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planned mod release, please do not reply


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This is a placeholder for releasing a mod later this evening.

The mod is currently in dev section and I will need an additional post for documentation and stuff, so

please do not reply to this thread at the moment!

Thank you very much!

edit: Sorry, I have no idea how long I have to wait until I can make that second post without getting the "first post updated" (if you know, please write me a pm).

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There is no need to create a thread now before the server runs out of thread numbers or something, depending on the type of column the thread ID is stored as we could have millions of more threads possible.

I do not understand how that is connected to the issue at hand.

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What he's saying is wait until your mod is done to release it. Don't make an empty thread, wait a bit, then release it.

My mod is done, I just wanted the second post in the thread for documentation, as is custom with modding release threads in forums.

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My mod is done, I just wanted the second post in the thread for documentation, as is custom with modding release threads in forums.

You could have just written the first post yourself like 'reserved for later use' or something and edit it later.

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I was trying to think of a witty thing to put here, but nothing is coming.

I'm posing this in the mean-time as a placeholder.



Thanks for taking post #19 in the thread, I was planning to put my reply there.

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Why do you even need a second post?

I planned to make parts of my mod available without the rest of it, for easier install and use with other mods.

They would have been developed together with the rest, but would need their own information.

So a complete separation in 2 threads would not make sense and a second post would have allowed linkability to the "spinoff" specific parts.

But I guess we cant have nice things, since a little trolling fun is much more important...

I didn't know that, sorry.

No problem, was quite surprised myself, as most/many release threads use a second post in general, not only ksp.

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I planned to make parts of my mod available without the rest of it, for easier install and use with other mods.

They would have been developed together with the rest, but would need their own information.

So a complete separation in 2 threads would not make sense and a second post would have allowed linkability to the "spinoff" specific parts.

I fail to see why a second post is required for this. A great example of one post with multiple mods in is Near Future.

No problem, was quite surprised myself, as most/many release threads use a second post in general, not only ksp.

From what I've seen most topics don't use two posts at all. Those that do are for those that are really generally rather huge, like some of the realism mods. Note how incredibly large the 3rd post there is. I very much doubt your mod is going to be as expansive as something over a year old, with as much interdependence and spin-offs as Real Fuels has.

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You could do what I've done before on other forums. You own the first post on both pages 2 and 3. Link directly to those "for more information". They'll be at the top of the screen for the vast majority of readers (except those who change posts/page) which is a strong visual cue for "this is important."

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