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Everything posted by cantab

  1. Aerobraking calculators are subject to Garbage In, Garbage Out like any calculation. Check your units: inputting an altitude in metres and telling the calculator it's in kilometres is likely to result in an unscheduled landing.
  2. That does look like a lot of fuel on one stage, and a lot of engine compared to the stage above. Sequential staging is always a tradeoff. The weight of an engine when you're not using it can be more than offset by the weight saving from ditching the previous engines and tanks - but then there are cases when it isn't. Parallel staging, with all engines firing from the start, gets round this especially with fuel crossfeed, but fuel crossfeed increases part count and complexity.
  3. Tried to land on Duna in my Ike lander.
  4. Possible, probably. Sounds a bit convoluted though, and the gigabit ethernet will probably limit performance.
  5. Incidentally, one thing I did that made rover driving far more fun: set up a controller for them. Maybe it's just me being used to console driving games over the years, but a long drive's just more comfortable with the controller than the keyboard, and coupled with putting the camera in chase view the steering feels more immediate.
  6. It's the official Wiki just like this is the official forum. Both, of course, are full of definitely not official info.
  7. cantab

    Which one?

    SP+ has been getting all the press and is actually where the mod and modder are involved, but note that we're also getting the functionality of Enhanced Navball and some of Crew Manifest/Kerbal Crew Transfer in stock.
  8. If windows fails to detect the physical drive at all that suggests one of three things: loose/disconnected cable, misconfigured bios/uefi, or hardware failure. The first two are easy to fix, but if the drive has failed your only option is to send it to a data recovery specialist at great cost. If the physical drive is detected but the storage space is not, look into configuration of that. If that's not successful, the program PhotoRec may be able to recover your data. Remember you need *another* drive to store the files it finds on.
  9. If you aren't flying it or a ship within a couple of km of it, it vanishes when it passes below 21 km or so.
  10. What's your ascent profile like? If you're going full throttle all the way and your rocket doesn't lift off very slowly then you're probably going too fast and wasting energy on drag. If you see white shockwaves or red flames on ascent you're *definitely* making that mistake. As you've seen, small rockets can make orbit - if they're flown well.
  11. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Basic_maneuvers That's what I learnt from. Sorted the rendezvous on my second go.
  12. Notable terrain features like mountaintops and crater rims, to look at the scenery and see what the vehicle is capable of. True, the scenery doesn't tend to look *that* interesting up close.For me just my science program takes a bit of time, with at least two runs for most experiments (transmit one, return one) including the surface sample, and timewarping to recharge the batteries for transmission. Then there's positioning the Kerbals for the photo-op. Even if I don't go anywhere I've already done a bit.
  13. Hard to see the ship in the video (if only you'd swung the camera round to show the lit side!) and I can't load the save since I've yet to upgrade to .24, but attempting to re-create it I reckon you've got 230 m/s of delta-V in Munar orbit at best, which I don't think is enough for a direct return to Kerbin. If you can redo the launch, do so, there are often delta-V savings to be made there. For a start you don't need a 32 km orbit, 6.5 is fine if you're in a roughly equatorial orbit.
  14. Since when? Ike's gravity is lower than the Mun's, but I'm pretty darn sure it's higher than Minmus.
  15. If you're going to allow a bigger carrier, then you may as well keep it simple. Select a large iceberg, commission it into the Royal Navy as a carrier, and tow it to a suitable latitude for the Shuttle to land. But that would seem like cheating. Credible Sport style retro-boosters seem like the best chance. The hard bit would be mounting them in such a way that they don't compromise the Shuttle's re-entry.
  16. CPU benchmark comparison: http://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare.php?cmp[]=775&cmp[]=1937 The newer laptop should run KSP noticeably better and handle somewhat larger ships, assuming the turbo works as it should. Like flashcactus said you might want to keep the rest of your system load down when playing KSP. The new laptop's much better GPU should let you crank up the visual detail in KSP too.
  17. cantab

    Which one?

    It could be that he didn't finish remodelling the spaceplane parts before the end of his internship, thus leaving Squad needing to bring in someone else to do that work, who happens to be an established KSP modder. Not if the GPLed code is clearly separate from, and not depended on by, the proprietary code. Which would be the case if the mod were simply distributed with the stock game.PS: I think the banana should be a random alternate model/texture for the asteroids. Maybe 1 in 50 or something is a space banana.
  18. Put my lander into an orbit in the opposite direction of the orbiter - again. This time round Ike. I've lucked out by having spare fuel at least.
  19. Asparagus setups tend to lose TWR as they drop stages. I can see why that would be bad on a lander. It's mitigated by designs that use a more powerful core engine though.
  20. cantab

    Which one?

    That didn't stop Squad putting the O-10 and Vernor in though. And if not adding new parts is worse - which is arguably the case when it comes to planes - then Squad will include them.
  21. cantab

    Which one?

    Speaking of aerodynamics, who wrote Stock Drag Overhaul or whatever it was called? Could well be them brought into to rework the stock aero but without going for the complexity of Ferram's work.
  22. cantab

    Which one?

    Squad will probably have their own ideas about what the art should be like. I would be more surprised if a part pack mod was included in stock without at least a once-over on the artwork.
  23. Each ship would measure the other as receding at less than the speed of light. Time and space appear to distort to ensure this is the case. The Kaluza-Klein theory sought to describe electromagnetism in this way, employing an additional spatial dimension to do so, but it was never fully successful.In the classical view, gravity is unique in that the force acts on the same thing that "resists" its action - mass. Therefore all objects are affected equally by gravity, and so the relativistic description of it as a distortion of spacetime works.
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