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Cmdr. Arn1e

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Everything posted by Cmdr. Arn1e

  1. yep, and making sure that your room isn't too hot... I have found out again recently how bad that one can be!!
  2. due to evaporation, still - as the water is subject to the same laws of physics! (as the more 'excited' water molecules will leave before the less 'excited' water, you end up with cooler water than you started with...)
  3. Think you are a bit late... they are choosing teams now...
  4. Just for reference (if some of you don't check the General Chat) main page is Here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82927-The-Official-Kerbin-Cup-Tournament-Thread
  5. I had this the first time I 'burnt out' on KSP... I think I just started a new career game and went from there! Hmmm, 5 months... does that mean you have only just started on 23.5?
  6. that' why my last post was an 'analogue' - it doesn't actually work like that, but is the closest aproximation we can make without one of the scientists working on it explain it, possibly using words invented for the purpose, which we (and by 'we', I mean most humans) would require an analogue to understand properly... and yes, we would supposedly get some sort of exit-effect, but what this would be exactly (light, radiation of some form) we just don't know yet - even the scientists who proposed it can't say either way how much of an effect, or even if there will be an effect, until it is tried. We might find out with the preliminary mini-tests they are trying to carry out, which may or may not prove or disprove the naked singularity theory... A naked singluarity might only appear when the science/machinary is scaled up, otherwise we could end up with all those fears about CERN coming true!
  7. Using the 'Surfing' analogue, it is similar in a way - when you observe the various bits of rubbish floating on water, they get picked up and carried by the currents and eddies in the water. when they get close enough to shore for waves to occur, they are pushed along by the wave, with no input/energy expended by the piece of rubbish (I'm imagining a piece of polystyrene or similar that would float...) Or imagine a surfer waiting for a wave to surf on... they wait motionless at the point where the waves have started forming so they can gauge the possible height, and if it is the height they want they will expend a small amount of energy to start going the same direction (much like the way you seem to be imagining the AD deive to work at the moment). The difference between a surfer and AD is the fact that there aren't many 'waves' in the time/space medium, but we can calculate movement through the medium as though it were a fluid (which is why fluid dynamics is used to work out everyting from ocean liners to stratocruiser planes...). The biggest difference is, the AD drive basically creates it's own 'wave' in the spacetime medium, which it then 'surfs' along (because it is in 'contact' with the surface of the medium it is travelling through). Of course, it is easy to see how this works from a traditional space ship point of view; fire engines, create thrust against the molecules behind the ship, get pushed forward. It's much harder to imagine something that would somehow 'latch on' to time itself to provide a downward/gravitational force which would have the effect of moving a ship across the 'surface' of the spacetime curves... You'd think if we could work that out, we would be able to create a clock that was powered by time itself somehow... and would always be 100% accurate... but going off on another tangent there I think! And yes, this type of discussion certainly causes brain overheating >.<
  8. I read this as "I (you) have seen to many similar Jool-5 missions" and would like to see more variation in the spacecraft... this is why I only started this mission when I felt I was ready for the challenge, and tried to avoid looking at others entries so far... I'm hoping that my ideas are different enough from others so it's not a chore to slog through! plus, I don't recall anyone else having a theme song for their mission yet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J9jRPS5VHE And you are most welcome; I would also have been happy with "Missions that are currently under way will fall under old rules, any new starters have to follow new rules" but as Kasuha said, we all like this mission because you are a bit more forgiving than others would be on the whole refuelling plan (and I think contenders so far have tried to limit refuel trips to just one or two if possible... but not having read too many in detail, I could be wrong) which helps attract more people to try
  9. After all of the community trying to sort this out among them(our)selves, I'm gonna laugh if the the mods select the teams!
  10. Well, I did have you in my Dream Team, you might have seen on the main post about it! I have put a suggestion in the unofficial thread thingummy...
  11. Hey, I propose myself, Whackjob, Deathsoul097 and FCIsuperguy as Team 'There Can Be Only One'!!! if they want to, of course! just suggesting, like
  12. I think 'Multiverse' would cover that - as in a 'Mulitverse of Universes'... and theoretically, they are all moving relative to each other... only way to be certain would be to measure speed locally against the surrounding atoms/molecules, but even they could be moving on solar winds, so I have to agree, there is no possibly way of knowing 100% if yo are totally 'static'... taken into account at the end of the bit you quoted me on with "if the other stars were all standing still." which they aren't, as we are fully aware! But the only way we can prove all of this is to come up with a really good quantum theory, which we have an incomplete version at this time, due to forces which we don't understand still messing things up from time to time, randomly... like how black holes actually work... which we could find out if some of the speculation about the AD prove true! (Creation of a 'naked' black hole at one of the poles of the warp bubble/ring/doughnut - meaning it would form and be observable, we so far haven't been able to directly observe a black hole due to the even horizon, but it is speculated that it should be observable in the short time between it forming and starting to suck in everything around it such as light... but, of course, very dangerous for a ship equipped with an AD drive and its occupants!)
  13. The thing is, the bubble/ring/doughnut (whatever shape you make the warp field) is the thing that is moving, and taking whatever is inside it along with it - but it is moving in time, not space, and it will take whatever is in the field with it, including the light particles (which gets confusing again, because light is both particles AND waves [more quantum mechanics - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave%E2%80%93particle_duality]). Also, absolutely 'static' to me would be to halt ALL movement, and you would watch the sun and planets spin away very quickly as they themselves are moving at "20 kilometers per second or 12 miles per second. Or in units "per hour": 72,000 kilometers per hour or 45,000 miles per hour. This speed is in a frame of rest if the other stars were all standing still." (taken from here) Further, "The Sun is moving upwards, out of the plane of the Milky Way, at a speed of 7 kilometers per second. Currently the Sun lies 50 light-years above the mid-plane of the galaxy, and its motion is steadily carrying it further away." so for an normal drive to work, you would have to point it at where the target is going to be, not where it was... but this is opposite with an AD drive, as you might need to aim at where it was instead, due to the time-dilation effects of the drive itself...
  14. This is simply rectified by opening up the persistance file and changing the 'vessel type' and name of the kerbal! had this happen a couple times now... think to the same poor kerbal too! can be hard to find though... the find tool in notepad helps though!
  15. As I said in a previous post, I'm willing to step up! Just might need to buzz me on PM to remind me to do things...
  16. That there is doing it right - If you seem to have not slept right to the extent you need a 3-hour nap, then some extra sleep is in order, and a pill to help you catch up will not be too bad - if this only happens once in a while! Sleep is something that can reflect too much stress in your life too, amongst lots and lots of other things, and you may find that once you are through whatever is affecting your sleep you may not need to take the pills as much except maybe once in a very long time if you lose sleep for any reason...
  17. Absolutely correct, because is actually wrong... I suggest you go read the wiki page on the drive, as I linked earlier... The ship is partly pushed, partly pulled along by the fields created by the AD; the 'problem' of requiring huge amounts of mass to get the ship/drive anywhere has been reduced over the course of the research/theoretical work so far (it has been theorised that a full warp 'bubble' would take more mass than is available in the known universe! this was reduced when another scientist came along and worked out a way of reducing this amount by changing the waveform or something, but not to within usable levels. White has worked out that if it is reduced further, into an off-plane 'ring', or 'doughnut' then the mass is reduced to very small, obtainable amounts that we could work with.) I'll just link the wiki again, to be sure: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcubierre_drive Also, this is the reson for the update of the mock-up design; it wasn't that it was too thin for the forces it would have to endure, but because of the mass it requires for the drive to work - think about a sailing ship; does it work better when the sails are made out of netting, or more 'solid' cloth?
  18. But... the hardest part of my mission so far has been trying to design a fuel tanker that will take enough fuel to complete the mission... so far this has taken me longer than the initial planning and execution to get the mothership to Jool in the first place! Okay, maybe my own fault for not looking at any of the sample missions, and for using reasonably big, powerful and above all inefficient engines on my mothership... Please, feel free to check out the mission so far, I just updated to include current status...
  19. Just discovered that Primal Fear has a song called 'Lightyears from Home'... guess what the theme music for my Jool Mission has become?! xD
  20. And to follow on directly from this, I'm going to add Vanadium Batteries... have actually existed for probably longer than anyone can remember, only just worked out their use! But on-topic, the ISS is also about forming closer bonds between nations as well as science! And it's very interesting to note one of Chris Gadfields more famous quotes; "On the first day, astro/cosmonauts point out thier home countries... after a couple of weeks, no-one even bothers trying to work out borders any more" (sorry the quote is not 100% accurate, but I'm in the middle of some docking...)
  21. er... hate to be a pessimist, but how would the monitor messing up effect shut down/programs running on the PC?! I has no other function than to recieve the image and display it, it has no bearing on how programs run, or how an OS should behave... Gotta say though, you been ripped off... you can build a perfectly fine gaming PC for under £/$1000 (please adjust for locality, currency conversion is not my strong point!) and include a decent monitor with it (22" plus... Hi-Def...) I've got the feeling this thread isn't over, and if it is, that's the wierdest fix for those problems I ever heard... and I've been working as a self-employed computer and console repair tech for over 4 years now...
  22. mmm, very god point... after all, it is speculated that plenty of particles that could pass through/get trapped/be absorbed/released at different rates (probably depending on the nature of the particle) on the journey to wherever, so it is highly possible that waves would be able to pas through... maybe... The big problem comes when factoring the speed differences - pretty sure waves (light, sound, electromagnetic) move at different speeds at different wavelengths, and so would have an effect on how useful it would be to use the different types, probably for different situations... as I said previously, we currently have no way of communicating at even close to the high-sub-light speeds, and especially not any way of comunicating at light or above-light speeds (otherwise we'd have very fast networks and almost unlimited bandwidth already... heh, we can dream!). I'm gonna make this my last reply for a while, as I feel I've jumped in and started thread-hogging lol! sure plenty of others have their own ideas and links to relevant info...
  23. true, or it could be launched empty and stocked once it is in orbit... The steering is the hardest part from what I've just read on wikipedia... anyone trying to control it would be inside the bubble, making it harder still... this is due to how we don't have FTL communications to control it externally, not over any sizable distance at least... and it is not known if communication is even possible between the inside and outside of the bubble... Think OP should add 'required reading' and link to the Wikipedia Page, I certainly learnt a bit more! Mr White is mentioned a couple of times, and there are even counter-arguments mentioned in the article by Miguel Alcubierre himself heh...
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