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Everything posted by lextacy

  1. Ive reproduced problem , happened again . Did revert to an older version of a mod that I thought was holding it up, but found out mod is not the problem. I guess its up to the log file to see where the problem lies..... https://www.dropbox.com/s/e1u45y14f50s1t0/KSP.log?dl=0
  2. Numberous problems with the new v .6 1. The alternative launch pads Kraken the ships 2. Causing hard locks , mostly when trying to go into tracking station 3. Map view sometime will make all other vessels disappear
  3. 35 folders , the polls really shows the demand for 64 bit. Squad really needs to see this. It shows the push for massively a modded game and also stability to keep it that way. Although im on LInux now, im still pushing for the Windows 64 bit version to not suck.
  4. is there a list of landing strips with thier coordinates? I would like to land my shuttle at these places during my de-orbit , but do not know the locations of them. Also the launch sites. What about a list of what inclinations these new launch sites support? I realize that launching from some of these facilities you cannot do a zero inclination orbit.
  5. @Virualgenious , here is my ascent profile 1. pitch back 15 degrees at 1000 meters so that the 3 SMO's are perpendicular to the ground 2. at 14,000 (not super sure , not at a real computer this weekend to find out) the boosters run out 3. after booster sep I tilt back to full 45 pitch to engage "orbit turn" 4. continue to burn untill potential Ap reaches 80km 5. At this point the ET has about 700-1000 units of fuel left 6. coast 7. burn 8. in the middle of the delta meter is when the ET tank runs dry 9. SMO engines cut ,tank jettison, SMO 0 trim , then back to engines full throttle 10. burning the last half of delta required , but then the orbital trajectory is growing elliptical rather than circular
  6. to be clear, this mod physically removes the parts from game saving performance, but does not remove the reference from the part if a vessel is using it?
  7. Im having trouble getting into a near circular orbit with both the block 4 and 9 shuttles. Also I have to ditch the ET (external tank)in the middle of my circularization burn which is not right? Dont the real shuttles jettison tank before circularization burn? According to the PDF manual im suppose to have cut off my engines after 75-80 km and coast to circularize. Im trying to do a text book approach in getting into orbit by following the guide, but not getting into a great orbit. I think the culprit is the ET (too much weight?) is burdening the craft during the circularization burn. Ive had really awful orbits such as 80km/1MM <----thats megameters! And even a few dont even make it to orbit as the Pe will sink me back down to 40km. So my focus is to get into either a KSO approved circular orbit using 2 burns , or the real life space shuttle way by using the 1 burn method. Tips and tutorials are welcome
  8. removing Tarsier SCience mod worked in solving the KAC save issue ! Im thankfull I dont really need that mod as it was only a few parts and my existing ships werent using it. Thanks a bunch Trigger for looking through lines of code in the log file to pin point the conflicting mod. I shall reward you a virtual beer!
  9. Okay new fresh install with only the 3 mods yielded a success! Now thats half the battle. Interesting is that if the game doesn’t sense something is wrong it will not throw a log file, hence why I cant post a new log. What steps should I do next in finding the mod to mod conflict?
  10. never installed this mod before....downloaded it as a dependancy for IR, failed immediately....here is the log https://www.dropbox.com/s/prknoxeikfx3bzk/output_log.txt?dl=0
  11. I tried earlier releases of KAC and still same problem. Also all mods are up to date. here is the output.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/prknoxeikfx3bzk/output_log.txt?dl=0
  12. unfortunately my game does not write logs , I only have a player.log file but its a rouge file for an old windows install. I also cannon pastebin a save file because it exceeds the file/character limit and forces me to pay money. Can you look at the code and see if it conflicts with anything?
  13. there is NO LOG FILES or any other information I can send, ive told this several times that there is no player.log file. Sorry but thats leaves the issue on the authors hands to figure out in his code its conflicting with any of squads mechanics or 3rd party plugins. Im not here to hold developers hands in solving issues with their own mods. If its their problem then its stays thier problem.
  14. cant send a log file because because the only one I have is a player.log and its a rogue file from the old windows install. The dev is going to have to look through the code and see any conflicts it has with IR. THis is something them 2 need to collab on.
  15. I can confirm that the latest release will not save your alarms after game exits!! Be warned !
  16. okay cleanly exiting game did not work, there is something wrong with the mod
  17. sorry should have been more specific, when trying to attach a robotic part in the VAB it crashes to desktop. I have Linux and once I removed tweak mod the IR parts worked as should. I dont have a player.log file only a KSP.log
  18. i havnt played the windows version for a while and I just tried out kerbal alarm for first time last night. Now last night I did exit game uncleanly through the KCS sceen. Lets see if I exit this next time and it saves alarms......
  19. why is it when I add the auxilary fuel supply It disable the EFT and screws up the entire fuel systems? Even after pulling the aux supply it renders the vessel useless.
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