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[1.9-1.10] Throttle Controlled Avionics


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15 hours ago, danielboro said:

I compered the zip from GitHub and gamedata
I have all the files (in dir 000_AT_Utils and dir ThrottleControlledAvionics)
non is missing

AT_Utils is a separate mod.  You need to install that.  The error message you're getting indicates that it is not.  If you install TCA through CKAN, it'll pull this in for you, btw.

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2 hours ago, ss8913 said:

AT_Utils is a separate mod.  You need to install that.  The error message you're getting indicates that it is not.  If you install TCA through CKAN, it'll pull this in for you, btw.

if a mod is in CKAN I use it over manuel install
including TCA (I only have 2 non CKAN mods of 116)

just to be sure I compered the files in AT-utils-1.5.0.zip from GitHub
all files are in place
including 000_AT_Utils.version

my problem is ether a bug or misunderstanding of the new GUI

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On 12/4/2017 at 6:30 PM, danielboro said:

if a mod is in CKAN I use it over manuel install
including TCA (I only have 2 non CKAN mods of 116)

just to be sure I compered the files in AT-utils-1.5.0.zip from GitHub
all files are in place
including 000_AT_Utils.version

my problem is ether a bug or misunderstanding of the new GUI

Or both.

In any case it would help greatly if you provide some screenshots or a short video of what's going wrong.

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Is it possible that you could add a function to activate/deactivate TCA Modules midflight?
I have somtimes the problem that all modules are deactivated if I connect the vessel with another vessel using KAS and KIS. I tested that it is possible to activate the modules by editing the save game but doing this every time is very annoying. 

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11 hours ago, NepalRAWR said:

Is it possible that you could add a function to activate/deactivate TCA Modules midflight?
I have somtimes the problem that all modules are deactivated if I connect the vessel with another vessel using KAS and KIS. I tested that it is possible to activate the modules by editing the save game but doing this every time is very annoying. 

Hm... Modules cannot be changed in flight purely to increase game difficulty; technically this would require some work, yes, but not that much.

More importantly, there's a general problem of docking two TCA-capable vessels (KIS or not). Each has its own config, but only one could be used. Current architecture doesn't quite support this use case; so that's what I'll be working on: one should be able to switch between control modules with TCA, and the ships have to remember their configs when undocked.

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3 hours ago, allista said:

Hm... Modules cannot be changed in flight purely to increase game difficulty; technically this would require some work, yes, but not that much.

More importantly, there's a general problem of docking two TCA-capable vessels (KIS or not). Each has its own config, but only one could be used. Current architecture doesn't quite support this use case; so that's what I'll be working on: one should be able to switch between control modules with TCA, and the ships have to remember their configs when undocked.

i have a suggestion for this
after docking call it an upgrade and all modules are (on+on=on,on+off=on,off+on=on and only off+off =off)

ihad the same problem wen an old ship docked whit a new ship and then the new ship lost the modules it had
fixed by editing the save file

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9 minutes ago, danielboro said:

i have a suggestion for this
after docking call it an upgrade and all modules are (on+on=on,on+off=on,off+on=on and only off+off =off)

ihad the same problem wen an old ship docked whit a new ship and then the new ship lost the modules it had
fixed by editing the save file

That's an interesting idea, but modules are only a part of the configuration; other parts should not, in general, be merged. Take engine profiles for example.

Also, if you can upgrade modules by docking, why not OTA?

The "story" behind immutable modules is that a module may require not only the software, but also some hardware. And that upgrading the mainframe may brick the thing; and you wouldn't want that in deep space. Or in an LKO, for that matter :cool:

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the new ships spear parts closet was raided, the parts oiled and hammered in to place :cool:

7 minutes ago, allista said:

mainframe may brick the thing; and you wouldn't want that in deep space. Or in an LKO, for that matter

nor on muner orbit wen your fuel tanker needs to land on a docking port (of the miner) but lost the landing module :P
and your pilot (me) is not that good (the ship i had to edit i mentioned)

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10 hours ago, allista said:

Hm... Modules cannot be changed in flight purely to increase game difficulty; technically this would require some work, yes, but not that much.


I wonder if you could be talked into considering loosening that stance a bit, at least as an option? I've always thought you've placed the unlocks for the various parts somewhat too high in the Tech Tree.

For instance, I've not been able to try out the highly anticipated Remote Vehicle function of the Squadron module because I'm still mucking about building stuff in low Earth orbit for this game (using RSS, obviously). I'd love to have a TCA-for-all option here, since it'd be a big help automating some of the more repetitive aspects of station building, but it's going to be a while before I head up that branch.

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@Mandella You can achieve a TCA-for-all type option using a personal ModuleManager patch. Copy the below into a blank text file and save it as GameData/TCAforAll.cfg. It will put all the TCA module upgrades into the start node of the tech tree. If you are playing with unlock costs enabled then you will still have to pay for them.


	@TechRequired = start



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can you use TCA to control a normal airplane to follow a route ? because when i try it just point up and  lose control once reach the limit
i tried with a vtol and the cruise control speed limit was not working  allway brake and start again never go above 100ms when set to 500 for testing 
or i need a tutorial for that 
i need a space plane autopilot for long range atmosphere  traveling   like  in both pole

need a tutorial with cruise  and if it suposed to work for normal  aircraft  too



Edited by buder2
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I have only been using this mod for a day or so now, but I'm trying to rendezvous with another vessel and it tells me there are only maneuver/manual engines in the profile and that I need to change it. I tried all the different settings in the profile, enabled it, and so on but it still won't let me rendezvous. Can anyone give me a quick set of instructions as to how to configure these engine profiles? Thanks.

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I think I've found a bug... using RCS thrusters that have thrust limiter capability (KSPIE's do this, others might)... TCA wants to change the thrust limiter values (not sure why, these are RCS).. I suppose that's kind of ok, but the "bug," in my opinion, is that when you push Y to turn TCA off.. it doesn't reset these back to 100%.  So now I've got TCA off because I'm in space and I have inline thrust that doesn't need it, but my left front and right rear RCS are not set to 100% (it seems random as to which get touched) and this unbalances the craft... could TCA perhaps put everything back the way it originally was when TCA is turned off?

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On 12/16/2017 at 8:28 AM, bolbies said:

I have only been using this mod for a day or so now, but I'm trying to rendezvous with another vessel and it tells me there are only maneuver/manual engines in the profile and that I need to change it. I tried all the different settings in the profile, enabled it, and so on but it still won't let me rendezvous. Can anyone give me a quick set of instructions as to how to configure these engine profiles? Thanks.

Typically you don't need to configure them... just only activate the engines you want... what engines are you using?  TCA doesn't always like non-stock engines, but the stock stuff and anything else that uses stock fuels (such as KW rocketry, at least with instant response mode) usually are fine, as are the KSPIE engines (mostly)... I haven't used every mod's engines with it though, so please tell us which engines you're using?

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On 12/18/2017 at 2:57 AM, ss8913 said:

I think I've found a bug... using RCS thrusters that have thrust limiter capability (KSPIE's do this, others might)... TCA wants to change the thrust limiter values (not sure why, these are RCS).. I suppose that's kind of ok, but the "bug," in my opinion, is that when you push Y to turn TCA off.. it doesn't reset these back to 100%.  So now I've got TCA off because I'm in space and I have inline thrust that doesn't need it, but my left front and right rear RCS are not set to 100% (it seems random as to which get touched) and this unbalances the craft... could TCA perhaps put everything back the way it originally was when TCA is turned off?

Thanks, will fix that.

FYI, TCA balances RCS the same way it balances engines; this helps a lot when the CoM shifts, or if it's impossible to balance RCS in the first place. But there's no user configuration, so most people don't even know TCA does this :rolleyes:

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4 hours ago, Horus said:

Hi, @allista

I really enjoy playing with your mod. Recently, I tried to use it with AirPlane Plus mod

However, helicopter rotators are not working properly with TCA. Can you please hist me what need to be done to make'em work together?




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On 12/18/2017 at 6:39 AM, ss8913 said:

Typically you don't need to configure them... just only activate the engines you want... what engines are you using?  TCA doesn't always like non-stock engines, but the stock stuff and anything else that uses stock fuels (such as KW rocketry, at least with instant response mode) usually are fine, as are the KSPIE engines (mostly)... I haven't used every mod's engines with it though, so please tell us which engines you're using?

Sorry for the late reply. I forgot to just hit the autoconfigure button so it all works now. Thanks for your help though!

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Hi allista,

firstly, thanks for your awesome mods! Secondly, thanks for your reply to my question on your profile - the issue disappears when uninstalling TCA - hence my post here.

Basically, I cannot enter the SPH or VAB, and upon entering any of the other buildings am unable to leave them. Looking at the console output, I saw this message:

MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'AT_Utils.ConfigNodeObject.SaveInto'.

As some backround, I was using TCA on 1.3.1 previously without a problem; I first encountered the problem when updating a mod which came with ModuleManager 3.0.1. Unfortunately I don't remember which mod this was (maybe KSPIE?) - I installed several other mods at the same time, ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads, Hangar, GroundConstruction, and Configurable Containers among them. I hope this is relevant.


Dropbox link to logs:


Mod list:


There are many - which is why it took me so long to track down, sorry.

  • 000_AT_Utils
  • 000_FilterExtensions
  • 000_FilterExtensions_Configs
  • 000_USITools
  • AtmosphereAutopilot
  • CommunityCategoryKit
  • CommunityResourcePack
  • CommunityTechTree
  • ConfigurableContainers
  • DistantObject
  • EVAEnhancementsContinued
  • FerramAerospaceResearch
  • Firespitter
  • FMRS
  • FShangarExtender
  • GroundConstruction
  • InterstellarFuelSwitch
  • KAS
  • KerbalEngineer
  • KerbalReusabilityExpansion
  • KIS
  • Kopernicus
  • Kronometer
  • MechJeb2
  • MechJeb2 Embedded
  • ModularFlightIntegrator
  • ModuleManager.3.0.1.dll
  • OPT
  • OPT_FAR.cfg
  • OPT_USI.cfg
  • PlanetShine
  • ProceduralFairings
  • RealPlume
  • RealPlume-Stock
  • RecoveryController
  • SCANsat
  • scatterer
  • SKY
  • SmokeScreen
  • StockVisualEnhancements
  • Trajectories
  • TweakScale
  • UmbraSpaceIndustries
  • WarpPlugin

I hope that I've: a. posted in the right place; b. provided enough information; and c. done enough digging of my own to warrant a post - I don't wish to waste anyone's time.

Thanks again for your work! It has added great depth to the game and I really appreciate it.



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I'm going to post some tips here that I've discovered over years of using this mod.. things that confused me at first, but which now make sense, and also I'm going to ask a couple of questions about some features which I've never used and don't fully understand the behavior of, in hopes that someone else knows...

The stuff I do know:

1. In VAB/SPH, always open TCA and enable all the modules (in the last few versions this is necessary, at least)
2. If you're building a space station which your ships will dock with, ensure that the space station itself has the modules enabled, or sometimes docking/undocking a ship will disable the TCA modules for the ship.
3.  Make sure to set your RCS thrust limiters back to 100%, if your RCS modules have thrust limiters (KSPIE RCS do), when you turn off TCA; Allista has said that this behavior will be fixed next update.
4. You may notice at times that if your engines are in "thrust and maneuver" mode, invoking a maneuver causes a loss of altitude, sometimes catastrophically.  This is because the induced torque for the maneuver is causing the aggregate thrust of the engines to drop below that which is required to maintain altitude.  The solution is more/larger engines.
4a. For KSPIE engines, thermal engines at least, they make a lot more net power in Atmospheric mode than in closed-cycle mode.  Make sure to do your VTOL tests with both to make sure your engines are large enough.  

EDIT: 5. KSPIE and TCA work really well together now, thanks to Allista making some changes in the past to interact with KSPIE's engines better.  9000t heavy cargo SSTOs are now a thing you can do by combining these 2 mods.  I have a craft that can literally drop a 3500t payload at any given lat/lon in the known universe, provided that lat/lon is on reasonably flat and solid ground.  And return to KSC without refueling.

and now the stuff I do not know:

5. VTOL mode - not VTOL assist - what is this for?  I've never touched this button.
6. Cruise/fly-to destination - sometimes this works, and sometimes it doesn't.  Even when the craft has massive reaction wheels and tons of torque plus a lot of thrust balancing, sometimes it just sort of... doesn't operate the controls.
7.  Bearing control/maneuver control - a lot of the time, the amount of torque applied to execute an orientation change is.. minimal.  Far less than what is possible manually or through other autopilot systems.  I'm assuming there are PIDs and other values that can be tuned to increase the maximum applied torque, but I'm not sure how to do that.  May be related to #6

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On 20/12/2017 at 1:49 PM, allista said:



So airplane plus helicopter blades dont work? Or has this been resolved?


I have a few helicopters using airplane plus parts i was thinking of using this mod with ="

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1 hour ago, Hs.Panda said:

So airplane plus helicopter blades dont work? Or has this been resolved?


I have a few helicopters using airplane plus parts i was thinking of using this mod with ="

Not at this time -- the mod uses a different "kind" of engine for its rotors, and TCA doesn't hook into them.

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so.. I think I'm just noticing this now due to the weights of the craft I'm making today but... with the KSPIE thermal engines... TCA seems to work fine in atmospheric mode, in Kerbin gravity... works fine in closed-cycle hydrazine mode on the mun, due to the low thrust torque due to the low gravity, but... using hydrazine (closed-cyle) on Kerbin, the craft just pitches up uncontrollably even with full pitch-down command.  Looking at the engines, it's got the front engines at 100% and the rears at about 65% (roughly all 4 are balanced around CoM).  If I turn off TCA and manually mess with it, the rears should be at about 89-90% for level hover... TCA is just .. not understanding this.  But only when hydrazine is selected as a propellant.. for atmospheric mode it works, and I'm baffled as to why that would matter..?


Using KSP 1.3.1, TCA 3.5.0, KSPIE, FAR.. think that's all the relevant stuff...

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are there any known issues with the rendezvous AP casing the game to lock up?

having repeated issues the MOMENT i enbable it,should note the craft is in lko, and the target is in solar- checking first before diving into my (massive) list of mods for things that could be responsible

*coughs* or am i an idiot, and should i wait till im in the same SOI? >.<

Edited by GantradiesDracos
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