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Everything posted by *Aqua*

  1. *Aqua*

    Hows gravity?

    It was ridiculous. Systems are failing everywhere, things turn bad all the time and our hero astronaut always finds a way to survive in a miracle way. Srsly? Apart from that the movie was good.
  2. @KvickFlygarn87 In some YouTube videos of player, whose got a prerelease of the update, crashing a ship resulted in continuous explosions for minutes(!). Even when there wasn't anything left what can explode.
  3. Light is its own antiparticle? Weird. Thanks, I didn't know that. Does that apply to all EM radiation?
  4. Can we really see antimatter? We see stuff because it reflects light or emits light on its own. Antimatter can't reflect lights. Photons will cause explosions if it comes into contact with it. (That's what I believe.) Does antimatter emit 'anti-emissions' when it is heated? If yes, we can't see it, the emissions will destroy every sensor or eye.
  5. So nobody knows* how matter looks like near or in the center of the core? * I mean a theory. Nobody knows for sure, what's going on there.
  6. I would like to know in what kind of state matter exist inside a black hole. As far as I know atoms can't exist there, the gravitation will rip it apart. So do the core consists of electrons, protons and neutrons? Or can't they exist under such conditions, too? If they can't, is the core made of quantum particles? Wouldn't it be better in this case to refer to them as quantum stars?
  7. Wow! Who needs enemies, when he has such friends? Most of these 'pranks' just ruins all the hours the guy has put into the game. If a friend does something like that to me, I'll think about if the guy really is a friend of mine. @Topic Just occupy every docking port with 2-3 fully manned hitchhikers. Your friend then has to think about getting them back down to Kerbin.
  8. You don't mean modding, right? Then the only thing I can think of is .
  9. I read you want to make it possible to destroy entire planets. Is partial destruction included? If it is, how do you want to avoid the 'floating islands'? I mean the left overs of the crust which weren't destroyed by a bomb and don't have a visible connection to the rest of the plant.
  10. Germans refer to astronauts as 'Astronaut', 'Raumfahrer' (lit. space driver) or 'Weltraumgänger' (old and seldom used now, lit. space walker*). How do other nations name German astronauts? Germanauts? (lol) Doesn't "Luftaffe" literally mean "Air Monkey" in German? It does! * No, it's not Skywalker *whistling the Imperial March*. 'Weltraum' can either mean 'space' or 'universe'. It's quite fitting.
  11. ln? Logarithmus naturalis (logarithm with base e; e = 2.718...).
  12. Unfortunately it's the measurement which makes exact measures impossible. You'll either have to shoot a high frequency laser at a quantum and look what remains after it's fried or use a detector which will absorb the particle or its remains. In both cases the particle is gone afterwards and the only things you can measure are the effects of its death. That's why Heisenberg said it's impossible to directly observe a particle.
  13. The devs reported there will be an improved GUI in 0.24. I don't know if they just change the appearance or if they set up a complete new GUI.
  14. Why should they have an atmosphere? They don't have enough gravity to keep it.
  15. The sense behind the part sizes is a size factor. It was introduced when EVA was introduced. The parts back then were of the 0.5, 1 and 2 meters diameter. But they appeared to small in comparison to EVA Kerbals. Squad then scaled all parts by a factor of 1.25 and that's how the 0.625, 1.25 and 2.5 meter parts came into existence. The next logical step according to this is 1.25 x 3 meters = 3.75 meters.
  16. Planets and moons should be visible from the start. You don't need a high end sensor array to spot them. Look at the sky and you can see all planets up to Saturn easily. A small and cheap telescope is more than enough to make all planets and the biggest moons visible. But I like the idea of some kind of researchable technology (+ maybe parts) for detecting asteroids.
  17. Isn't there already some kind of intro? (starts at 3:03) I like it a lot. It could be played when loading a save. Then you are hyped up to build something. It should be possible to deactivate the playback in the settings.
  18. I never understood this. Isn't the existence of a particle a piece of information?
  19. I don't like the Kirk actor. Just five minutes of his 'awesome being' convinced me to never every give him any important job. When he's not smiling like a <insert insult here>, he punches into others faces or freak out, while talking to Spock or just get punched. All the time. Is there a scene except for the first one where he doesn't have bruises all over his face? Who with a common sense would give this guy a ship and the responsibility for hundreds of men? The new Star Trek movies were just 'brain off, movie on'. That's not Star Trek.
  20. Hm... I'm not sure.The fusions in front of the ship will still have its inertia so it will probably fly away with lightspeed or more. I don't know if matter or energy, accelerated to > c, will brake on its own to < c. If it does deadly radiation will shower the ship. A warp field won't help. The instance you activate it, the ship will fly with > c. It can't be active and not moving.
  21. Every part which is not within the warp bubble will disintegrate (when in front of the bubble) or be ripped apart (at the back of the bubble). In the front space is wrapped that means every ship part in this area will also be wrapped. Furthermore it will be bombarded by interstellar matter at lightspeed (or more) which will probably cause nuclear fusions all the time. At the back space is 'stretched out'. Every matter in this field will be distributed more or less evenly, probably ripping apart anything bigger that an atom. Because of this it makes no sense having more than one warp bubble. Everything between the bubbles will be destroyed. And onion-like warp layers won't work except you find a way to manipulated spacetime in great distances.
  22. ℤ2 describes a bit. Although it is very simple and basic it is fundamental for computer science. 1 bit -> ℤ2 2 bits -> ℤ2 x ℤ2 3 bits -> ℤ2 x ℤ2 x ℤ2 etc. That's how you can describe a binary number. Why should you do that? Using this construct you can explain why binary numbers work like they do. You can do that for any set of elements that fulfill the axioms of groups and rings. Every wondered why matrices have these weird calculation rules? Their group and ring properties cause that. It is higher maths but if you understand groups and rings, half of mathematics won't be a problem anymore. Instead all the weirdness will start to make sense. But I still hate math.
  23. English and its hassles. It's not easy for me to describe things where every word counts.
  24. That's a good idea! If the 'biomes' have different effects on the rocket, it would be even more interesting, e. g. the tail blocks shortcuts electric modules (why? don't know) or the coma rips of solar panels or making green kerbals blue. That could be fun.
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