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Everything posted by Dragev

  1. Hi! I seem to have a problem; I can't use the KAS pipe end points to pump from one KW Rocketry part to another (two SA-2 LFT to be precise). Will this mod make it possible?
  2. My current Mun landing program is a succession of failures. 1st flight of the Munraker Mk 1; I got into low orbit over the Mun and started descending. As the ship hurtled towards the surface at 77 m/s I thought "This is going a bit fast... what's the maximum speed for this stuff again...12 m/s?? Oh sh-" *WHAM* Rest in pieces, Jebediah Kerman. Fortunately, m quicksave enabled me to try again and the ship landed...successfully, before tipping over the side. After collecting the science and setting up the flag, I began rolling the ship around in the hope of making it face upward. After 15 minutes I finally succeeded and realised that my fuel reserve would take me to barely 20 000 m over the Mun. Before I could organise a rescue mission, I needed science to unlock "very advanced rocketry". With this aim in mind, I set up the Munraker Mk 2 with more fuel for the lander. This time I landed straight, got Bill Kerman out to collect samples and saw I had forgotten to add stairs up to the cockpit. After a lot of fruitless jumping, I finally got him in there. The maximum apoapsis this time was 40 000 m, so better than before, but no cigar. I now had two pilots stranded on the Mun and no science in sight. This very morning I landed the unmanned Munprobe Mk 1, which was able to transmit JUST enough science to unlock the bigger rockets. I expect more fun with the special rescue rocket, the Icarus Mk 1...
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