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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. 0.7.0 IS UP with 99% FEWER BEES! 0.7.0 - 2015-12.08 ------------------ Space is now automatically expanded as resources are removed. The Jaw now operates as a high efficiency drill Asteroids are significantly more massive (up to four times larger, and 33 times denser). To cope with this, the Mass Driver engine has been increased in size, and is now a 2.5m There is also a 1.25m mass driver RCS version, with significant thrust (runs on rock and EC) * NOTE: ARM contracts are going to be a lot more challenging! *
  2. IS UP 0.4.8 - 2015.12.08 ------------------ Added 'IntakeLqd' - an oceanic resource to help with oceanic-only parts. Modified Asteroid config to include 'Rock' Added 'Lead' as a resource (same stats as LeadBallast, but visible/tweakable) Adjusted density of 'Rock' to be more like rock, and less like cotton balls
  3. Which is also what the stock system will use for remote control points (this was one of the things we covered back when the feature was announced)
  4. Will need to take a look. For clarity can you post a pic of the vessels in question?
  5. This was discussed when we were designing ISRU, and specifically opted not to be included (it really did not make sense to have it as a byproduct of 'Ore', which is more analogous to cracking hydrogen/oxygen from hydrate-rich rock). As noted, pretty trivial to add this to parts given the extensibility of the resource framework. Usual deal, never say never, etc. - but do be aware that this is a case of something we were aware of and discussed (and ultimately made a call on) vs. something that was not considered when building out the feature.
  6. What @goldenpsp said The heavy Kontainers are ruggedized by design, and the weight is a pretty small cost given what you can do with these. That being said, the lineup will likely be extended to more ISS-style (and much lighter containers for orbital work).
  7. Unofficial note, since my name is mentioned in vain on the OP. I do not put stuff on KS because I endorse the product (and agree with some of the sentiments regarding long term stability). I put stuff there because I put stuff in lots of places. Only reason every mod I have is not (also) on Curse right now is because I need to write the automation code to hit their API. At the end of the day, the official mod repo really does need to be a stable company, no one guy who may or may not be interested in long-term maintenance of his site. Also, the OP is very misleading in this post (like equating OS with having to pay for something, referencing curse vs. the actual official mod repo, etc.)
  8. Usual deal. How did you install this mod, and provide a screenshot of your GameData and UmbraSpaceIndustries folders.
  9. Nope, final Yep! Though I need to move some of that refueling code out to a shard library
  10. Floating point math, lots of things moving around, and ending up with something stuck slightly inside of a planet's collider. The larger your base, the greater odds of something going pear shaped. hence why UKS and MKS Lite encourage disconnected bases.
  11. Actually - disconnected bases work in MKS-Lite too It makes all of them a lot less kraken-baity
  12. Here you go. Same model, different texture, and inside of the game vs. just in Unity (so you get a better sense of shading and scale).
  13. It works fine as ballast in my experiments. There are also other alternatives if you need ballast.
  14. hrm... Can you toss me your save file on DropBox or something?
  15. Which USI-LS version? And is this an old save or new one?
  16. hmm... you have power correct? Also, please confirm which version you were on.
  17. Specificity? I'm using it without issues in a multitude of mods, and this is the first I've heard of a problem
  18. Well it's detecting NFE, hence why you see those configs. So that's pretty much your conflict right there
  19. Actually, there is. It's just being neighborly, and not that uncommon. This just happens to be the first case where we've had it cause a major issue - not through stuff on my end, but due to people insisting on using an outdated mod and being surprised when stuff does not work.
  20. FYI - I used the 'Gameplay' tag because a couple of my mods (the colony ones to be specific) are really not parts packs, but fundamental changes to how you play the game. I expect KSPI would also fall into this category.
  21. As the guy who made both the stock resource implementation, a modder who's made mods with similar levels of complexity, and the guy who's had to support both - I would agree that this is really something for mod-land not for stock (it's why I did stock as a framework with a very basic implementation). The best bit... one could absolutely recreate that entire graph in stock.
  22. Those only support one Kerbal each. You have more Kerbals than greenhouses.
  23. Yep, looking at that pic, it's not working because you have NFE installed and NFE is not working in 1.0.5 last I checked. Given the amount of support issues this is causing me, I'll be pulling out the NFE config next patch and just having it as a separate download for folks interested in it.
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