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Everything posted by Baked

  1. What he wants is toggle-able struts. so you can turn them on when docked and turn them off for undocking/moving parts like hinges/arms. Already struts will disconnect when you undock with KAS struts. I use them quite often to strengthen my Interplanetary ships after docking the lander to the drive section) and they will dissconnect along with the docking port when you undock. You have to grab them again (in EVA) to place them again when you redock. But for Scott he wanted to hold something rigidly in place while flying then toggle the struts off so he can extend/move the robotics still attached to the ship. I wonder if he could GRAB struts placed in the VAB to 'disconnect' them from IR parts so they can move while in EVA with KAS? It would require manual connect/disconnect but it would get the job done if it works. Never tried to Grab struts that I placed in the VAB, only grabbed struts I placed from a box onto the ship while in EVA.
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