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Posts posted by *Aqua*

  1. 36 minutes ago, Bill Phil said:

    But it's completely arbitrary.

    Every definition is arbitrary. For example:
    Why using Pi instead of Tau?
    Why using meter instead of inch?

    The answer is: because someone said so.


    36 minutes ago, Bill Phil said:

    Why not make Dwarf and Minor Planets taxons one level below Planets, along with Major Planets. The 8 that control their area still get a distinction, a big one, but the others are still recognized as Planets, but not Major Planets.

    This is a play on words. It doesn't matter if you have two categories named 'planets' & 'dwarf planets' or 'major planets' & 'minor planets'. Dwarf planets are the next smaller kind of celestials after planets.

  2. Who's going to name all of them? That's not possible.

    We name things that are in one way or another important enough to have a name. Nobody cares about a small asteroid (if it isn't on a collision course with Earth). A planet on the other hand controls its area of the solar system. And because there are only 8 of that kind they are important. If there were thousands of them we would put them into classes of 'more important ones' and 'less important ones'. The former will get names, the later ones not.

    It always works that way.

  3. Restart your laptop in safe mode and then try to uninstall Steam again or simply delete the folder. Then reboot to normal mode and install Steam.

    If you still can't delete the files, try one of the numberous process killer programs from the interwebs. Also make sure Steam isn't autostarted on boot.

  4. 1 hour ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

    The Steam forums...

    You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.

    YouTube comments are worse.


    I think most people here are grown-ups and settled down. They have no need to boost or be hostile because of hormons and that's why it's peaceful here.

  5. 6 hours ago, Xavven said:

    What if you also count the hours you spend thinking up designs while the game isn't running? :P

    Or running copies of KSP outside of Steam when developing mods ;)

    I guess total playtime sums up to about 1100 hours.

  6. PUuWQgZ.png

    1001 hours playtime
    1039 days since I bought it
    ~1 hour playtime per day

    Am I addicted or what? ^^


    KSP 0.19.1 was the latest version back then. \o/




    Released 18th March, 2013

    Forum post link

    (Most 0.19.0 mods should be compatible with this release)

    Bug Fixes and Tweaks

    • Fixed re-entry shader failing on highly scaled parts
    • Corrected an issue that would prevent large rover wheels from applying brakes
    • Tweaked braking speed and power on rover wheels
    • Adjusted how rover wheels display resource usage
    • Changed Ladders on the launchpad ladders to make it easier to climb them.
    • Changed the names of launchpad and runway objects to be more descriptive when you crash into them.

    Those were times. ^^

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