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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. See above re show us folders. Obviously something is broke, need info that was asked for.
  2. Let me carefully consider an OKS variant for this - specifically because I want to keep part count low and not overwhelm people.
  3. Pretty easy. Smelt stock Ore into RocketParts, command pod is a survey station. Rest of the EL parts work as-is. And yes, I strongly disagree with single resource to rockets, but given this is the Lite version, it makes sense.
  4. Well, yeah Especially given in the full UKS version their functions are parallel if a bit more complex.
  5. And your model is in the same folder as the config file? Show us a GameData screenshot and a mod folder screenshot
  6. Yep if you already use UKS then no need to download it's little brother
  7. MKS is a complex mod - it has a lot of resources, and a lot of moving parts. And while it’s pretty awesome once it’s up and running, it can also be intimidating to a newer player. So I’ve been carefully considering the best way to overcome this hurdle without sacrificing the spirit of the mod, and after a lot of discussion and feedback, have decided to build out a lighter, friendlier version of MKS. Thus, I am happy to introduce MKS-Lite! It will give you a taste of a lot of the MKS subsystems, but uses a much simpler resource set and more forgiving mechanics. The best part is that when you’re ready to move onto the main MKS system and it’s more involved processes, almost all of the knowledge you learn in MKS-L will transfer directly over. You can get a feel for the specifics over on the Wiki. You can grab a release over on GitHub here: https://github.com/BobPalmer/MKS-LITE/releases Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license. Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely note that this is currently in BETA, so while it is pretty stable, I still anticipate some bugs I am also especially looking for feedback on the documentation, since this is intended to be a much simpler version, and I need to make sure the docs work for newer players. Note: This is not really suitable for use with core UKS because of balance issues (in the next release, the full UKS mod will explicitly hide MKS-L if present). Enjoy!
  8. honestly, already solved this with MKS by allowing disconnected bases including automated resource transfer and power transmission - works a treat.
  9. I assume by Mk1 you mean the 0.0.1 release? If so any numbers you saw there were also a total 100% lie.
  10. Yeah, given these are direct thrust there's just no way for those tools to get a real reading, and the DV will vary greatly based on the payload. The Medusa levels out the G-Force a bit more than the Orion. Consumption should be precisely the same. Not a bug, your spinning is because your payload is too small. and there is no real ISP for these things - so you can ignore those numbers, it's all about the size of the charge as they impart thrust directly.
  11. Same answer Golden gave you - start with a pic of GameData and UmbraSpaceIndustries. Also - was this installed via CKAN or directly from the zip on KerbalStuff? It's actually not solid green, it's shaded green. (and takes up about half the texture for that part). Granted, most is not visible in the IVA and is more readily apparent when you're looking via the transparent pod.
  12. Yeah, MJ will not work with these. And anything under 100t (payload, not engines or charges) will probably go poof. James - I only dev on Windows, I play on Linux.
  13. Looks nice! FYI - I dev on windows. And odds are you don't have your fuel tank matching your fuel selection - these two have to tie out. Screenshots help.
  14. tbh there will likely be the suggested node of experimental nuclear propulsion, and a follow-up for the Medusa.
  15. Let me know how it works with the new release Sounds are not done yet
  16. All of my stuff Plus anything by Nertea, and the usual assortment of planet packs and visual mods.
  17. The rate of use should already be ridiculously low. Let me know if this is not the case (i.e. I expect your cartridges would run out long before the ablative oil does). Side note. When I add manufacturing for NPUs I'll also add manufacturing for ablative oil.
  18. No sound files yet. I'm happy with the rest to be honest, given the limitations of what we can do with particle effects. Differences with the Medusa are noted in the patch notes.
  19. 0.0.2 is up on Kerbalstuff There are now four distinct Nuclear Pulse Unit (NPU) resources, ranging from 2.5L through 50L. The 50L nukes can easily propel rockets measured in the kilotons. Payloads under 100t are not recommended in any case. The magazine is a separate part and you can select which NPUs you wish to load. The Orion and Medusa both have a selection option for NPU size. This can be changed in flight. The Orion now has a gimbal. The Medusa has a flatter thrust curve than the Orion. Animations and particles have been tweaked. Throttle now controls bomb frequency. 1-3 seconds for the Orion, 1-5 seconds for the Medusa. Added a bottom attach node on the Orion. Some general notes - the Medusa is a superior interstellar craft because of the thrust easing when launching NPUs, but cannot take off from an atmospheric body like the Orion, and lacks the gimbal, thus both are different but balanced against eachother. A resource, AblativeOil, has been added. This is consumed (very slowly) while the drive is active and firing. NPUs are consumed one unit at a time, so their unit size does vary (2.5L - 50L per unit). Lots of config dials to play with. Enjoy! - - - Updated - - - Oh yeah... because nodes moved around and resource changed, expect this to break existing craft.
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