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Everything posted by PB666

  1. The pretty ones are on the other side of the river. https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fartprintsof.com%2F1024%2Fart-print-digital-file-of-a-cartoon-fat-woman-reading-a-romance-novel-and-sun-bathing-in-a-beach-chair-by-ron-leishman-86.jpg&f=1
  2. This is texas, only city folk do that. Here is the map https://www.google.com/maps/place//@25.9504708,-97.3358189,3789m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0!5m1!1e4?hl=en I've walked from here. https://www.google.com/maps/place//@26.0506646,-97.1686094,946m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0!5m1!1e4?hl=en to here: https://www.google.com/maps/place//@26.063998,-97.1473019,237m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0!5m1!1e4?hl=en spending the night walked then to here: https://www.google.com/maps/place//@25.9974979,-97.1508183,473m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0!5m1!1e4?hl=en barefoot and then on to here: https://www.google.com/maps/place//@25.9636581,-97.2261384,947m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0!5m1!1e4?hl=en and back to here: https://www.google.com/maps/place//@25.9920605,-97.182792,237m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0!5m1!1e4?hl=en It not only hasn't changed, some of the houses that were along the route are gone, and some of it has been designated a park. There was no water (wells are all salted over, people got water off their roofs) and some people were using wind turbines for electricity. It is at i appears from the air, lots of brown sand (having walked 6 miles through it I know what it feels like). you follow the map back to brownsville and tell me where there is sand. That gravel on oil based road is on aggragate will definitely not hold anything a train would hold, and there are no tracks. Just remember you cross south of the river and you are in mexico. There is Space X control center. https://www.google.com/maps/place//@25.9873837,-97.1867307,237m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0!5m1!1e4?hl=en So nobody give me no stuff about boca chica being the queens conch, Its on a dirt road off another dirt road off a gravel aggregate road that is two lanes wide and no friggen rail for at least 10 miles on a sandy back beach with no water and pitiful electrical.
  3. Let me put it this way, the last time I went there there was no rail to speak of, rail may have been added. There are rail lines close to brownsville, and there is a road call bocachica hiway, but its 20 miles down were the south bay of the laguna madre is a pinch between the lower rio grande and bay is what I call boca-chica, and there ain't no rail. It turns out I walked 16 miles from the south jetty of the brownsville ship channel down the beach and up bocachica hiway, I did get a pretty good view of the lay of the land.
  4. Rail, boca, no, boca has sand, lots of it, it has lots of spanish dagger, rattlesnakes, aliens, border patrol agents, a plaque signifying the last battle of the civil war. Im surprise that no one has mentioned that this is a volcano, I would be more concerned about shifting surfaces and a train.
  5. Well they are going to build a space port in Boca Chica, not many people have been to boca chica, but I have, its not exactly the middle of somewhere.
  6. You should note I also opened a thread for a specific type of test that can be performed here on earth. In science a negative result is ambiguous. So if the ablation test proves not to show signficant ablation of labeled copper, then the only test that has any meaning is to demonstrate acceleration in space. If the ablation test shows significant loss of copper from the surface AND shows that the amount and momentum of copper released explains at least 50% of the thrust, then the inspace test need not be performed. But if not, then the inspace test needs to be performed.
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimborazo Would be excellent for small efficient rockets with reccurent payloads, like those going to resupply the space station, but especially missions to GSO. This is the furthest point on the earth from the center of the earth, its flat on top. One of the problems with launching small rockets is known as side drag, often not considered but has a disproportion affect the smaller the crosssectional area per any give height rockets as we know based on recent studies solar electric rockets are far better in small builds, equipped with ion drives these small vehicles will someday become the means of truck supplies all around the solar system, the problem is getting the small things into space. One strategy (cubesat) is to release a bunch of them from a single rocket. A second strategy is find someplace to launch were drag is less of a concern. So now lets consider a launch were a spacecraft reaches mach 1. I solved this problem in KSP by placing my launchpads on minmus and gilly, the next one will be moho. I also have one on the tallest mountain on Eve at around 7500 elev. At MSL the space craft climbs as the speed of sound falls with temperature, around 330m/s if thrust to mass ratio is 2(g) then that is 19.6 m/s at this acceleration Mach is reached in 33 = (330 / (19.6-9.8)) seconds. This is a distance of 5336 (0.5 * 9.8 * 33^2) meters or about 18,000 feet. The really critical speed for a rocket depends on design, but a reasonable aerodynamic rocket starts feeling Mach effects at about 0.95 Mach. At 5300 meter at the equator the speed of sound will be 330 meters per second were the atmospheric pressure is 0.6. So lets us now start our ascent from chimbosama, This time we reach speed of sound sooner 4490 meters (300 m/s but at a much lower pressure) Elev = 4490 + 6000 = 10490 meters and pressure is 23.3/57ths that of an MSL start. This has two consequences, Motor down for maximum dynamic pressure means that the craft does not need as much fairing mass to protect the payload, which means it can carry more payload, it can repower to full throttle. The gravity at the top of the mountain is slightly lower and falls off more quickly. The surface velocity is higher The rate of acceleration past Maximum dynamic pressure can be faster because the atmosphere is thinning more quickly. The amount of acceleration for any given thrust will be slightly higher because the rocket is further from the averalge elevation of the year. If say 0.5 meters is the maximum diameter rocket you can launch at Sea level, from the top of Chimbosama you can launch rockets of 0.30 meters. Having said this the mountain has religious meaning to the local indigenous population.
  8. Is that what the cubesat platform designed for, testing things at a relatively low cost, not going to use the word nay-sayer here, but need to keep a little bit more of an openmind about things, at least until we have an inkling of what the fluke in the design is.
  9. maybe by 2024 but not for 10 billion, increase by a factor of 3 to 10.
  10. Had the 5.1 surround sound on, with volume up, the SFRB ignition on my subwoofer sent the hairs on my leg going backwards.
  11. Since there seems to be no rush to send the Cannae drive into space I came up with the following idea to test at least one of the hypotheses here on earth. This hypothesis offers that ablation on the drive creates the thrust The diagram (left) shows an illustration of one of the cannae drives, it has an endplate bolted onto the bottom, on the right the endplate is bolted from the side with and the bottom of the endplate is electroplated with an enriched preparation of 65Cu(AcO)2 . Note that the curve in the endplate on right is made so that the electroplating can be limited to the bottom of the device. After electroplating the side of the disc will have to be trimmed back before attachment removing all 65-CU enriched copper from the side. One could as a precautionary measure electroplate the entire device other than the bottom plate with 63-Cu. In the vacuum chamber there could be sensors or electrodes (-) embedded in microcavities to absorb any positive charges produced while power is applied. Since copper is extremely susceptible to oxidation, post electroplating the copper plate should be handled in helium consequently the device should be assembled in an isolation chamber and the cutting and turning process should also be handled in a pressured (helium) isolation chamber. Using this scheme, the application of power to the device under vacuum either will or will not release 65Cu, since it is difficult for the device to generate backward force from the sides, from ablation of the end-plate.
  12. Right, I guess you don't read tags. Let me help your vision (bad idea) (quantum gravity) (really bad idea) [Note these are not edited in, but came with the original post] It makes a point that you can take something from the literature and 'lean at the windmill' and come up with any scheme for acceleration. I am basically defending the idea just like any one of our sprites might, otherwise the pose has no value. The same has been done here with: Albucierre drive, Worm hole drive, H-bomb drive, . . . . . . . .what if we did this posts. This comes as a reflex to the problem that there are massive translational energy differentials between us and everywhere we would like to go as well as massive distances to cross. Standard modalities do not serve the purpose of single generation space travel, therefore we have a tendency to propose far fetched schemes to solve the problem and then go through a rationalization scheme to try to prove that the schemes are not as bad as they really are. (i.e. really bad ideas is always a followup process to bad ideas) [Back to sprite mode] But anyway, there is no specific problem with using quantum gravity as an explanation. The basic problem here is this particular theory is based on string theory, which so far has no testable hypothesis. Quantum entanglement of gravitons may exist even if string theory does not, but that's another caveot. But if quantum entanglment of gravitons occurs then they can communicate instantly. Manipulating quantum gravity is manipulating spacetime indirectly. Manipulating space-time on a broad scale has an absolute requirement of energy- massive amounts. It would be sort of like plotting a Hohmann transfer or massive amounts of acceleration and deceleration; if quantum entanglement of gravitons exist then entangling them and separating them will afford you much more efficient means of manipulating spacetime than trying to achieve the same result without information about the states of particles (brute force applications of energy). The key point here is that by linking entangled array with non-entangled array we can use energy from the sun to accelerate the craft to a desired quasi-orbital velocity and then release. The energy is conserved in the manipulation since the payload is released, leaving the entangled array free to 'cool' down to normal orbital statistics. [out of spirte mode] The problems I have stated above: 0. Two wormholes collapsing should create a gravitational wave instantly and should not coincide with a visible event, this may contradict the current observation. 1. Creation of entangled masses requires anti-matter stabiliization or the sorted of extremely rare energy-pairs (in the form of particles) 2. It also requires an efficient creation of anti-matter from potential energy that we do not currently have. 3. There is no way to manipulate I (intensity) after it is generated. Although you could take tiny pieces of the matrix and move them to opposed positions in a circumsolar orbit, once you are there you have to maintain a radial thrust to keep them from falling into each other. The only way to prevent this from happening without thrust is to move the pieces in while moving, this would require a wormhole (as in the fictional type) to both ships to transport. 4th is a caveot. If quantum entanglement of gravitons occurs then it is quite simple to test it, creating matter anti-matter pairs and stabilizing them should create a force between them once the charges are neutralized. Since no such force has been . . . . . . 5. The key dogma of space science fiction is that plots almost always require a fictional device to move things so speed things up.
  13. Very cold liquids are stored in double walled containers that are often supported from the opening downward, so called Dewar flask, the temperature transition is gradual around the top of the flask and most metals adapt quite well. A liquid nitrogen tank, for example one we have still holds well after 40 years of continuous use, that includes a refill cycle every week. Double wall containers will also slow down the rate of hydrogen loss, but not at the valve.
  14. What to do with 300,000 rocket parts? http://i.imgur.com/hvbvZCg.png
  15. Theres a post on this from November/December. Ill see if I can find it. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/12/131205142218.htm
  16. Quantum gravity may rely on quantum entanglement to communicate.
  17. The video is BS, no one has disproven that there is super photon thrust coming off the drive.
  18. We have a device that works off of rf, it resonates electrons inside of the prechamber. It is entirely possible that it creates a standing wave at the end-plate causing the excitation of outer shell electrons of copper giving the plate a local positive charge and cause copper to basically come off.
  19. Not that I know of. What you really want is a power supply, preferably set in front of the device as far as possible, an rf generator again in front of the device, the power feeds to the device, the device (which includes an rf antenna a set of small electron resonator chambers followed by bell shaped chamber with a solid copper end-plate). This device needs at its center of gravity a GPS unit, there needs to be a control device placed in the same orbit but without an on switch for the resonator. The first device should be place outside of gravimetric range of second and behind the second device in its orbit. Then you look to see if the first device over time can raise its orbit relative to the second. Since the rate of acceleration is so small (uN) one does not expect it to gain velocity on the second or close the gap between the two, instead one expects the first to climb and its omega to decrease. If that occurs then it works, and the next question is why. If it is ablating copper then it should be possible to remotely rarify the copper molecules and make them glow. If it is ablating then one expects that that emission spectrum of the gas to change, initially starting with oxygen, sulfur, carbon emission spectrum and overtime increasing the level of copper. This can be accomplished on the dark side of the earth using different frequency of lasers or from carefully placed electrodes on the device itself.
  20. It works, the problem is that they do not know why it works. We keep beating around the bush, the only way to really know if its pushing local or distal is to put it in space with some far off attached solar panels and start looking. If it continues to accelerate at the same rate in space, then K2 is prolly right, its ablating copper oxide/sulfide/sulfates/carbonates off the surface of the end plate. If acceleration falls of by say 90% then Im right its pushing off via virtual interactions over short distances. Most importantly as if goes from thick to the thinnest atmospheres it should fall off to zero. If it does not fall off to zero but only goes down somewhat, then we have some physics to rewrite. There are out of about a micron enough things to push off the drive-end plate, beyond a cm you should see a definite fall off of thrust. So if the density of space is one or two hydrogen per meter of space, there should not be enough particles in proximity to accelerate. It works, it works reproducibly, and they have dealt with several critiques, but the major failing is that it is done within the confines of a vacuum chamber, and in a vacuum chamber there are always a large potential for interactions.
  21. I don't think, at least in our universe, that hyperspace exists, the only wormholes that exist are quantum entanglements, and if we don't learn how to manipulate these in all their various flavours space travel well then my bad idea would be useless. Lets say that gravity communicates via quantum entanglement. The key to this may be the fact that planks energy is in the 1000s of MW (1E28 or something electron volts range) whereas the smallest quanta of energy are in the low frequency hv range. This is what I think that recent paper is getting at, gravity maybe the response to cosmic dispersion. We look at the dispersion as being matter, but in reality matter is a latecomer, it is in reality a dispersion of energy, and maybe the plank units of Energy really matter, some other dynamic of the universe forced an undesired dispersion of energy putting it at a natural disequibrium from its lowest state. This is not to say massively clumped energy is preferential, but in maybe multifaceted, meaning you could have two low energy states, on that is dispersed and heterogenous with regard to its origin, and another that is dispersed and homogenous, and the homogenous one would have a lower potential energy and higher intrinsic energy. Quantum gravity could be a reflexive response to dispersion of one natural energy state, that is starting state in which density is in the Plank energy density range. This disruption happened early on and became dispersed and randomized, like rain drops coming from different clouds in the midst of a hurricane. They still communicate, so my feeble energy to matter was a 'just so' method of reassociating energy and spliting it again. If it was true that gravity is the result of untied energy then you could have a gravitational sensor that looks for energies with a shared origin and move them to a certain location. It is possible that the energy states reform in potentials (which warping of space time creates) so one method might be to collect energy from potentials and use it to create matter. So step one would be to find the grand potential, step two would be create precisely that potential, step three would be to collect all the energy from the potential, step four would be create matter from that energy and step 5 would be separate the matter and antimatter created, and repeat process. After the matter was created it would require the input of more energy (not necessarily paired) to make plates - although it does not have to be plates it could be anti-protons in a plasma containment field. If you create anticarbon you could create diamond lattice out of it (although it does degrade at is surface to carbon gas). So the endform is not that important, what is important is that two objects have the same 'cosmic energetic origin'. IOW you tie energy up and then you very carefully untie such that now it wants to communicate gravitons specifically with its reciprocal on the otherside of the sun. Even so once you create such a device, there is no way to turn on and off the attractions once created, they would be always on, but one could use relatively to speed up or slow down time for the particles. The energy of this group however is queer (in the classic not colloquial sense) thoughts, it goes a while and then it becomes wanted of such thoughts, so I throw in a few very queer thoughts, and it quells the latent energy for a time. We can call is quantum allopensiveness of the kerbal flavour. everyone seems to engage in this, we have the albucierre drive proponents, the black hole drive proponents, the H-bomb drive proponents, nuclear-direct-electric proponents, nerva proponents, solar sail. It helps if we call these things what they are upfront (bad ideas ranging to very bad ideas).
  22. Some of the latest work on quantum gravity suggest that it acts they quantum entanglement.
  23. No his video is not promoting a perpetual motion machine, his video is just put some liquid hydrogen in the device and fly to the edge of space, and with a little oxygen be in space, not using air to push off of, but simply EM radiation, enough to fry any city in its wake. E = pc, its not a reactionless drive . . . . . OK so no reaction mass its E = pc. and 30MW/N. But of course he needs liquid hydrogen with it and it will float a car off the ground. 1 tonne * 9.8 M/s = 9800 N 9800 * 30000000 = 0.3 TW that little flying prius is going to have a mighty big battery. Honestly either he is flat out lying or he doesn't know what his device is actually doing. Of course he used to work for a spy agency, so he claims so . . . . . .
  24. Subspace has no meaning outside of sci-fi, you mean quantum tunneling I suspect.
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