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Everything posted by cantab

  1. cantab


    Nope. Though I see your thinking.
  2. cantab


    OK, new one from me this time Up and down, or left and right, Mix and match, but be polite. Loaned for eyes, owned for ears, Still the origin's unclear. Away from home not often found, Though in Hawaii there's its sound. On the net sometimes a mess, That's all your clues, so take a guess.
  3. cantab


    I suppose it could be Roscosmos, or the snappily-named "Progress State Research and Production Rocket Space Center" or "OAO S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia" that make the Soyuz rocket and spacecraft respectively. But I didn't think they were all that well funded these days. Or it could be nothing to do with rockets and we just all have space on the brain.
  4. For the majority of games the GPU upgrade will make a bigger impact. Here's a benchmark comparison of your CPU with a couple of others you might upgrade to (without needing to upgrade the motherboard): http://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare.php?cmp[]=822&cmp[]=828&cmp[]=2 Not much difference to the faster i5, and the i7 will only really shine in heavily multithreaded stuff, many games won't take full advantage. KSP is one of the few games that does hit the CPU much harder than the GPU, but for KSP you need to specifically look at the single-threaded performance, and your current processor's about as good as you'll get at stock speeds on that. Now here's a comparison of the graphics cards: http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/compare.php?cmp[]=2155&cmp[]=2953 The numbers speak for themselves.
  5. In real life top speed of a car is usually when motive power equals aerodynamic drag. In KSP though that doesn't seem to be the case. I suspect, though haven't proven, that how much grip the wheels get affects the speed they can attain, and said grip depends as in real life on the weight on the wheel.
  6. cantab


    Sounds like a rocket launch company. United Launch Alliance?
  7. cantab


    Smiles, because it's got a mile between the first and last letters. Or elastic, because it stretches. Stretched taut, there's an AU between first and last letters. Or maybe it's really and truly something with a light-year at the end.
  8. I maintain you've got that the wrong way round.
  9. Nothing, because what you describe amounts to believing in no particular thing happening.
  10. Pandemic II's always good for a bit. You will wish Madagascar wiped from the face of the Earth.
  11. If I understand right, this works both ways - any method of FTL communication necessarily implies the ability to communicate backwards in time.If time travel of any sort ever is possible, its invention will be the most important event for humanity, ever. The possibilities make "bog-standard" FTL trivial in comparison.
  12. Such an object basically exists - a helium balloon! The weight, if you want to be technical the net weight, is less than would be expected from the total mass, indeed it's often negative. Of course the behaviour of a balloon is quite strongly influenced by fluid dynamics. That's necessarily going to be an issue with anything buoyant.
  13. cantab


    Stranded posted out of turn, but anyway I think vexx has it with sound. Nonetheless, I'll guess an asteroid belt.
  14. cantab


    I'll wave play on, don't feel like writing one myself atm.
  15. cantab


    Another idea: is it the iceberg that thr Titanic hit?
  16. cantab


    Meteorite maybe? Though I don't think any have been confirmed as lethal, at least not to any humans.
  17. cantab


    Unintended yes. I've not actually seen Highlander. And yours makes me think of a volcano. Specifically Krakatoa, or maybe Tambora.
  18. cantab


    I'll accept. I had in mind just Scotland. The first two lines refer to it being both the northern part of Great Britain, so at the top of a map, and having the highest peak on the island. The third refers to the referendum turnout, and the fourth kind of says the obvious.
  19. Word (mis)usage rather than grammar, but I know a website whose author consistently wrote "weary" when they clearly meant "wary". Reading that just got annoying.
  20. Squad, and I believe all "early access" developers, have been clear from the start: the version you buy may be the last. Anyway, when to consider a game "finished" is something that's almost entirely up to the developers. Squad could call the next release 1.0 and be done with it, and none of us would have any right to disagree. PS: I don't think they will, but it feels like KSP is coming close to completion. I won't be surprised if 1.0 is only two or three updates after the Unity 5 port.
  21. I've had stuff like this happen before. I concur the strength-to-stiffness ratio on the joints needs looking at. When you do add struts, I suggest making them quite long. Eg link the bottom of the lander stack to the second stage, and maybe the bottom-most lander to the top-most lander. The 1.25m third stage probably isn't any worse than the landers themselves so not sure how much good removing it would do.
  22. Agreed, Shuttle seems like a big omission. Might also be nice to throw in a couple of the deep space probes. Curiosity, Voyager, maybe Hubble?
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