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[1.9-1.10] Throttle Controlled Avionics


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9 hours ago, gargamel said:

Love this mod, great work @allista.  I've been able to make a cargo/tanker VTOL mk3 with this mod, along with many other craft.  I'd like to be able to do air to air refueling (with other mods obviously), but while you're plinking around with orbital maneuvers, keep that in the back of your mind.  I'd bet a lot of your code/leg work for smooth air to air docking is already there.

On a side note, you should maybe throw a nod out to the mk2 expansion pack and the MRS engine pack, both of which contain some wonderful vtol style engines that work beautifully with your mod. 

Haven't heard of the air-to-air refueling mods, so can't say what is needed for them to work, but currently the Anchor module in TCA allows to "pin" the craft to a point on the surface underneath it; after some oscillations around that point the craft should, eventually, settle above it with almost zero (~0.1m/s) constantly corrected drift.

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There is no special mod for air-to-air refueling, but with help of Infernal Robotic, KIS/KAS and probably few more mods in combination, @V8jester have done just that.



Tricky part there is how to control two crafts at the same time in atmosphere, new TCA feature for squadron control can help with that. It was not available at time when this video is created.

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Thanks @kcs123

@gargamel if you are looking for air to air refueling help. I put together a thread just for that.

Air to air refueling like a boss

10 hours ago, allista said:


Anchor module in TCA allows to "pin" the craft to a point on the surface underneath it; after some oscillations around that point the craft should, eventually, settle above it with almost zero (~0.1m/s) constantly corrected drift.

Hmmm, I may need to actually redownload TCA. I had stopped using it because it was allowing me to be a bit more sloppy with my VTOL's. But I respect the heck out of what TCS can do. But there are some new features I'd really like to check out!

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On 3/22/2016 at 2:24 AM, Azrael the Sorrowful said:

So, out of curiosity, when can we expect an official release of TCA3? I'm quite excited for it. We gonna have toi wait for 1.1 or you planning on sooner than that?

Good question. As far as the forum/bugtracker goes, TCA3 is usable enough to be called stable. The only thing that holds me (aside from my main work) is the most boring part -- the unfinished Manual. With so many new features I dare not publish without it.

And don't remind me of v1.1... It's a modder's nightmare! Every plugin will be badly broken when it's out. Changing game engine's major version always wreaks havoc.

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TCA3 BETA v40 2016.03.26

This is a Release build, meaning there's no color debug lines protruding from each vessel and much less spam in logs.

This is a bug-fixing release.


* ThrottleControl now automatically zeroes Throttle when DeltaV is too small.
* Improved TimeWarpControl accuracy.
* TranslationControl is disabled if unneded.
* Fixed SquadControl.FollowMe that caused NRE when applied to a vessel that was already goint to a target.
* Improved HSC logic:
    Added manual translation multiplier that depends on the angle between MaxMT and
    current Fwd vector. This reduces lateral velocity gain when a vessel starts to a
    target torwards which it has to turn cosiderably (> 90deg).
    Also HSC does not perform thrust vector rotation when starting to a target while
    having manual thrust. To put it simply, if you're idle, first turn to your
    target, then start to move.
* Turned the Radar into a separate career part (see the picture).
* Made Follow Terrain functionality dependant on the Radar.
* Fixed DesiredAltitude calculation when AltitudeControl is switched On.
* Fixed Inputs registration as OptionalModules in ModuleDatabase.
* Slightly optimized LimitInDirection method.
* Moved WaypointOverlay removal from destructor to Reset. The destructor is not being called.
* Added back CFG.Nav.Off() to HSC when enabling the Stop program. This fixes the
conflict with the Anchor.
* CruiseControll module is now active only when the corresponding program is.
* Converted AutoTune toggle -> ButtonSwitch, and moved it to ControllerProperties.
* Converted AutoThrottle to ButtonSwitch.
* Added explicit "Macro:" tag to current macro button.
* Fixed Level autopilot.
* DisableVSC method now also unblocks throttle.


Older ChangeLog Entries


* Added full career-mode integration with various TCA Modules distributed along the TechTree as dummy parts.
* Added automatic CareerPart name generation.
* Added python framework to automatically generate dummy TechTree parts.
* Added TCA Parts Info to advanced pane in the TCA GUI.
* Added simple model for TCA Modules in TechTree.
* Improved CruiseControl: NeededVelocity may now be set with MaxNavSpeed slider
and with pitch-yaw controls; which themselves do not cause vessels rotation
directly anymore.
* Added FormationUpdateTimer that forces recompilation of the Formation each 60 seconds.
* Corrected HSC ManualTranslation logic. Fixed regular translation usage.
* Converted VTOLAssist and FlightStabilizer toggles to optional ButtonSwitches.
* Made "Follow Terrain" a button switch instead of the toggle.
* Fixed prograde/retrograde orientation in AttitudeController; activation of T-SAS automatically dewarps.
* Improved DewarpTime calculation. Added automatic dewarping on SOI change.
* Fixed TimeToBurn (aka Estimated Burn Time) calculation.
* Fixed MaxMassFlow calculation.
* Increased maximum navigation speed to 500m/s.
* Using maximum torque instead of prev.frame torque to compute TorqueResponseTime.
* Filtered out some noise from AttitudeControl circuitry.

* Fixed problem with airbreathing engines being stuck in flameout state after game reloading  when landed.
* Removed redundand "slow acceleration" routine from PointNavigator. Current VSC+HSC cope with aerodynamic problems.
* Anchor takes into account SlowTorque using TorqueResponseTime as distance modifier.
* Improved landing by decreasing downward velocity when drifting horizontally. This prevents rolling over, ensuring that there's almost no lateral drift when
the ship finally lands.

* Fixed rendezvous bug that was caused by changing VesselRanges on vessel load.
* Fixed SRB problem.
* Increased ExhaustSafeDist after smjames's tests.
* More or less finished Basics, Profiles, Attitude and VSC sections of the INSTRUCTIONS.
* Renamed "Use Throttle" to "AutoThrottle" for consistency.
* Fixed AppLauncher showing white square instead of the icons.
* Fixed the bug with the Editor window not becoming Available on vessel load.

* Fixed throttle-blocking logic that disabled engines on MatchVel, but not reenabled them on disabling the program.
* Working on the markdown maual for TCA3 in a separate file not hardcoded into plugin:
    * Added markdown parser that compiles a rich-text TCA manual into a separate window with tabs for sections. 
    * Added MAN toolbar button; the button is now always visible and summons Manual by default.
    * Added help button to EnginesProfileEditor.
* When TCA is Enabled, force update active profile, lest TCA shut off the engines in midflight.
* Added exhaust damage safe offset

* Added SASBlocker service to automatically handle stock SAS.
* Fixed Radar issue on landing: added TCAService framework and used it to control when the Radar is working; previously the Radar decided if it's needed directly looking at vessel config.
* Fixed misleading status changes on AutoLanding.
* Fixed AttitudeControl of slow engines.
* Added MatchVelocity and BrakeNearTarget macro actions.
* Added LICENSE file with all licenses applied to various files.
* Changed license of the new files to CC-BY-SA-4.0, compatible with the original CC-BY-SA-3.0

* Fixed two bugs in CPS
* Fixed NREs on engine/vessel destruction
* Tuned HSC to prevent wobbling of heavy crafts on takeoff/landing.
* Added usage of engines' exhaust info in CPS to avoid being tourched.
* Added MatchVelocity orbital autopilot with immediate and near-target modes.
* Raised waypoint icons a little.
* Fixed attitude control with slow engines; and during sudden changes in thrust.
* Fixed horizontal speed control with slow engines; and flickering of needed velocity with fast engines.
* As a result of the above, slow engines may now be used as MainEngines. Carefully.
* CPS:
    * Fixed flickering of course corrections.
    * Fixed accidental landings during maneuvering at low altitudes.
    * Now choosing which of the pair of colliding crafts controlled by TCA will take evasive actions; less maneuvering, less chaos.
* Improved Radar: 
    * When flying to some target (GoTo, Path) only checking for obstacles before the target: if a craft plans to stop before a building, no need to try to fly higher than its roof.    
    * Added yet another short raycast to check for obstacles on course near the craft.
    * Several minor bugfixes.
* Fixed flickering of needed velocity in a formation.
* Fixed a conflict of the attitude control with automatic SteeringModifier changes.
* Fixed several bugs in modules' crosstalk that arised from switching to a new framework.
* Fixed FollowPath macro action.
* CruiseControl: 
    * Added ability to change needed velocity with pitch/yaw controls: pitch increases-decreases the speed, yaw turns its direction.
* Added (anti)RelativeVelocity attitude.
* Added automatic gear retraction when not-landing (i.e. moving upward or horizontally). Not sure about the need of that to general public, though.
* Added progress indication when AutoLander is scanning surface.
* Only set Ascending state when both vV and VSP > 1; should be more intuitive that way.
* Improved attitude control using MaxAngularAcceleration normalization and GimbalLimit; added Target+/- attitudes.
* Fixed some conflicts between TCA Modules that caused stealing of control (you push one button, but another one is activated, etc.).
* Added ManeuverAutopilot.
* Fixed issues with ctrlState.trims and conflicting autopilots.
* Added debug lines to EngineOptimizer.
* Fixed RCS flickering on Anchor.
* Added SetEngineParams macro action.
* Fixed ModuleTCA info in editor.
* Fixed AppLauncher button behaviour.
* KSP-1.0.5 compatibility fixes.
* Added several new action to Macros: SetThrottle, RCS, AutoThrottle, TSAS, DisableVSC and StockSAS.
* Tried to fix Radar issue that caused inability to decrease the altitude in some cases.
* Added T-SAS: TCA's own SAS that controls thrust attitude instead of attitude of a command module.
* Fixed NRE in editor with ShipConstructs without command module.
* Added Macros.
* Added a secondary altimeter that samples surface height using PQS; not requires colliders to be enabled.
* RCS thrust is reset on each update.
* Fixed actions perfomed when OnPlanet status change.
* Fixed altitude update from GUI.

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4 hours ago, Azrael the Sorrowful said:

So, I didn't see this on here (I could just be dumb and blind), but was the issue I mentioned where TCA was forcing toggled off engines back on fixed?

No, it was not; had no time to work on the plugin recently. The listed fixes were all made before your report and are, generally, minor changes.

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@allista:  Thanks for this wonderful mod!  I have never had any luck with VTOLs before, but now I've got some that work quite well.  I am now binging on them.  Here's my 1st one ever (a rather clunky design but it worked) landing on various things just because I could.

VTOL 1 Testing

Thanks again.

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Could anyone owning the Steam's version of KSP download and share with me the 1.1-prerelease? :blush:

I've purchased KSP on Squad's site, so I can't obtain it otherwise. And you would definitely want me to have one before the actual release :wink:

UPD: thanks to @merlinux I now have access to the pre-release. Thank you!

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3 hours ago, allista said:

Could anyone owning the Steam's version of KSP download and share with me the 1.1-prerelease? :blush:

I've purchased KSP on Squad's site, so I can't obtain it otherwise. And you would definitely want me to have one before the actual release :wink:

I can't help you with that becausde I also purchased KSP from SQUAD store. However, IIRC in one of pre-release announcements threads someone from SQUAD staff mentioned to send PM to him. Especialy moders who want to test KSP and their mod.

Sorry, I no longer recall from top of my head exact thread and who was it from staff members, but I hope that this tiny info helps.

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34 minutes ago, kcs123 said:

I can't help you with that becausde I also purchased KSP from SQUAD store. However, IIRC in one of pre-release announcements threads someone from SQUAD staff mentioned to send PM to him. Especialy moders who want to test KSP and their mod.

Sorry, I no longer recall from top of my head exact thread and who was it from staff members, but I hope that this tiny info helps.

Thanks for the info. But fortunately the issue is already resolved by wonderful @merlinux:cool:

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If I could make a small suggestion?

Based on the trajectory this mod is following, you might soon want to consider renaming it, as it's quickly becoming a pretty comprehensive flight management system.  Serious, great job on this, it's not only solved some things that were on my to-do list, but has enabled me to dream up new ideas based on it's capabilities.  Sling load and sky crane operations are now a real thing.

Thank you for putting this together, this has become one of my regular go-to mods.  Waypoint manager and Kramax might be on their way off my mods list soon!

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10 hours ago, JJE64 said:

If I could make a small suggestion?

Based on the trajectory this mod is following, you might soon want to consider renaming it, as it's quickly becoming a pretty comprehensive flight management system.  Serious, great job on this, it's not only solved some things that were on my to-do list, but has enabled me to dream up new ideas based on it's capabilities.  Sling load and sky crane operations are now a real thing.

Thank you for putting this together, this has become one of my regular go-to mods.  Waypoint manager and Kramax might be on their way off my mods list soon!


Well, I was thinking about this, but still unsure if the benefits will outweigh the confusion and the loss of the well-known name. 

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TCA v3.0.1 for KSP 1.0.5 (2016.04.04)


TCA v3.0.1-KSP-1.1-BETA for KSP 1.1 (2016.04.04)


  • Fixed single-engine optimization bug.
  • Fixed onStage profile update bug.
  • Improved HSC behaviour at very low maximum TWR of slow engines by adding correction for negative vertical speed.
  • TCA GUI now only shows when the active vessel is loaded and unpacked.

And an illustration of the typical debugging...


...and bug-fixing processes.


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