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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. There will be an update tomorrow hmm... try attaching them to the same hub the hab is on (i.e. no KAS pipes in the way), the little hexcans should work for that
  2. Bear in mind there's MKS-Lite now as well - specifically to help folks with the learning curve
  3. Also please confirm if this is sandbox or career, and if the latter, try a sandbox save.
  4. A bit biased, but yep I have both MKS-Lite and full on UKS - links in the signatures Plus all of the bits tie in perfectly with the Karibou Rover. (All bits were brought in with that KIS container in the background) (And you can rover them about) (Larger UKS (non-Lite) bits)
  5. Hopping in to just say how awesome this looks! Glad someone is doing it
  6. - Well, looks like the bits are physically connected - so odds are you're just running out of power. That's not a lot of solar... - Scientist has to be in the same vessel to provide the sifter's efficiency bonus. The engineer presence is only for transmitting to nearby disconnected bases. - I don't see it physically disconnected - is it? That's what is confusing me about your image vs what you are asking. - Lights do consume power. If other bits are missing their lights, your release may be out of date. - I don't understand what you mean RE Oxygen vs ISRU... - Access the upper hatch with a ladder - Attach them anywhere on the base and they will count. There was a goof where the fertilizer resource was not defined - someone posted a fix earlier, or just borrow the resource definitions from USI-LS
  7. Should be fixed in the upcoming version (which I am buttoning up) For now you can get rid if them in your persistence file in the life support section if you're feeling punchy
  8. heh looks like I need to add that in - I occasionally miss TAC-LS stuff when doing this
  9. Correct. So your 5000L container contains 5000 units All of the CRP bits are 1L so you can use those as guides.
  10. Yes please, I'll add in any others you're missing that I already have in MKS/UKS
  11. FYI I'll be updating MKS-Lite by the end of the week to sync up with the OSE Workshop default config. UKS will still override for a more complex production chain, but will still use MaterialKits vs RocketParts. This should make cross-mod support a lot easier. Obi - before I forget - you have MaterialKits in 1L units yes?
  12. MKS-L also has much more powerful resource chains (for example, you get the cultivator out of the gate). So it's the easiest, smallest form factor but tied with modules that are on-par or superior to the UKS variants. That's why the two mods can't really co-exist Which is fine. I think MKS-L has two audiences: Folks that just want stuff that is simple, and they will stick with it, and folks that will use it to learn the ropes of UKS and will eventually step up to that mod. The balancing point right now is going to be keeping the part count low while also respecting that folks just want pretty base parts (especially as there are even more of those in the works). So one thought I am considering is to go down the path of having base part packs, and separate DLLs for MKS-L and UKS (with UKS taking precedence) that interact with said part packs, but that's something for down the line as I have some other fish to fry at the moment.
  13. Tossing this out there - I will happily tie the MKS side over to OSE. Naturally there will be (on my side) different chains to get to the end, so likely it will be a case of MKS Lite / OSE work together out of the box with the same stuff, with UKS expanding the chain a bit like it does today. In any case, I'll defer to wherever Obi lands, since I for one really like this mod's direction and have plans to further integrate with it in some of my other stuff
  14. Ping me if you want to discuss MKS integration, always nice to see other folks tie into it
  15. Pic of your base please - - - Updated - - - It's that latter bit that catches people. The point of the machinery chain is more about building bases that supply other bases, not about having every single base have every single module... but I think people just played UKS Pokemon
  16. If you just want the structural parts, then nothing is stopping you from using the main UKS mod - they work just fine as cosmetic parts. And the complexity is highly overrated, especially given the changes post-1.0
  17. That would defeat the entire purpose of this mod, because these already encapsulate all of that functionality This is meant as a stepping stone - work with a simplified set of parts and mechanics, then when you're ready, transition to the main mod. hence why a lot of the analogues are being kept.
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