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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Yep, the mod is going to be called Nuclear Engines. Starting with the three mentioned on the tin.
  2. Not a bug. You can surface attach TO them with struts, but they intentionally do not allow stuff to be surface attached directly to them.
  3. Correct, it is not supposed to function in atmosphere And don't just hit max throttle, odds are your ship can't handle that much force being put on it. Ease up to it, and note than in the streams the highest I got the throttle was 60%.
  4. Oh I would not even look at MechJeb for these (or KER) given the engines kinda do their own thing
  5. Yep, though it's very likely not suitable for what you are looking at for radiation
  6. No, do them in the DEV branch and I'll merge them in or they will be closed
  7. What's your EC situation like?
  8. I added a magazine-only part (basically clipped off the cylinders on the current drive) and working on the Medusa variant for launch
  9. No dampeners, sorry. But an interesting idea I may take a look at after 1.1, given landing gear is based on wheel colliders and these have changed in U5. No. 5m, possibly a 7.5m if I get punchy and make appropriate adapters. Already in the works - - - Updated - - - Most of the above actually And add that it will be pushing that texture to go 7.5m without looking fairly horrible. But yes. Tweakscale. And again, the reference model is the 10m USAF Orion (which is fine as a 5m Kerbal model). - - - Updated - - -
  10. Update. Moved it to a 5m part, did some more tweaking on the pulse engine code (thermal, and a few other goodies). Will be streaming the texturing portion likely this evening
  11. Awesome Yeah I always had vehicles about this form factor whenever I made a base, so I know how fun these can be
  12. heh, yeah also streaming a lot of the of the work on it. Side note. Given how many variants of this were out there, our reference for this one is the (relatively) dinky 10m USAF Orion.
  13. There will be a separate shaped charge resource, the uranium is just a placeholder right now. And that pic is out of date (you're looking at the prototype).
  14. You may need to zoom out - the bubble is pretty big
  15. Includes a 5m USAF Orion as well as a 5m Medusa variant. Download Link: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/NuclearRockets/releases Post bugs and whatnot Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license. Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely
  16. Speaking only for the USI stuff (Which looks like he has a lot of), all of my part packs are pretty lean (case in point, the new Karibou mod is only 4MB...) and with resources being stock, it makes MKS and Karbonite pretty lean too
  17. heh, a bit of a necro, but would add in (since this was created before my mod existed) USI-LS http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116790 Minimal resources, variable penalties, also plunking in separate tracking and penalties for stuffing Kerbals in close quarters (basically a habitation requirement). Plus built-in support with all of the USI goodies.
  18. Start off by posting the config you're using. Also consider using ModuleResourceConverter instead of ModuleGenerator.
  19. Sure, will do that when the next release heads out (which is pretty soon, working on it hopefully today)
  20. Not sure why a thread comparing two mods would be closed immediately, provided folks weren't jerky and got it locked.
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