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Valentina's Day community contest


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I'm fairly amused by the fact that the predominant feature of Valentina, in the community's eyes, appears to be "has large amounts of hair" :D

I wonder how close that will end up being, considering the males are almost bald, and long hair is somewhat inconvenient in a spacesuit. Especially when it drifts in front of your eyes in zero gravity, and you cannot take your helmet off to brush it away... Don't forget your hairnets, ladies! ;)

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I'm fairly amused by the fact that the predominant feature of Valentina, in the community's eyes, appears to be "has large amounts of hair" :D

I wonder how close that will end up being, considering the males are almost bald, and long hair is somewhat inconvenient in a spacesuit. Especially when it drifts in front of your eyes in zero gravity, and you cannot take your helmet off to brush it away... Don't forget your hairnets, ladies! ;)

Yes, but hair still happens. :)


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<mod post=""></mod>[Mod Post]

Just a reminder to keep things on topic, otherwise things could get hairy.

[/Mod Post]

I really like some of the stuff I've seen here. Super creative. It makes my heart...boil?...to see all the artzy artzists in the kommunity.

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I'm fairly amused by the fact that the predominant feature of Valentina, in the community's eyes, appears to be "has large amounts of hair" :D

I wonder how close that will end up being, considering the males are almost bald, and long hair is somewhat inconvenient in a spacesuit. Especially when it drifts in front of your eyes in zero gravity, and you cannot take your helmet off to brush it away... Don't forget your hairnets, ladies! ;)

Yes, but Valentina Tereshkova wasn't bald after all. She had shorter hair but not like male. Valentina_Tereshkova.jpg

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I'm fairly amused by the fact that the predominant feature of Valentina, in the community's eyes, appears to be "has large amounts of hair" :D

I wonder how close that will end up being, considering the males are almost bald, and long hair is somewhat inconvenient in a spacesuit. Especially when it drifts in front of your eyes in zero gravity, and you cannot take your helmet off to brush it away... Don't forget your hairnets, ladies! ;)

I did give my design a cap to stop her hair flowing in low gravity. Like real astronauts who don't want their hair getting in the way ;)

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First I was like "You totally not going to call her Valentina and then expect me to not base anything on Vostok-6. Or better both on it and on Vostok-1. Oh damn, why not make a clear image that she flies in some sort of kerbalized Vostok from cyrillic-writing country and that's first kerbal in space by showing some other kerbals being in awe and some box with "ÃÂÕ ÕÃâ€ÃÂ" sticker".

Then I was like "Nah, whatever. No one cares for my not so subtle attemts at influencing KSP lore. Just have some bad-ass spacewoman that is not defined as a female by liberal application of lipstick or eyelashes or pink".


Edited by nothingSpecial
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But ... lipstick :(

I was joking. The head's still cylindrical*

Though, to be fair, I would not be entirely surprised! It's rather decent artwork, and it genuinely looks like Tereshkova.

*It just occured to me that it would be really awesome if female Kerbal heads were some kind of

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I was joking. The head's still cylindrical*

Though, to be fair, I would not be entirely surprised! It's rather decent artwork, and it genuinely looks like Tereshkova.

*It just occured to me that it would be really awesome if female Kerbal heads were some kind of


my design is super egg shaped

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