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Everything posted by AntiMatter001

  1. "powered by linux mint" *dooes a little "in your face kindows" dance* (kindows -> windows? get it?...) (tough crowd)
  2. this is a slight bug. usually happens to me too. swap to another craft then swap back and do it again. usually fixes it
  3. i'll take a look at it when i get home... that config set up looks like mine but if it works then who am i to complain.
  4. anyone else see the "habitat interior" and on the laptop... windows... my dads gonna flip. (he hates windows) oohhh here's an idea have it an image of ksp on the laptop XD
  5. i can see why you changed the model and texture but why doesn't it work with different named configs (so like "Fuelcargobags.cfg, Xenoncargobags.cfg") in the same folder? (i think this is the problem. i put all my Edited configs into the same Cargobag folder) i mean why doesn't it just use the same model and texture but different resource/cargo?
  6. uhm i'm just wondering but could you posibly make the truss section like a cargo hold? prefrably like the one you did for the 3.75 M hulls if not then oh well (or if you find a link to one... you know... just drop it by me) and also maybe make the fuel tanks seperate XD sorry i'll go try find a mod for what i want rather than bug you
  7. OMG if this gets working i'll use it as jebs personal jet! wait... make it interstellar compatable and it'll have a hyperdrive!
  8. ok let me first explain what i'd like to do. i'd like to use these bags to transport fuel and/or other resources from kerbin to (say) duna or a spacestation but don't want to clunk up cargo space with huge tanks. is there a way to convert these into the said fuel tanks/cargo bags that i'd like? i've given it a shot but they don't show up in the VAB or SPH under utility so i'm guessing i've done something wrong. do you mind having a go at it and posting a config of what works? i'm at work right now so i can't get you my config files to show you what i've done. sorry. thanks in advance! p.s: i don't want the life support bags because i don't have TAC Life support or MFT so... yeah...
  9. -froths at the mouth- GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!!! i likeem both :3 XD i'm sooooo a fan boy now awww wait.... those are one part tanks i thought they were seperate things (the case sturcture with the fueltank seperate)
  10. i have a bad feeling if i install the space eagle it'll root itself down into my gamedata folder and never come out...
  11. toche. yeah it think the suspension is a big problem for big heavy crafts
  12. BUMP! in other news i think nothke should focus on just one mod at a time... this seems to just keep getting more and more workload for him :/
  13. i was gonna make a TK Baha (borderlands) reference here but i just saw your full profile name i still did it anyway oh if youmind... how do i make parts surface mountable on this? i hate having this but not able to put stuff on the side.... then againit is animated... just for now how do i amke things surface mountable with the tanks and stuff?
  14. i've made generators that use fuel to make resources so yeah i'm ok so go ahead.
  15. yes T.T they don't show up... what i did. 1) delete everything except the transfercargobags folder. 2) reanmed the "oxygen,food,water" resources to "fuel,rcs,etc..." 3) load and it's not under utility. i'm using linux.
  16. uhhh you forgot the .mu at the end of each model path. it doesn't know what you mean if you just write it without the ".mu"
  17. oh ok... a better question is why are they falling off in the first place :/
  18. right now i'm just using the blank texture but if you could posibly suggest some fuel,kethane,RCS,Xenon and rocketpart (maybe a bolt for electricity?) symbols for the bag i'd gladly do the rest myself Edit: hmmm... converting them from TACLS is harder than i thought... is the mesh supposed to be in the code? cuz it isn't in the "cargotraferbag.cfg"
  19. i'm just wondering here but can i take your bags and re configure them to hold any other resource? although i like the idea of this mod pack i'd rather have it as KAS bags because i'm not using TAC life Support right now. and the fact they're pretty damn awesome to look at... i've just gotta figure out how to re texture them XD
  20. i warp drived my science vessel into jool.... it... went right through so i just destroyed it by crashing into the Mun... it didn't seem fair to leave it alive... poor jeb... escape one death to die another.
  21. O.O geez i'm wondering how your computer still works! also lack are those tanks form a different mod? i think i've seen simular things somewhere but it could be my imagination.
  22. that what i do... sure i may need to poke the nose up a tad but honestly if you let mechjeb do all the fun stuff why play KSP at all? oh also nice signature
  23. O.O how did you get the engines not to clip like that! also where are those wings from? (oh i've made a HL (hl body and cargobay) shuttle that is safer to fly than my KSO insipiered shuttle XD it's bigger thant the runway!!)
  24. uhm any word if this works with 0.23 and if it works with certain mods?
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