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Everything posted by lextacy

  1. grrrr! I messed up ! I used the KR-7 dish by accident. I went to the 350 Gm dish and all is good
  2. Here is a screenshot showing the issue
  3. Okay ive been able to repeat my problem of probes losing communication 100% . Its happening everytime I hit 12,000 Mm. Ive launched 4 probes using various dishes, hacks of the .cfg to use 100% cone angle, aimed probes to Kerbin and/or Kerbins comm sats. Everything ive tried has failed. Should I just lodge a complaint to the mod author? This is seriously starting to aggravate me.
  4. Well i have LOS between all items in question. NOw the probe is at an .016 inclination orbiting the sun. But I have an older probe with a 4.064 inclination with the same dish type and it connects just fine. This is wierd....
  5. im having an issue with my long range probes losing contact after some time . I have a network of 2 interplanetary relay satellites orbiting Kerbin with a 40 GM dish pointed to "active vessle" . I also have a long range probe that points to these satellites. Once this probe leaves minmus it loses connection even though its dish is also 40 GM . Does remote tech block anything outside of Kerbins SOI? If so this is stupid because how can I have a long range probe like the Voyager if i cant control it.
  6. how can i make a part a container? whats the code? How can I also make a custom part attatchable ?
  7. that wont be neccessary, I got it to work now. I had problems with the brackets in code hahaha.
  8. Did I have to have a specific Guid ? I tried one out and it didnt work. I mean all I did was copy the KSC one and changed the coordinates to some random locale and changed the last number of the guid. What did u mean by "RSS" ? thanks for posting response
  9. is there a way to have more than 1 mission control (the red dot) on kerbin?
  10. Question about the dishes. Is it required that both devices in space must "handshake" eachothers dish to establish a connection? Is this connection 2-way? What if "Goe-Sat dish" is set to point at a "LKO sat" , but I hav a "mun sat" that points to him? Does he not need to also have to point to the mun too? Like for example ,If im making some interplanetary satellites , will I need to keep adding more and more dishes to them when launching more and more probes, rovers, ect ?
  11. Im doing a career reset and it would be a great mod to have in which you must have a ground observator/telescope to find and scour out the planets before you can visit them. I mean after all, how can a Kerbal make a maneuver node to a planet if one cannot verify a planet is really there? LOL
  12. SAVOIR!!!! +2 ive been trying the last week to get space x launches to parachute down , now with this mod I can fully control all separated stages and land them and then go back to my orbit !
  13. no im using notepad ++ with its "control G" that lets me select lines. Im using your advice of an editor
  14. well this is all dandy but I found a method using Control G to jump to lines that say VESSEL and Start/End Select....but the sad news is a brand new save still gives me NaN bug and a corrupt game
  15. This question is probably going to be geared towards people who can code. I need something that will highlight millions of lines of code in-between 2 known key words such as "Vessel" Vessel { millions of lines of code Vessel { As you can already tell I want to copy out my working crafts to a new save file. But the way the save files are set up is you cannot go thru millions of lines to figure out where the next vessel begins. Can anyone help me?
  16. thanks , where can I find SceneSwitcher....search yields nothing?
  17. 1.does this mod load quick saves or the auto-saves? 2.does this mod let you go to the space center when the "no escape button" bug happens? 3. does your mod menu work while in flight?
  18. so this snippet with your MM will allow for a 2nd part basically that has the more fuel?
  19. well not so much a code im putting in, im just editing a value........ PART { name = toroidalFuelTank module = Part author = NovaSilisko mesh = model.mu rescaleFactor = 1 node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0498631, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.0498631, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 TechRequired = precisionEngineering entryCost = 4800 cost = 220 category = Propulsion subcategory = 0 title = ROUND-8 Toroidal Fuel Tank manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc. description = An unconventionally shaped (but undoubtedly handy) fuel tank. attachRules = 1,0,1,0,1 mass = 0.025 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.15 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 6 maxTemp = 2900 breakingForce = 50 breakingTorque = 50 RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel amount = 50 maxAmount = 50 } RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer amount = 62.2 maxAmount = 62.2 } } you can see where the fuel is set to 50 and oxidizer at 62, but in-game it always stays at 10 and 12 oxidizer.
  20. really confused at what this does....but....does this explain why when I try to change the toroid fuel tank from 10 units to 50 units of fuel, the game keeps reverting back to 10? This happens when I have module manager installed. Isnt the point of module manager to allow those .cfg edits to remain ?
  21. EXACLTY! ill try this method when I get around to downloading the new version again.
  22. haha okay, I wont, and thanks much for the tip!
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