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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. I'm going to need a craft file or something because I absolutely cannot repro this.
  2. Already fixed for the next release (clearing out the vessel list)
  3. @Requia - sorry, I just can't repro this, and at this point looks more like a ship design issue. I assume you have adequate batteries, etc.? Side note - let us know how much battery storage and how many Kerbals are on that ship.
  4. If you are attempting to use the MPL in sandbox to make money, there are much easier ways of doing this (ore drill on the launchpad and recover, etc) given it's hard cap of 500 science that can be stored, and the very low science to funds ratio with strategies.
  5. Best to kick MKS stuff over to the MKS thread - but bear in mind 100% lossless self sufficiency is no longer the MKS default.
  6. Probably better to do that via MM that way it's not stomped when there is an update.
  7. It was not able to convert mulch faster than it was generated. A nomOmatic can only keep up with one Kerbal's mulch.
  8. Sure, I think this is a fantastic solution to the issue - great stuff!
  9. Not really. Dropping in a MPL or two as part of one of your base contracts and letting science accumulate passively is certainly not a grind
  10. Ironically, a lot of people really dislike the part contracts. In the end, it's all about options. All of us have differing definitions of what is OP, grindy, broken, fun, tedious, etc. - choice is good.
  11. The MPL is designed as a viable alternative to experiment collection and return. So if someone wants to just set up stations and labs and get their science that way, they can. Or they can go full Pokemon on Mun/Minmus biomes and unlock the tree without ever leaving the Kerbin SOI. Or they can do a mix of all of these (in my career, I do a mix - I drop in labs as contracts ask for them, but also do my exploration missions, and find it to have a nice feel regarding progression). It's also very handy when you use alternate tech trees that add a lot more nodes (i.e. CTT), and opens up Science as a potentially unlimited currency, which opens options. I fully expect there are going to be varying opinions (no different than the varying opinions on ISRU), and that's ok.
  12. I think OP was stating that for the benefit of the guy asking about RocketParts production
  13. Posting the same thing I posted in the Karbonite thread for this. This is by design, and CTT is fully supported by Karbonite. It follows the same pattern as LFO engines - i.e. you get the engines and the tanks long before ISRU. This is appropriate since with stock, Karbonite is more of an alternate fuel mod these days, and it would be weird having either the engines unlock that deep in the tech tree, or having the ISRU unlock earlier than stock. The engines are fillable in the VAB. Probably the one tweak I will make is to default the tanks to being full.
  14. Ah! Before I forget - the MK-V's for MKS have some new inflatable models. What I can do is add in the part and just have it light up if this mod is installed. That saves you having to make a new model
  15. huh, I've had like.. zero stability issues with the Packrat even on Minmus...
  16. Not sure why it's causing you an issue - I've had no such problems in multiple saves - and there's no option for disabling that feature as it's built into the code.
  17. I'd expect RocketParts would follow the usual MKS production chain (Metals + Polymers + Chemicals => Fabrication Module = RocketParts)
  18. Pretty much that. Also I'll be merging all of my asteroid mods into one.
  19. Either is fine, but my recommendation would be to have this as a dependency and have it downloaded separately due to the rate of change
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