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Everything posted by WWEdeadman

  1. As far as I know the answer to all of that is no. Unless there's a mod for that, that I don't know of, since I don't play with a joystick.
  2. This. Also I had to click back and forth a few times to spot that. How the hell would you notice that in the first place?
  3. The getting off part is what makes Eve deadly. The only Kerbal in my game to die there on arrival died to one of the wings of his plane spontainioiusly falling off fo no reason. Most others have died while taking off, while trying to take off, or falling back becuase they didn't achieve orbit.
  4. The only thing Eve is to me is an evil, cursed, purple ball of hate. Also I don't think anything could survive there. The scientific proof I give for that, is that every Kerbal I sent there so far has died.
  5. I used it exactly in one mission on a spaceplane I took to Laythe. It just isn't the the most useful thing, IMO.
  6. With enough chutes, and landing sideways, you should be good. I just have no actual idea how many chutes you'd need.
  7. I have quicksaving/loading still enabled, but I haven't used it in 0.24 yet. I only save in case the game crashes, or the kraken attacks ever since the 0.23.5 save I had before 0.24. Also I have perma-death on since then (although in 0.23.5 that rtequired savefile editing) But, yeah, it makes the game way more enjoyable if your failures are not "revertable". Makes you think twice whether you have enough delta V left to land/get off an air-less body.
  8. Of course it's possible to play without mods. I have 212 hours of stock gameplay, according to steam. (I never start the modded versions via steam, since I always copy KSP to another drive for modding, so it is a pretty accurate number)
  9. I started using mods after about 200 hours of stock playtime, and 100 episodes of stock let's play. Mainly cause I wanted the visual mods (EVE, HotRockets, CoolRockets etc.) and Kerbal engineer and alarm clock for obvious benefits.
  10. Yeah, solid boosters are so cheap, I end up using them way more than I did before funds were a thing.
  11. Uhhh.... what? I am having trouble imagining that scenario. But the Kraken does strike in many different ways.
  12. So, I have been doing KSP videos for almost a year now, and I had completely overlooked this section of the forums so far So I though for the start of Season 3, on a fresh 0.24 career, I would post a thread here, in case you guys are interested. So here is the first Episode of season 3, fresh out of the press: Current mods: -Environmental Visual Enhancements -Better Athmospheres V5 -Kittopia Tech (BAv5 requirement) -Distant Object Enhancement -Custom Asteroids (BAv5 requirement) -Texture Replacer -Kerbal Engineer Redux -Kerbal Alarm Clock -Hot Rockets -Cool Rockets -Quantum Struts Continued -Toolbar (for Alarm Clock and distan objects) EDIT: -Ambient Light Ajustment (As of Ep. 145) EDIT2: -Kerbal Attachment System -Athmospheric Trajectories (both as of Ep. 162) Also check out (starting off in the middle of a 0.22 career,trying to rescue Jeb from Eve, and then going on to a fresh 0.23 career, subsequently updating to 0.23.5)and (0.23.5 modded carreer)Also I'd like to do more or less regular special episodes flying viewer submitted crafts, so if you want me to fly one of your constructions, just send it to me via the E-Mail I post in every videos description, or via PM on YouTube or here in the Forums. Subscribe on YouTube to join me in this adventure, and don't forget to check out my other content, if you like what you see. I hope you enjoy. (Also, forgive me if I don't post the new episodes here as they come out, I just don't have the time to keep this thread up to date along with all the other stuff I'm doing. I'm sure you understand that.)
  13. I would totaly be fine if they wouldn't add more planets until scope completion. Once every system of the game works like it should, they can add all the content, like new planets, (space-) plane parts etc. Hell, if they aren't going to add any more planets at all we still have planetfactory for a neverending supply. I'd love to see more planets, and I'd be the first to go to newly added ones, but I totaly understand if they won't add more in the near future.
  14. Well, I have launched vessels that were supposed to test parts, but didn't get to the required height, and I have had probes run out of power before I could do the tests All in all I wasted a lot of fiunds on part testing so far.
  15. Not counting my steam install, I have about 20GB of KSP installs on a seperate drive. (for version backup and modding purposes) I guess by the time the game is finished that will have multiplied a lot xD
  16. Maybe it is a fusion of the letters V and F for "Virtual Funds"
  17. I think I've seen jacksepticeye actually do that in a video already. Unity is oculus compatible, so it is easy to do.
  18. Did you replace the sharedassets file? If so, did you do it for the version you're using (32 bit or 64 bit)?
  19. Well, it seems I'll be using quantum struts for my docked crafts instead of EVA-strutting. Welp... I prefer to have the 64 bit version running all the time.
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