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Status Replies posted by Papa_Joe

  1. Preparing a release of ShipManifest.  Anything I will need to do for CKAN beyond the version file, and the git release?

    1. Papa_Joe


      Thanks!  new release is out.  I've commented on the pull request.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. 3 June 2017
    Last time with the KSP community and moderation team.
    Always tried to be respectful of others, to ensure mutual respect among members.
    Didn't always receive respect in return, sometimes hate.
    Now hate is enough to extinguish my light.

    1. Papa_Joe


      I'm so sorry to hear that.  NEVER let anyone extinguish your light.  They are not worth it.

  3. PapaJoe, any way to have the ejection force for Kerbal when leaving the seat adjusted?

    I tried ejection with windows closed, the kerbal jump out the ship!


    1. Papa_Joe


      Ok, looked into it.  You can control the direction of the ejection, but you cannot control the distance.  I'm looking into work arounds, but it may require Squad to change some things in the game engine.  I will need to characterize it some more before I approach Squad with it though.

      What are you trying to accomplish?  get them to stand next to the seat?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. PapaJoe, any way to have the ejection force for Kerbal when leaving the seat adjusted?

    I tried ejection with windows closed, the kerbal jump out the ship!


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