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Drew Kerman

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Posts posted by Drew Kerman

  1. On 12/10/2016 at 9:46 PM, Fredde104 said:

    I accdentallly gavia ribbon  to the  s´wrong erbal, is there any  way to remove it and add the correct one?

    you can toggle on the option to revoke ribbons in the settings panel. I'm not sure about manually adding ribbons in the game tho. To do it manually outside the game, open your .sfs save file and search for "halloffame" you'll find the scenario module. The syntax for ribbons is very simple, and you can find the code for the ribbon you want to add in the game under the settings menu where you can click to show the ribbon code list

  2. 7 hours ago, blackrack said:

    However I would like to know what kind of other shaders you guys would like to see in the game, eg other shaders for Kopernicus or stuff like that.

    is it possible to see eclipses from the ground? I'm still not sure if that is a restriction of Scatterer because it has no good technical solution or you just meant to get back to it at some point since it was giving you trouble to get working.

    Other than that, perhaps some coronal emission effects for the sun?

    Oh oh - do comet tails count in this category? I'm still missing the work MrHappyFace started for Kopernicus in that regard

    Which reminds me I think you can do footprints/wheel tracks with shaders? Honestly don't know but is another effect that was started then dropped I'd love to see continued.

    Thanks for all your work! I very much enjoy putting it to good use as much as possible giving people great images to enjoy from the KSA :)

    In the Shadow of the VAB

    Ike Transit with Shadow


  3. go ahead and toss me a user account if you don't mind. I'm pretty much happy with what I have now, interested in checking out yours for any final ideas before I really lock everything in and start scheduling the content updates and working on the other program pages - Progenitor Program

    I also integrated the new patches into the Flight Tracker :) (hover over them to the left of the vessel name)

  4. 3 hours ago, rawghi said:

    I noticed that sometimes, ksp gave strange measurement in width length and height, especially with the sounding rockets parts (size too big) 

    Hrm... can't say I've noticed the same, but I'm only on v1.1.3, might be a v1.2.x thing

    3 hours ago, rawghi said:

    I was also wondering what do you suggest regarding ksp versions, I'm totally fine with 1.2.1 and the 70+ mods, working incredibly great without any ctd, but with 1.2.2 I was wondering if maybe is better to update... 

    As I said, I'm still on v1.1.3 soooo :P In regards to bothering with the version bump, read the change log and if there are any bug fixes you want, move up. Otherwise don't bother

    going to lock down the vessel pages today on my end. Mission pages I don't need since each mission will just have its own twitter timeline :)

  5. 2 hours ago, MunGazer said:

    I didn't know adding it in would drastically draw out updates

    s'ok yea most people don't realize, especially in this case since FAR is a lot more of a mature mod and also complex so it doesn't undergo a lot of frequent updates. But still, if you look at the period between Squad releasing KSP v1.1.2 and v1.1.3 Ferram pushed out two additional sizeable releases besides the compatibility updates that addressed some important issues. If it had been stock, ppl would be waiting until v1.1.3 of KSP to get any fixes to problems in FAR that came along with the KSP v1.1.2 release.

  6. 3 hours ago, Galileo said:

    ITS KILLS FPS just so you know. I have a gtx1080 and extending it out too far and having too many scatter objects render at once (which you will need if you want your trees to be closer together than 1000m apart) and it brought me down to 12fps. its not worth the performance drop.

    Thanks! I will look into trying this next time I need it. I do images not videos, so I don't care about FPS, personally :) (I'm down to 12-15 FPS myself with a lot of scatter). However I have figured out a means to fly a plane around with gfx turned way down for performance then reload the game with gfx maxed out and place it right back along the flightpath in the proper orientation wherever I want in order to grab a sweet screenshot or few. So I'd like to populate my surroundings a lot more.

    Maybe that's why no one ever answered me? They were afraid I'd come running back crying about low FPS? :P

  7. 12 hours ago, Azimech said:

    How can I decrease the load/unload distance of a scatter type?

    Hopefully someone knows, I've literally asked this question 4 separate times over the last few months in the Kopernicus thread, tagging Thomas P. each time and never gotten a response as to whether it's possible or not to configure

    11 hours ago, Azimech said:

    Here's my config, I just changed the sunlight intensity values from 0.75 to 1.25. Much more like being in a desert.

    Would suggest getting Ambient Light Adjustment - I use it a lot for adjusting the light levels when taking screenshots to make sunny days brighter, cloudy days dimmer and dawn/dusk times darker, among other things

  8. Here, I've started work on my Programs pages that'll collect and detail missions/vehicles, which is the idea I got from your site and have been meaning to do for a while anyways: http://www.kerbalspace.agency/?page_id=1824

    Still hacking together the actual program pages. I spent like 3 hours at least last night trying various WP plugins that would give me decent tabs to work with, what a pain in the ass that was. Think I'm good to go now, just have to work on layout...

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