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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Right, and here's the deal... never ever move stuff out of their folders. Put the stuff from the GameData folder in the ZIP into the GameData folder in KSP... done. That's it. Any other configuration is just not going to work.
  2. Put the contents of GameData inside your GameData folder - don't nest them
  3. Hopping in for a bit A couple of things - the extraction and conversion process are, by design, separate. So what you're really asking for is atmospheric scoops. It would not make sense to allow the ISRU to do both out of the box as it invalidates the use of a drill/harvester. Also, relatively few bodies on KSP even have atmospheres. That being said, as noted, the resource system was built as a framework that can be extended and leveraged by more than just stock. Stock aims for a system approachable by the average player, mods are free to make things as complex/simple/easy/hard as they wish. Semi-related: This tone is probably not the best way to have a productive dialogue.
  4. Sounds good - I'll start moving some things over to the MKS-L Dev branch over the next couple of days.
  5. Right now the bubble is part-based and balanced for each drive. The bubble is also an intentional design constraint (it gives me a nice lever to work with when balancing different flavors of the drive), so variability is not something I'd want to do at this time.
  6. Obi - was just scanning, ping me if we have any tech tree disjoints, might as well get those sorted as well and make sure I'm not introducing anything too early or too late.
  7. Also, both MKS-Lite and UKS have smaller sifters and converters (including shovel).
  8. What you probably want in that case is the persistent thrust mod and either my orion drive or a torch ship. Or one of the various 'Jump' mods that exist already.
  9. heh, all wheels. But confirm which version you are on please
  10. Also make sure you have ModuleManager installed
  11. Yep, I'd concur. While you are more than welcome to bundle it, just be aware that it's subject to change
  12. If it was pushed into the DEVELOP branch, then yes. If it was pushed incorrectly into MASTER then no, since it will be stomped over. I only pull in stuff from Develop, because it saves me having to pick through a ton of merge conflicts. If it was tossed in DEVELOP then it should already be in as I merged from that branch and it's associated changes. If it is not in the current release and you did a PR request to DEVELOP, let me know.
  13. Don't move stuff around. I put everything in a specific folder for a reason, and am even nice enough to have a 'GameData' folder as the root to avoid confusion.
  14. Nope, should be fine, was mostly just getting things in sync. And KS is updated now with the correct version, which is
  15. Ahh the joys of automated deploys Looks like I have some version numbers to fix....
  16. No reason why not, it's just a field. And best bet is to do a pull request against the DEVELOP branch - lots of sources online on how to do GitHub pull requests.
  17. You folks are making a pretty large boatload of assumptions right about now
  18. tbh I think the packrat is also due for a refresh - likely at that point I'll add a pressurized cab to help with this issue.
  19. You do realize, guys, that I answered these same balance questions and concerns in the prior post?
  20. At the moment, they have safety features so no cooking your parts. They will spool down as they get too hot, and in extreme cases shut down
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