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Everything posted by PB666

  1. L1011 is old lockheed passenger, a/c hasn't really seen much service since 1990 since most liveries aren't going to waste much time to maintain certifications, the are prolly alot of them in mothballs. Of the original 250 only 8 or so are still in service, excluding this one, with one being essentially a museum piece. If Southwest hasnt taught the industry anything, its dont have a crazy diverse livery, like american used to have and emphasize machines that you can get fast repair turnaround times.
  2. Direct energy has an amperage problem, don't see this as going any were unless neutron absorbtion creates a cascade photoelectric effect. Not likely and the electrons do not have the voltage as seen in the generators of a steam turbine. You have essentially three choices, single loop steam turbine, two loop presuurized liquid sodium(98'C) or liquid lithium (180'C) in which the steam reactor is the second stage. If you place lithium as the first loop you can breed fuels, but you have to extract the fission products during operation, the operating temperature will be higher which can cause problems for superconductors and increase the rate of part wear, and increase the cost of parts.
  3. just a light year, piece of cake. we'll just send a wave detector and wait 9000 years and remotely flip the switch, what could go wrong?
  4. As discussed before this either requires extremely rare starting materials or pressures and tempertures that are much higher.
  5. 42 was the answer to the question meaning of life, you know, everything, something about Author dents brain, not sure why trisha mcmillians brain would not do. The answer to the question why the universe was created is ............generally agreed to have been a mistake and a bad idea.
  6. There is simply not that much fuel in the reactor and its not that efficient, as soon as you kill the rf, it woukd go silent. The neutrons are a hazard for workers and not really anyone else, im sure this problem can be managed. If it can't build a big mulitmetalic shroud around the reactor that can absorb nuetrons of any speed. The energy production density of the human body is more than that sun, thats why fusion is hard, not only do you have to replicate the process in the suns core, but you have to do many magnitudes faster per unit volume. The plasma is contained in a cross sectional are lees than 1/1000 th crossectional area of the torroid. As soon as containment is lost it expands and rapidly cools, it might end up as a patina on the metals, little more.
  7. The electromagnetic spectrum covers several magnitudes, even though the visible spectrum is not that large, most stars have enriched spectrum in the visible range, which is prolly why we evolved em sensors in this highest output range. But this is very small it was the human mind, namely farady and maxwelll that joined thses various together into one continuoum. If we consider the CMBR, we have entierly scientist to thank for this level of understanding because we could never see this wavelength or the earliest stars with our eyes through a telescope. Our eyes sees the richest sensory information available. The data that pours in is fourdimensional withou the time aspect, there is x, z, color and relative intensity, much of the brain of some animals is devoted to processing this information.
  8. E. coli is a facultative anaerobe, it does not need oxygen. This means that some bacteria will die in the presence of oxygen without free-oxide scavengers (e.g clostridium) e. coli can survive with oxygen and a limited numbervof oxide free radicals present. Free radicals are created from ozone, peroxides etc
  9. Right and there are alot of opportunities in alternatives and conservation to negate the too late argument
  10. Tagging this onto the thread https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=plTRdGF-ycs If this guys is the salesman for the manned mars mission don't count on any footprints there soon. This guy needs to take lessons of how to give a presentation and the effect of body language on the favorabikity or unfavorabikity of the audiance with what you say. Most of what hes says needs to be done can be done by humans, Life appears to have evolved on earth between 3.8 and 4.2, so that argument is wrong, and there is no evedence of fossilized macroscopic life so that is kind of a red herring argument. If life evolved in the first billion years on mars, it was likely as simple or more simple that contemporary life on earth, even if it was more complex, it would not be magnitudes more so than on earth, so that argument is kind of bogus. Or to put it otherwise if we except that the null hypothesis is no life or very simple life,mthe alterative is superterran contemporary complexity, then what is the risk reward of the research. The one thing i like is the drilling argument, which might need probative humans tobsearch out a drill site, given the extreme cost of deep drilling adding a few live humans does not significantly alter the risk of the mission. Thats about the only thing i agree with him on.
  11. This looks like ascertainment bias, we are looking for something like our solar system because this is the system that we understand. there are many stars that will live billions of years longer than our sun. I think the critical issue is to have a star that does not erode the atmosphere even with a dynamo induced magnetic field, if it can get over that hurdle then i think life is possible. Where u agree with you is that under the circumstances you state above the evoluion of sentient life may be more restricive. There are those that now argue that life existed in the most rudimentary forms on earth within 0.3 billion years of its formation.
  12. There is very little energy that is readily usable in deep space, i suppose you could take a fusion reactor to a place in deep space where the was alot of hydrogen and deuterium. Your solar panels would not even last the travel time between two useful output sources. You would have to either create perfect storage for the panels or manufacture them when you arrive at you destination. I could see a situation where the nanobots collect dust particles and separate them into metals, that can then be used to build stuff, however not really clear on a reason for doing this in deep space, the fusion reactor itself decays rather rapidly from nuetron radiation. Its not clear that any non-gravitational system coukd sustain energy output in deep space.
  13. I thought that was reserved for making an alliance with the grox. ;^)
  14. Im starting this thread because various and sundry other threads have sort of objectives not related to quantum entanglement itself (not because they are necrotic) and because we lost all the tags on the old threads and only the threads original author can add those tags. This particular post deals with time travel. http://sciencetrib.com/2015/12/computing-with-time-travel/ (Don't click this unless you want to be click-baited to hell). The article is from the scientific tribune. (more appropriately called nested spamming of science news). The original article is here: Paper: “Replicating the benefits of Deutschian closed timelike curves without breaking causality” npj Quantum Information doi:10.1038/npjqi.2015.7 (2015);arXiv:1412.5596 Basically they send messages back in time but do not open them until after they sent them. There is debate about actually opening a message would disrupt causality and quantum mechanics would somehow stop it. One of the paradoxes can be removed by traveling in 'open timelike curves'. Closed timelike curve is : "time-travelling quantum computer could travelaround paths through the fabric of spacetime that loop back on themselves. General relativity allows such paths to exist through contortions in spacetime known as wormholes. IOW these wormholes work under a very limited set of circumstances dependent on the fields that initiated them. Because they never reach back into their own past:
  15. https://www.euro-fusion.org/2015/12/wendelstein-7-x-begins-fusion-journey/ http://www.ipp.mpg.de/3984226/12_15 They are doing (or have done) their first plasma injection test today. Lets hope they can be a tad bit more on schedule than the international effort. http://imgur.com/a/bncZ9 Its able to make plasma, which is basically bombarding a surrogate for hydrogen (helium) with all the wobble frequencies so that its electrons stay in excited orbitals. By saying it works essentially means the microwave component fries 'hydrogen' the way they expect it to.
  16. Wait, how do we know that there were not closer stars to the sun when it was young? If a system is too heavy in heavier elements it will go faster to try to burn iron, bad news for a star.
  17. If the car was rally smart, it would realize that it had an unstable load it would communicate with the truck in front to slow down and move right to exit while informing the other cars. The self driving car could alert the motorcycle to slow down and move to the right part of its lane therefore allowing two vehicles in the space of one. Problem averted. See in a auto-driverless car world the cars seek to behave as an anticipatory fluid, collisions of any kind increase viscosity of the state. (collisions are frictional interaction and frictional interactions cause viscosity). Consequently as soon as car 1 anticipates friction it alerts cars that are behind its most forawrd position to slow down and find room away from the axis of friction, this includes cars following car 1, since thse cars will also cause friction. So the motorcyle would slow and move over anticipating that its lane would become more viscous if it dies not, the car behind it would slow down allowing car 1 to move in safely.
  18. So then how can theybsay there are hotspots for life?
  19. Im not talking about myopic views of our solar system, most of the earth-like stuff we look at is 100 to 10000 light years away, at this diatance earth is invisible, spectral analysis willl do little good except with the most sophisticated and powerful telescope and only is earth transects the sun during its orbit. Im talking about how the cluster of say 100 stars which the sun is in the center of looks like from say 1000 light years away if we say each star occupies a space of 200 cubic light years then 100 stars occupies a volume of 20000 cubic light years Vr = 4/3 pi r ^ 3. 4500 =r^3, thats roughly 40 ly across from 1000 ly away, how does our group of stars render in someone elses eyes?
  20. http://news.sciencemag.org/space/2015/12/most-likely-spots-life-milky-way Basically nothing profound, places with a local steelar environment much like our sun has is most likely to support worlds with life on them. The question is however, do we no what are stellar environment would look like from a telescope 100 light years away?
  21. University chemistry, but im more interested in seeing a version of the resonance thruster on board
  22. Specifically, during the Younger dryas, a period(s) of cooler temperatures after the last glacial maximum, the temperature with west central europe could flip between temperaturs like at the last glacial maximum and then retyrn to temperatures more like before and after yd. One theory has is that an asteroid(s) that eath oast through a debris field several times over a 1000 year period, this theory was largely duscredited. Another theory is that a large glacial lake in north america busted through an ice dam resulting in the large scale addition of freash water tonthe north atlantic allowing large areas to freze over during winter, for example during the little ice age it was not uncommon for the sea to free between greenland and iceland. Large scale ice on the atlantic and later thawing would reflect more light keeping the northern hemispere cooler. The situation of the earth in the younger dryas is not comparable to today, today the earth is more like at the climatic optimum, about 9000 years ago, except that aerosolic pollution is higher and water transfer from oceans to land via preciptation is somewhat less than it should.
  23. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ceres-is-cloudy-with-a-chance-of-cryovolcanoes/ Theres a nasa jpl link also but its glitchy. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=4785
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