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Everything posted by lextacy

  1. its soooo KW rocketry liquid fuel tank that is light poop brown
  2. I know from a fuel line standpoint you cannot, but what I did is I asparagased the thurst limiters on 8 boosters. 2x100% 2x75 2x 50% and 2x 25% values using criss cross method. What I found out is you can gain about 50 delta HAHAHA! However, Id say this was a success? Maybe your mileage may vary? Post your results here Videos too!
  3. I was waiting for my 6 minutes to apoapsis and this though jumped into my mind. So what do you suppose would happen? Would thier be a police officer thrown in a Soyuz to go get Chris Hadfield or others and arrest them? Would the ISS not be bound to a certain countries laws? What about Mars trips? Do they just automatically become fugitives untill their splashdown in the Pacific? Can an astronaut refuse to leave the ISS? Im thinking the law is a tricky beast when it comes to space. DISCUSS!
  4. Still using Linux and liking it. Its so more stable for KSP. However that doesnt mean I cant rag on Linux for being the incomplete OS that it is. If you want to install a program on Linux, prepare to continue the coding,kernel fixes, and mass package downloading that the developers took short cuts on. For example, when installing video drivers, you will have to download hundreds of missing dependencies. If your using the Ubuntu software center you can download apps there without the hassle. But most things you want are not in the software center. KSP performance wise is pretty good. You can have tons of mods and play KSP the way it was meant to be. However that will come at a FPS cost as the Linux version will be slower in the gfx department.
  5. okay, the removal of Infernal Robotics did not fix the issue...any other recommendations?
  6. I invented a secondary payload delivery vehicle that pushed 2 lander probes to the Mun, Also launched the 7 meter Nova to minmus.
  7. what a bunch of unique space programs you guys have running! Im curious as to why most of you voted for the 0-15 range :/
  8. when you use previously built rockets as sub-assemblies to use as boosters for future launch vehicles
  9. when your Mars rover is just 15,000 meters from landing and you havn't busted open your fairings yet LMAO! And its upper stage has 70 % of its fuel left when its time to skyscrane.
  10. Also please tell us what flavor of KSP you are running and what computer specs 72 ships ! 16 GB of ram KSP Linus x64 intel 4770k HD 7870 ghz DD
  11. Every now and then my 500km omni antenna cuts out during line of site with KSC during my circularization burn. IT always seems to happen when I forget to bust open the fairings. Anyone else having this issue?
  12. haha , yea im using Linux ok im going to remove INfernal Robots as im not using it right now because my career is the year 1985. I will see if this fixes problem. BUT!! I did delete Tarsier a few weeks ago, and its all not gone? Where do I need to be looking for traces? All I deleted from Tarsier was its game data folder :/
  13. yea I know, I might come off as harsh. Its all frustration driven. I only say that so mod makers dont just jump the gun and say "NOT IT" . I want quality diagnosis as im not good with computers. But also I have a large distrust to people who know more than me in computers, as that is a recipe for taking advantage of me. Its just the way ive been brought up. Im not here to make enemies. Im just one of those pessimist type people sadly.
  14. moot the posts I made, I found the problem..... I had 2 KSP installs mixd up and had an old version of the mod installed, LOL im so dumb sometimes
  15. oh crapp, i forgot about the ol' output.log here it is ............ https://www.dropbox.com/s/prknoxeikfx3bzk/output_log.txt?dl=0 also here is a new player.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/4efhi8625dj6gas/Player.log?dl=0 please help, this has made the game unplayable
  16. problem happened again , new log https://www.dropbox.com/s/4efhi8625dj6gas/Player.log?dl=0
  17. thanks ! found the log file However the "where to get help" sticky needs to be updated that informs people that they need to use control-H to show this file. I for the life of me would have never found this file if it wasnt for you
  18. I finally found the player.log ! I had to show hidden files/folders by doing CtrL - H . https://www.dropbox.com/s/4efhi8625dj6gas/Player.log?dl=0 I did misinform you on when I did the fresh install part, I accidentally ran the main KSP install when I diagnosed that so ignore that part. A fresh install with only SCANsat and toolbar as mods resulted in the the tracking station loading everytime. Hopefully this player.log will help you finding what other mod might be picking at SCANsat.
  19. I cant find this path ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log is this under the root folder that which I cannot access? My folder structure under Ubuntu 13.10 is this : -bin -boot -cdrom -dev -etc -home -lib -lib32 -lib64 -media -mnt -opt -proc -root -run -sbin -srv -sys -tmp -usr -var there is no .config folder , is this a hidden folder im not suppose to be seeing?
  20. I cant run it in 32 bit because it crashes immediatley , this is why I use 64 bit in the first place!
  21. ok I narrowed it down to SCAsat, the removal of the mod solves the issue, but destroys all crafts! Of course this is not acceptable. So I fired off a bug check post in the SCANsat thread. Lets see if the author blames someone else.
  22. This version is not compatible with .25 ! Steps to repeat issue : Obviously restarted game 10 times. Can only run 1 flight per session, then have to force kill game after loading tracking station because it will hard lock. Steps to narrow : 1. Removed SCANsat , tracking station loads everytime 2. Put SCANsat back in , tracking station lock ups happen again 3. Installed SCANsat in a fresh KSP install, same issues Log file and save https://www.dropbox.com/s/e1u45y14f50s1t0/KSP.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/zvuaxb8qffhzrcp/persistent.sfs?dl=0
  23. Im having a major issue with the game. I can load it up the first time and play a flight. After exiting to space center and going into the tracking station it will not load. VAB, ect. works. Ive narrowed it down to 3 mods that might be the problem. SCANsat, Kerbal Konstructs, and Kerbal Joint Reinforcment. Sadly neither of the mod authors want to check into it and blame either Squad, another mod author, or tell me to post a non-existing player.log file. Way to take responsibility I guess. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ive tried those mods in a fresh install and there were no issues. This proves that at least one of these mods is playing basically with other mods or a combination of mods. For this reason im only posting the log file of the corrupted KSP with all its mods. This way we can target the conflict. I can give the KSP.log as the game spits this out https://www.dropbox.com/s/e1u45y14f50s1t0/KSP.log?dl=0 here is the latest pers. save https://www.dropbox.com/s/zvuaxb8qffhzrcp/persistent.sfs?dl=0
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