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[FIXED! :)] The Curse of the Invisible Rocket Engine (Why are my parts transparent?)

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Seriously, what is happening here? I've got an engine and a fuel tank that simply refuse to have a texture while in flight. And when switching back to the VAB, the parts are still invisible, but if I move anything they suddenly reappear.

The parts are still there, however, as proved below.



Any help would be appreciated.


Here's the config for the engine:

//Part Config
//ModularBoosterSystem Nozzle 01

//--General Parameters--
name = mbs_nozzle1
module = Part
author = Starwhip

//--Asset Parameters--
mesh = model.mu
scale = 1

//--Node Definitions--
node_stack_top = 0.0,0,0,0.0,1.0,0.0,1
node_stack_bottom = 0,-0.5,0,0,-1,0,1

//--FX Definitions--
fx_exhaustFlame_yellow = 0.0, -3.57, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
fx_exhaustSparks_yellow = 0.0, -3.57, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
fx_smokeTrail_medium = 0.0, -3.57, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running

// --- Sound FX definition ---
sound_vent_medium = engage
sound_rocket_hard = running
sound_vent_soft = disengage
sound_explosion_low = flameout

//--Editor Parameters--
TechRequired = start
entryCost = 0
cost = 400
category = Engine
subcategory = 0
title = Modular Booster System Nozzle 1
description = First Nozzle of the modular booster system

//attachment rules: stack,srfAttach,allowStack.allowSrfAttach,allowCollision
attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0

//--Standard Part Parameters--
mass = 0.4
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.3
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 7
maxTemp = 3600

stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER

name = ModuleEngines
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
throttleLocked = True
exhaustDamage = True
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 250
heatProduction = 550
useEngineResponseTime = True
engineAccelerationSpeed = 10.0
allowShutdown = False
fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.12
name = BoosterFuel
ratio = 1.0
DrawGauge = True
key = 0 240
key = 1 225



Edited by Starwhip
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Right. Recalculated normals in Blender. I'm going to check the shader settings.


Oh. OOOOoooohhhh.... I've got Unity 4.3.4

Would that be a problem?

- - - Updated - - -

And now I can't see the export option... :confused:



Progress! I had the hierarchy wrong! :)


Edited by Starwhip
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