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Everything posted by Starstrider42

  1. Also, try the Wiki: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorials. I used it extensively when I was starting KSP, and only some of my rockets blew up.
  2. Do you have both a workshop and an orbital dock? If so, then odds are your kerbals are spending too much time looking for snacks among the rocket parts and too little doing anything productive. See http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59545?p=1115402#post1115402 and the following posts. @taniwha: Could something about the new productivity system be put in the first post? This seems to be the most FAQ on this thread.
  3. Hmmm... that seems like an issue that could affect other plugins as well. Do you have any advice for the "safest" way for modders to set up their plugin versions?
  4. Huh? Class access permissions have absolutely nothing to do with IP -- if you really want to decompile and/or hack some software, you'll be able to reconstruct what the program does regardless of the permissions. What permissions are good for -- and what they're intended for -- is making sure different program components interact in a predictable way. And in that context, the narrowest permissions that meet your goals are usually the right ones. What you should be asking for is for more of the KSP engine to be designed with modders in mind -- but that would likely manifest as a new set of public methods, not suddenly making existing private methods public.
  5. Where: see xEvilReeperx's post (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75376?p=1078971#post1078971) How and When: still experimenting with that
  6. Oh, god, please no. I have to deal with too much politics in RL. I support KSI precisely because it doesn't try to turn everything into a political joke.
  7. No, it ignores both electricity generation and consumption while unloaded (even though it says it doesn't). Likewise, converters only run while the ship is loaded; IIRC there are some coding tricks used to help them deal with backlog when you load a ship after a long time.
  8. Yes, tanks exist for everything. Converters exist for the following (all produce Waste as a byproduct): Water -> Oxygen Waste Water -> Water Carbon Dioxide -> Oxygen The water and oxygen recyclers are only 90% efficient, but when combined with a big tank they mean you can go for years without resupply. To answer one of the most frequently asked questions, food recyclers do not exist in stock TAC, but there are plenty of 3rd party addons. In fact, there was a discussion about them just a few posts back.
  9. I don't see why not, but you'd have to vastly exaggerate the mass of a stock asteroid to get a noticeable effect.
  10. Thanks for the update. A few questions: What are the mountains at (34.1, -79.1), (61.9, -90.0), and (34.5, -28.3) called? I can't find them on your list. Same for the mountains at (-5,-175), (17, -159), (60, 178), (78, 139). Are the highlands at (26, -73) part of a foothills group, or their own biome? Does East Kulge have any landmarks north of 50 degrees? Will the lake ("sea"?) at (50, 175) have a name? Also, there's a typo in the first post: based on the coordinates, the Fang Mountains are at the source of the Mamba, not the mouth. Finally, some more suggestions. These are a bit on the goofy side, so some feedback from a third party would be nice: Gulf of Iro (0, -122) The Pretty Decent Lands (-2, 45)
  11. Actually, TAC does *not* subtract electrical charge -- too many potential bugs related to power generation, parts with unknown functions, etc. It docks the life support resources, but leaves electricity alone.
  12. Did some experimentation with ScenarioDiscoverableObjects. Part of the problem is that apparently, whenever there is a scene change, ScenarioDiscoverableObjects gets reloaded -- but only AFTER the call to <My MonoBehaviour>.Start(). Thought that wasn't supposed to happen. Checking for and forcing settings changes on asteroid spawn is enough of a workaround to let me experiment with the features. Unfortunately, spawnInterval appears to be based on real time, not game time, so you can't use the existing framework to generate a fixed discovery rate. Maybe if I set spawnInterval and spawnOddsAgainst to highly unfavorable values, then called SpawnAsteroid() myself...
  13. I assume you guys are both familiar with these cross-mod resource threads? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/74409-The-resource-meag-research-thread! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61296-Unified-Resource-Guidelines-and-Catalog-for-Modders
  14. I was planning to assign types randomly, with probabilities set by population. So, for example, NKOs might be largely stony or metallic asteroids, while Kuper belt objects might be almost all carbonaceous or icy. I'm still trying to figure out the API (and I may PM you later to compare notes, since it seems you've done a lot of the work) but I'm pretty sure the ModuleAsteroid seed is just used to generate the asteroid mesh.
  15. I will be setting up composition classes for Custom Asteroids. However, I'd like to see what interface Taniwha decides on for asteroid mining before I implement this, so it may be a while.
  16. Well, the MapTraq readout looks a little goofy, but I like the overall layout. One suggestion: you might consider omitting the "best altitude" line where best = minimum, since it basically amounts to disabling altitude scaling. That would probably make it clearer for users who aren't familiar with the exact definition of "best", too.
  17. The .cfg files are plain text files. You can open them in any text editor (e.g. Notepad). Don't use WordPad, Word, or other word-processing programs; they don't do plain text. Open, say, RemoteTech_Antennas.cfg in Notepad (you may have to change the filter on the lower-right of Notepad's file-open box from "Text Documents" to "All Files"), then select-all and delete the contents. Then paste the entire contents of the "Code:" box from my previous post (scrolling all the way down to the bottom) into the now-empty file. Then save. Then delete all the other RemoteTech_*.cfg files. The result should work. If it doesn't, the best option is to delete the edited .cfg file as well, and just accept the non-functional antennas. Hope this helps.
  18. Those files also control where the antennas show up on the tech tree, and set up antennas and probe cores to actually use the RemoteTech framework (in particular, signal delay and the concept of "out of contact"). Whichever you prefer: you can either copy and paste, overwriting one of the old .cfg files (doesn't matter which one, as long as you delete the others), or make your own file (any name.cfg) in the same directory. The game won't be able to tell the difference. Though if you aren't familiar with the config file format, I should probably add a disclaimer: I only *think* the config file will work as posted. I haven't tested it myself.
  19. What To Not Suggest: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/36863-What-not-to-suggest
  20. You need to remove the RemoteTech_*.cfg files from the mod directory. Among other features, those files remove the stock antenna functionality before putting in RemoteTech's version. That will let you use the stock antennas again. To make the new antennas function like stock ones, you'd need a new .cfg file that looks something like: @PART[RTShortAntenna1] { TechRequired = flightControl MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter packetInterval = 0.18 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 20.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge } } @PART[RTLongAntenna2] { TechRequired = largeElectrics MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter packetInterval = 0.18 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 20.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge DeployFxModules = 0 } } @PART[RTLongAntenna3] { TechRequired = specializedElectrics MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter packetInterval = 0.18 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 20.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge DeployFxModules = 0 } } @PART[RTShortDish1] { TechRequired = electrics MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter packetInterval = 0.18 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 20.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge } } @PART[RTShortDish2] { TechRequired = electrics MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter packetInterval = 0.18 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 20.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge } } @PART[RTLongDish1] { TechRequired = largeElectrics MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter packetInterval = 0.18 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 20.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge } } @PART[RTLongDish2] { TechRequired = largeElectrics MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter packetInterval = 0.18 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 20.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge } } @PART[RTGigaDish1] { TechRequired = advScienceTech MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter packetInterval = 0.18 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 20.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge DeployFxModules = 0 } } @PART[RTGigaDish2] { TechRequired = specializedElectrics MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter packetInterval = 0.18 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 20.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge } } I have no idea how to balance the packetInterval, packetSize, and packetResourceCost values, since I don't see much of a pattern in the stock values.
  21. I think you're referring to a different problem than I was. I encountered problems even when playing with 0.23 exclusively, and without ever deleting Hilo.dat. So there were no terrain changes (real or artificial) to trigger the bug you described. In any case, we seem to agree that an image is not a good primary representation of the player's scanning progress, though for different reasons.
  22. This means your rocket has more thrust than it needs. Try staying at 2-300 m/s until you get to, say, 10 km.
  23. IIRC, ISA Mapsat did something very similar, taking an on-disk image as the "true" map and displaying it in-game. The problem was that the image tended to become corrupted, causing lots of trouble if you were doing new scans at the time. Something to watch out for.
  24. CatastrophicFailure, regex: I've added whitespace and let asteroid orbits be defined in terms of existing celestial bodies. How does it look? https://github.com/Starstrider42/Custom-Asteroids/blob/64243d88fdf6ac9f48be536dd63333ac70908a78/config/Basic%20Asteroids.cfg
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