going strong though!

With care,


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I like the first one of those three. The second one seems a bit on the suggestive side, and I just don't really like the art style of the third.

i agree with the first one, because fluttershy is best pony. i dont agree with you on the second, as i think you just have a dirty mind and i agree with you on the third also.

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So i was out in a corn maze tonight with my Boy Scout troop, and after finishing you got to say something over the loudspeakers that are all over the park. So i get to the end, and said into the mic "Rainbow Dash is best pony". I couldn't resist doing it.

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A while ago, I dreamt up part of a pony fanfiction project wherein Celestia (and perhaps Luna) one day disappear(s) and the sun goes out. The peoples of the surface scramble for a solution before their world freezes... I didn't develop the story very far, but some ideas I had included managing food supplies without sun; pegasi pushing their cloud factories to their limits to create a global cloud-shield to keep heat from leaving the earth; and/or Twilight being called upon to Manehattan by the Royal Guard to oversee the construction of, and to captain an emergency spacecraft to investigate the now-cold sun.


I drew indirect inspiration for this project from this post by Lauren Faust:


I had been reading about mechanical computer systems on the Atomic Rockets website and began imagining a pony-crewed spacecraft operating on clockwork. Gear assemblies would coordinate life support and maneuvering; nomograms would hang on the wall, and each crew member would keep a supply of slide rules and paper in their cabinets; and a large armillary sphere would sit in the center of the astrogation room, as well as telescopes and other astronomical equipment to keep track of the spacecraft's trajectory in space... Analog gauges would be present on most decks of the ship.


Rainbow Dash comes into this somewhere, maybe.


The rocket was to be propelled by superheated gas passing through a reactor built of crystals enchanted by some new, and/or very powerful spell, to produce enormous amounts of heat when brought into close contact with each other. The enchantments required are part of what brings Twilight onto the project. This magic-thermal rocket would have considerably more delta-V than an Earthly solid-core nuclear thermal system.

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Sorry to bother everyone with this post but this Peice of trash ended up on Voyager labs wall and I would like to share what he posted...

The Typical "Brony"


I call this BS and thought I should share what "Geronimo" Said about us...

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