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Everything posted by PB666

  1. I saw this very early this morning but decided not to thread the topic, the problem is the publication is rather speculative about what can be achieved at what price. The article is one of those just so presentation The UK is already in process of placing a wider array of satellites that would provide cell phone and internet service to remote areas, so this is also not novel. Space X return launch vehicle however for placing supplies and equipment in space for deep space missions such as a future mars landing mission
  2. No but how can you argue to someone that they shouldn't water their potted plant whike you are eating a beef steak that uses a thousand gallons of water, people who live in the city pay 100 times more for water than agriculture does, and this then gies to feed cows a process that is water wasteful, carbon wasteful, environemtally damaging, and unless you are starving is generally an unhealthy product. They should rally be telling any person to conserve water unless they are willing to go after the worst offenders first.
  3. In space things hardly ever 'die', they generally become progressively dysfunction.
  4. That makes sense, good for them abandoning the barge, now all they need is a vab with a closable roof tonlaunch and land from. Thing the space x folks have something serious here.
  5. How about ellington field? Not saying that just because its 12 miles away either, :^).
  6. Well if they wanted to show off they could have landed inside of the VAB. Can i add that their landing trajectory doesn't make much sense, if you have east bound momemtum at peak altitude why reverse it to land with west bound momentum? dV in the x,y needs to be added twice then stppoed twice, this is 3 additional dV just to land (although the primary occurs after stage 2 sep), if they had chosen a pad and a landing site at different locals they wouldn'.t have had to carry this extra fuel and they have more payload cap.
  7. http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/innovation/spacex-set-attempt-first-rocket-launch-falcon-9-explosion-n483921
  8. I dont think there can be enough shielding to attenuate neutronic radiation once it gets started, iron doesnt have enough scatterring potential in a 2 cm thick containment to stop the nuetron, but by the time you are 100 meteres away it would hardly matter. The are some high isp designs that churn the heater and hydrogen together, i can almost guarantee theses designs have radioactive elements in the plume. Higher operating temp means higher isp means more plume contaminants.
  9. M$ It will be a japanese contract droid built for microsoft sent to mars on a cubesat with a cannae drive solar panel and using a giant inflatable air bag to land. The goal of the mission is to establish the first wifi hub on mars.
  10. If you are taveling between local groups you better understand the physics of space time you are travelingin, different local groups age at different rates. An example is that you need to travel between stars at say 1/100th speed of light,mfor this we imagine that the travelers enter stasis at their destination they awake. They are traveling to a planet in a star in a local group. It leaves 1 month before it scheduled arrival the crew is awakened, howver because it did not take time dilation effects cause by differences and changes in velocity due to orbits within local groups and galaxies the shipbarrives at the wrong place and months two early,mthe crew die as thier fuel is exhausted and the run out of food and water in the lifeless emptyiness of interstellar space.
  11. Yeah but had to be a sterile world, remember Spock was revived as a young boy. I mean if you had all the memories you could bring back the entire race. This conversation is getting to nerdy for me.
  12. The heat from the engine itself would fry you, why are you worried about gamma, tritium is considered an environmental threat, most of the neutrons would end up in dueterium anyway before injection, they would not spend enough time close enough to the engine to become tritium. The problem is that the best Nerva have the uraniums and hydrogen mixing in close quarters some radioacitive uranium would be lost.
  13. Well there might be escapees living inside asteroid with surface microcrystal solar panels you could not detect. I mean if you snuffed a star they would really know who the boss was. That's useful against nebula (as in the fictitious Mutaran nebula http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Mutara_Nebula).
  14. I thought we were talking about snuffing stars, planet killing is easy, just recirect several asteroids.
  15. The problem here is that the stars in the galaxy orbit at different angular velocities. The issue is that your system is not physics based, the angular reference has to be a vector reference frame that if everything is at zero velocity they fall into the GBH. I would argue that zero angle should be the a plane section that starts of the point of inflation through the gbh, but since the origin is uncipherable, the I woukd chose the mass center of say those seven pulsars, it could also be the gbh of andromeda, but this is subject to future problems as the two galaxies. Now that i have a zero point line, a comoving space-time based on the gbh, then every non-nertial body can have an x,y,z,t relative to the gbh along with an dx, dy, dz per dt. Of course this is a rough system in which objects move at 100,000s of meters per second, and another roughness is that the plane of the galaxy which zeros the z axis is also an estimate. Therefor it would predominantly be used to centering the oosition of local groups stars of the clusters would be have to be mapped according to that reference frame, obviously is angular reference and z plane as the same as the galazy.
  16. It does not if it is used for agriculture below the recharge zone. What i am saying is that it complicated, in all but the most wet years all the water is allocated, if i chose not then someone else choses.
  17. It would be so much simpler to go back in time and cause them not to exist in the first place. If you want to blow up a star just go around into interstellar space, make a ball about the size of the earth, say C100T202. t = tritium. The simply move it close to a star, say 100 au, then remove all its orbital velocity. It should have substantive enough radius for the internal carbon to survive, once it reaches the center of the star there should be enough pressure to result in a supernova.
  18. You first have to have a working scale before you can scale up or down. I would predict that the fusion reactor that comes online first will prolly be the one closest tonits optimal scale. The german reactor seems to be on a faster track than iter, only because they seem to have a physical design that is specifying precisely wher particles are going to be and they have defined velocity and period within a cylce of l5. Either its going work or flop in great misery, but either case it should be soon. Though in all the design stuff i still dont see how they are going to carry energy and waste particles out of the system.
  19. Can we stop with the memes, the handhelds dont work well at all with lots of images on them adding useless images like this is nothing but selfish.
  20. As i said that is why they changed the whole pardigm to climate change, it very complex, some areas fir some periods have actually cooled. For example there is a pocket of the northbpacific that has cooled because the particulates from china trend toward the north pcaidic. In north america this has had tragic consequences because when the water sets warm around oceania and cold in the north pavific la nian predominates producing severe droughts as has been seen in the American west, the loss of ground water raises temperatures because of evaporative cooling. The general rule is that particulates above oceanic bodies of water are big drought priduces on land, lower temperatures of a particular local but raise temperatures on adjacent downwind masses of land.
  21. Look for anything regarding this establishment in the forum, couldn't find anything. Here's a vid: http://www.space.com/31346-amazing-up-aerospace-rocket-launch-video.html
  22. You could pulse the star with microwaves to keep it in place also, but you could use a much more efficient cannae drive to keep the sphere in position with the star.
  23. Here are addirional materials on hypercharge: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypercharge......according to wikipedia hypercharge referes to su(3) interactions that is a product of charm, stangeness, bottomness, topness, and baryon number. The model is now considered obsolete. Therefore one has to assume he is talking about weak hypercharge. Here is the wiki-def of hypercharge: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weak_hypercharge#Definition https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroweak While the presentation defines what happens to electrons, most of the higgs mass is contributed by interaction with nuclear fields. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higgs_mechanism#Structure_of_the_Higgs_field Higgs mechanism mass may have more to do with tachyonic exclusion than anything he says. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyonic_field because importantly to FTL travel tachyonic fields might exist, and they may explain inflation, but under circumstances limited by space-time, that is the smallest applicable units of space-times thus hypercharge turnover may be preset limits to higgs interaction cycle. Thiughni have probably butchered the explanation the process is known as Tachyon condensation.
  24. This is a good presentation, the presenter needs a wardrobe upgrade, squirms around like an earthworm pucked out of the mud.
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