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Posts posted by tommytza

  1. 16 hours ago, CateredCarrot said:

    @linuxgurugamer I am probably just missing something, but it might be a bug.

    I succesfully recorded 3 mission profiles (2 deploys and 1 Transport). However, the top buttons for "deploy" or "Transport" are still disabled. The in game help states that the first step for performing a mission (Deployment or Transport) is to select a vessel, but how to do it if the top buttons are disabled?

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/1rnzxfnac8k0r5t/Sem título.png?dl=0

    Same problem here! Buttons disabled for further flights, except Record and Help...

  2. no problem mate. as soon as I finish with all my learning .... (two weaks to go!!!!!) Il get working. Your ideas would probably be included in a separate expansion pack along with KopernicusClouds, a mod idea that adds clouds to all planets that you can only see from orbit. have a bad computer and can't run EVE? you can run kopernicus? than you will have clouds! cheers!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Thank you, this should work with 0.0.8 since no major changes were made.

    Also, the exam is comming fast and I only have one weak to go... than I'll have 2 life options depending on what hightschool I get: Aerospace Engeneering (or I would like something that includes 3d moddeling and structural simulations) or Architecture. Cheers!

    Excelent job! Ai facut o treaba minunata! Ma bucur sa vad si romani implicati in KSP. Toate bune!

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