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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Sorry, absolutely no idea on that - there's nothing magical about the parts, just basic parts with standard shaders...
  2. It means you have an install issue or something is conflicting. Usual deal... Install clean from KS, overwrite everything. Include everything. If you still have an issue show us your GameData folder. What do you mean by probe core? Right now you can (technically) install both - I'll be updating UKS to hide the Lite parts to clean up your menus without blowing up your bases yw It also has it's own wiki
  3. If someone has an alternate sun config I will happily take a pull request
  4. Usual deal, show us GameData and USI folders, career or sandbox, etc.
  5. Two reasons. First, because stock scanning is a prospecting mechanic, the M700 just being the first step. Almost all of your time in stock prospecting should be done either on the surface or with the NBS. It's also binary.. either a planet is scanned or it is not. It also generates no mass, and the only bit that consumes resources (transmission) takes time, just like ISRU. It would be a bit silly to have a small radial monoprop tank fill up as large as a giant NASA tank. The analogue on scanning is that it takes a LOT longer to scan Jool than it does to scan Gilly.
  6. @Kobymaru - given we're in a USI-LS thread they probably aren't using TAC-LS In that context, there are no USI-LS parts that can utilize anything that comes on asteroids. You would, as noted, need UKS for that. Though I expect if you did find an asteroid with the right stuff, it would be pretty lucrative (though not, obviously, infinite).
  7. A stock drill extracts everything from an asteroid
  8. A stock drill will do that - - - Updated - - - hmm... power shortage should not have killed them off that fast... will take a look
  9. Ok, that was now helpful. Looks like Firespitter was not bundled. - - - Updated - - - IS UP - 2015.10.27 -------------------- Bundled Firespitter (needed for tank switching)
  10. Good catch I will happily take a pull request for that Sure, log a github issue
  11. By default your orange-suits are immune to the negative effects of running out of supplies, and yep 15 days is pretty close to getting you back/forth from Minmus.
  12. Same deal. Show me a shot of your GameData folder, also install this via KerbalStuff, overwrite all things it says to overwrite, and don't move anything to new folders or omit anything.
  13. Thanks for the feedback. The very best way to see it get into the mod is to log a github issue so I can track the feature request.
  14. You only need to strap things on outside of the Kerbin SOI. I've found the larger canisters service most missions well, and if you want some serious extension, add one of the included greenhouses and pack fertilizer not supplies. Yep as noted elsewhere, power is required or horrible things happen.
  15. ...Then what is this thread for? I would expect the developers to be involved in the official thread for their own project? So I will drop this here, and propose how this issue can be solved, before this mounting wave of backlash gets ugly. Inclusion in CKAN should be at the discretion of the modder. Not just because someone (not the modder) throws in a pull request. Or, ask nicely. And if we say no or change our minds, respect that. Otherwise you're going to start seeing licenses that explicitly restrict distribution via CKAN. Forcing people to play your ball game is incredibly uncool. Second. It is far easier for me to maintain my own metadata, because it lets me use my own repo as a gatekeeper. If CKAN allows me to host my own metadata in my own mod, then awesome. And with the request above (let me de-list), then we're sorted. Then I can just de-list from CKAN, and when I am ready, put my own metadata back. Problem solved. I'd like to see a reply from the CKAN developers on this. - - - Updated - - - Update. Talked to PJF - and since it looks like I can not only host my own metadata, but also pull my listings till that's sorted, then I am a much happier camper as that solves my issues.
  16. Hopping in here for a bit. Because what I am starting to see is a mounting backlash against CKAN from the content creators, because you are causing us ridiculous amounts of work. When CKAN first came out, the outreach was excellent. The CKAN Elves would IM me or ping me on IRC if they saw something amiss, and stuff got sorted. It was as if, at that time, CKAN realized that modders were their main customer... probably because they needed as much stuff on CKAN as possible for it to be viable, and modder participation was critical to it's survival. Now, fast forward. The screw ups and support hassles are mounting. The only thing I get from CKAN is support issues, and those are increasing. CKAN has in my opinion lost it's focus and now that they milked what they wanted from the modding community (that is, a solid catalog that makes the service valuable to users) they can safely abandon focusing on the modders since, as one user earlier in this thread put it, we either have to get on board or be left behind. This is a complete 180 from the prior attitude. If you make it painless for the modders and focus your support on the content, things will be fine and everything else will fall into place. Abandon them, and you're just going to see the backlash and animosity intensify. Now for you guys. That ChangeLog file in the root of UmbraSpaceIndustries belongs to USI Core, along with it's version file. Right now Karbonite is screwed up on CKAN, and I expect soon enough the rest of my mods will follow suit. Oh... and all of them that use USI Core have already been updated, so there is no conflict. Also make sure you're getting the FireSpitter DLL from KerbalStuff. Also - apparently you don't like some of my licenses because despite CKAN not being commercial and not actually distributing stuff, you require license information to fit a specific format. This is irritating and causing friction, please sort this. KerbalStuff lets me do 'Other', GitHub lets me do whatever I want. Don't screw up a listing because it's not on your license list (whatever that happens to be). Use human eyes for this one. The amount of drama and entitlement I got from users advocating CKAN on that one issue alone was fairly ridiculous, and I was pretty much told 'shut up, go change your stuff, cater to CKAN or tough luck'. Hence the small dose of salt that comes with this post.
  17. No, use the Firespitter module that comes with it - since it sounds more like this is just an install issue. (Usual deal, make sure you have the latest from KS, omit nothing, do not install this via CKAN because they are being a bit stupid with my mods again lately, show us a shot of your GameData folder).
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