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[Question] UV layouts and texturing issue..

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Is there a way to combine UV layouts into one from multiple different objects in Blender? When I go to unwrap each object, they disappear and I can only see them when I go to edit mode on that object. Was it a mistake to separate my model before I textured it?

Edit: I guess my question is, how do you texture an item like an engine that is made of multiple childed objects?

Edited by Quiznos323
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You have to join them back together to unwrap, and then split em up again. Yepp, it sucks.

I think in 3ds max there are ways to unwrap multiple meshes together, and for Blender there are helpful plugins that let you workaround this.

There was another thread about the same thing, take a look: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/89360-SOLVED-Unwrapping-multiple-objects-on-a-single-texture?highlight=multiple

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Ok, thank you for answering :) . I did end up joining it back together and took that opportunity to improve the model some. The only issue that I'm having when I go to unwrap parts of it, is that even though only some faces are selected, when I hit "unwrap" the whole thing gets highlighted and unwrapped... I haven't had this issue in Blender before and I wonder if I hit some feature by accident and I don't know how to turn it off..

Only reason I ask is because many google searched have turned up nothing haha.

Also as a side question... I've noticed that both you (specifically on the Nuclear Lightbulb) and Ven have been able to create engines that, when gimballing, move the supports connected to the bell with it. I've tried to find out how to create this effect and so far I think that the supports have to be their own objects, but beyond that I'm not sure how to set it up..

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I've never seen that behavior where it selects additional faces when you hit unwrap! If you figure out what's causing it, definitely post back here to let us know, because if I ever DO have that problem, it'll make me throw things around the room! A temporary work-around for you.... Pin and unpin coordinates so they don't move on the next unwrap. So you'd start be unwrapping the whole model, then in the uv/image editor select all the UV's.... move them off to the side, and press P to pin them in place. Now you can select just the part you actually want to unwrap, press Alt-P to unpin them, and unwrap them, and everything else should stay put. Position and tune the piece you're working with, then press P to pin it. Select the next bit and do it again!

I hope porkjet doesn't mind me answering your question about how he makes magic...

The secret is module FXModuleLookAtConstraint . Take a look at the .cfg file for the lightbulb engine and you'll see that module with a bunch of blocks that look like this :



targetName = Anchor01

rotatorsName = Piston01


Those blocks tell KSP that an item named Piston01 should always point towards an empty game object (or other model object) named Anchor01. So, for example, you set the pivot point on Piston01 to be the point that should remain fixed on the engine housing... then parent an empty named Anchor01 to the gimballed nozzle. That way, when the thrustTransform moves, the nozzle moves, dragging the Anchor objects with it, and the pistons wriggle on their pivot point to keep aiming at the targets. (You also can set it up exactly opposite, where the Pistons are parented to the nozzle and move with it, and the Anchor objects are fixed in place on the engine housing. I didn't look to see how Porkjet did it.)

If you need more travel room before the piston pops apart you can set one end of the piston attached to the house and the other end attached to the nozzle (each with their pivots set to the point where they touch their parent) and then make them look at each other, so the whole thing will stay lined up over a pretty wide range of travel and the pistons will just slip inside each other.... like a piston.

If that wasn't clear, let me know and I'll try again. You can also see the constraints used a lot in Cpt. Kipard's thread on his skylon landing gear!

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Yes, I AM wanting to throw stuff around right now! I'll try the pinning and see how that works for me :) If not, I can always try to move the mesh to another .blend and see if that works..

Thank you! That is exactly what I was looking for. Your explanation was clear and I'll play with how it works when I get home (in class right now lol). The real challenge for me is going to be the texturing... I've been reading Cpt. Kipard's threads on it and there seems to be a lot that goes into it, but I want to make sure my parts are as pretty as possible :)

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Ok, thank you for answering :) . I did end up joining it back together and took that opportunity to improve the model some. The only issue that I'm having when I go to unwrap parts of it, is that even though only some faces are selected, when I hit "unwrap" the whole thing gets highlighted and unwrapped...

If you want to unwrap only the selected faces, then go to the image viewer window and hit E

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If you want to unwrap only the selected faces, then go to the image viewer window and hit E

Hmm I just tried it and I didn't see any change, but I moved the whole thing to another .blend and it seems to be working fine now. Don't know what happened to the other one but at least I can move on now.

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