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Posts posted by RC1062

  1. Welcome to the forums!

    I believe RCS tanks drain based on their position in the staging. So if you split the RCS tanks and put the lander\'s in a lower stage number the other should drain first. (This might be completely wrong and may have been part of a discussion at some point... :-[)

  2. Status update:

    I\'ve finished modelling the VASIMR engine. I\'ll UV map and texture it later, though maybe not today.


    With battery and Xenon Tank



    Today, I\'ll model the nuclear reactor that will power the VASIMR thruster, as it will need a TON of power. Solar panels will only suffice in large numbers for short periods.

    The VASIMR thruster will have a thrust of 15-20, and burn Xenon 3 times as fast.


  3. I wonder if you could put two such craft on opposite sides of the debris, then turn on their engines alternately?

    In all seriousness, though, that\'s an awesome-looking ship. Might want to experiment with using RCS to maintain course and avoid the asymmetric instability.

    Or have what is essentially two craft but have them bolted together. ;D

  4. It thought the apple site had malaware. Right when I saw that I face palmed. They ended up making me switch them to some other anti virus...

    Oh? Really?!

    The biggest thing I\'ve had is detecting a virus, 'TrojanTactic.ai'. Took me a while to realise it was from the DoW steel legion mod. :D

  5. I\'ve heard of intego. I helped my old school install it to all there computers... That took like a week. (We have a huge computer lab and teachers had macbooks.) Intego was very paranoid.

    Yep. But it is great if you\'re more paranoid than it. :-[

  6. I thought this was the most obvious thing in the world until my ex told me to fix her computer.

    The virus was pretending to do a cleanup/antivirus stuff. When I said that was the virus she freaked and said I was wrong, and that it was the good thing trying to save her computer.


    That\'s what they prey on. 'I\'m really helpful. Look I\'ve identified all these problems. If you buy I\'ll get rid of them and make sure there aren\'t anymore.'

  7. if you want a new serever

    mady run you own server at you home?

    all you need is a fast computer

    i have one at my house for my dads bisness

    You realise we overrun the CPU of a web hosting service right? To have a server you\'d need both a fixed IP address and a dedicated machine, along with a load of other stuff.

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