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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. You very likely ran out of EC, and the kerbals stormed the supply closets. I'll be tweaking this in a future release.
  2. The reactors are underutilized, so they automatically lower load to what you actually are using.
  3. Glad it's sorted - and if someone does a dds pull request or reminds me via an issue I'll add it in the next release
  4. Can you provide more specificity please? Regarding efficiency, you need radiators
  5. No donation required, and as noted - I am more than open to adding more wheels I shall take a look - there may be more wheels in the works Awesome!! Thank you!
  6. Not really Ore != Metals (although most Ores on earth are metallic - though not all are. For example, Asbestos comes from an ore). The actual definition of Ore is simply 'valuable stuff extracted from dirt or rock'. And in the case of KSP, our Ore is modeled after hydrate-rich rock that we can crack oxygen/hydrogen from and transform into valuable fuel products - similar to some of the plans to use asteroids for refueling (and asteroids were the primary use case, but we added planetary support as well since it already existed in the mod I based all of the stock stuff on). Go into your back garden, and dig a shovel of dirt. The second it becomes economically viable to extract stuff from that dirt, it becomes Ore And in space - Oxygen and Hydrogen are very valuable commodities indeed!
  7. heh, no need to be a jerk about it, yes? There are always much nicer ways of saying things (or better yet, follow the proverb about 'if you don't have something nice to say...').
  8. Yes, change the CausesDeath flag to true.
  9. The source is there - Dynamic Tanks is the only unique stuff it has. Not sure what other source you are looking for RE tanks - yes, I will add some more Rock Kontainers
  10. Thermal Efficiency affects production - it reflects that you produce less as you overheat or while you are warming up. And less heat production is what causes it to eventually reach an equilibrium state. At work now so I can't look at your test rig, my recommendation is starting with a stock set of parameters and carefully expanding from there. But it's absolutely possible to work with no radiators (see above RE equilibrium).
  11. Heya! As noted, chatted with Nertea over IRC hopefully have the bits sorted. If you have any specific questions on how the modules work, let me know. There are a LOT of levers and you can do interesting (or horrible) things. One bit to note is that you will see several bits in the stock ISRU/drills that are set to zero - these mostly deal with internal->corebleedoff. Generally I kept things that were variable based on internal temp at zero since they can be the most unpredictable with high loads in analytic mode (it's why we have core heat in the first place!)
  12. It saved me from making it a mod Actually deprecated one of my own mods before I even got to release it. But yep - as noted, stock science over time is a thing - not dependent on any third part/mod stuff Though if you want to expand into base building.. I do kinda make a few mods for that!
  13. Stored Charge is CRP, and in any case has been deprecated for a while now
  14. No worries, will take a peek and see what we can figure out
  15. heh, well given this is free stuff... the only way I get paid is via donations and my Patreon page (link on the main USI catalog page in my sig ;)) Very odd that rock is not going up.. I'll have to poke around and see why.
  16. Yep, pretty much what @Streetwind said. That being said, some of the larger collections that support it include NFT and USI
  17. Someone actually made an entire parts pack for those somewhere
  18. Ah - probably just legacy from when temps used to be that high Github issue is the best way to sort that
  19. Get it from Github. I make nice pretty releases for you - link is in my signature. CKAN is an automated support issue spawner. I will do defensive coding for it when I have the time, and while I contemplate all of the nice things I am not making for you folks while I spend my time trying to keep CKAN from messing things up and causing me more work.
  20. Whoops! Let me sort that! Ok - 0.7.1 is up on GitHub. Same stuff as 0.7.0 minus all of the extra Firespitter files
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