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Lunniy Korabl

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Posts posted by Lunniy Korabl

  1. What was the idea? Was it ladders? I had a great idea about piggybacking Bill and Bob on ladders all the way, but the lack of time warp (followed by lack of attention) while on ladders led to a small mishap during reentry!


    They also tend to fall off a bit, so accelaration has to be gentle. Switching often back to keep them properly perched seems to help. Here\'s a nice one of Bill making his way back after slipping away.


  2. It turned out my Minmus lander had a slight design flaw (those ASAS modules above the capsule tend the fall off when parachutes open fully), so time for a rescue mission!

    The challenge: rendezvous with a craft in orbit and transfer crew using EVA. I didn\'t use mechjeb, so um, with only two spare seats on the rescue vessel Buzz had to be left behind. See if you can do better!


  3. What? New Horizons did use a slingshot... Jupiter pretty much gives away delta-v in exchange for you doing some maths to make it work. Plus there\'s the science value in making additional observations/calibrating your instruments on route to the main mission objective. It took this wonderful sequence of images from Io.


    Also New Horizons isn\'t technically in a transfer orbit, that would take even longer, it\'s in an escape trajectory that will fly by Pluto on the way out of the solar system. They\'re actually hunting for another Kuiper belt object beyond pluto that they can get to with minimal course correction after the flyby to get even more bang for buck out of the probe, but so far nothing has been found.

  4. But more hyped for The Hobbit. :D

    It has got Arthur Dent in!

    Simon Jones isn\'t in hobbit is he? :P

    Looking forward to Michael Fassbender in Prometheus. The David viral was awesome, classic sci fi stuff.

  5. I remember there was a similar issue when the Mun was newly released and it had an orbital direction changing bug. If you hit it just right, because your orbit direction reversed between each SOI shift, and with time warping you could complete hundreds of shifts in a loop, you\'d essentially stop moving while everything else carries on around you, causing the eventual falling back into the Mun dead centre. If this new issue can be duplicated, it would be interesting to see what the result of letting it run on high warp is.

  6. I found one small problem though. If you detach the linear aerospike from the tank/body, it will not attach itself anymore, nor can anything be attached to the bottom of the tank.

    That is weird, I thought it must be a bug with the craft file being pre 0.14, but making a new craft file causes exactly the same bug. No idea what causes it. You can fix it by deleting the fuel tank and adding it back in again, otherwise just try not to pull the engine off after saving it!

    I\'m actually hoping for a 'Spinal' mount in which the WEKA is attached either to a ventral position or a dorsal position...

    I like the cut of your jib! Now does anyone know how to make a radial decoupler not disappear after decoupling? Ideally the docking tunnel would stay on the discarded part (space station) rather than vanishing into thin air like the standard decoupler does. I suppose I could make an invisible coupler and put the mesh on the docking/service module, but I like the idea that people can radially couple weka to anything they want. I don\'t know what I was talking about, it works just fine (see the new sig!) I guess I accidentally hit it with rocket exhaust in my first couple of tests.


  7. It\'s an X-30 a colleague of mine made but still hasn\'t released yet because he is a perfectionist and it doesn\'t have RCS. ::)

    Back on topic: operation cuddlefish achieved its primary objective! The cart plugin goes a bit nuts when you decouple it from the lander and attempt to explore the munlet, but that was to be expected. Even if it did work, the jump off the ramp would probably exceed escape velocity. You could escape deimos with a bike and a ramp!


  8. However, I hardly feel any pull when I approach the Asteroid and when I touched it (very gently) my ship exploded.

    I found plenty of gravity, but I agree with exploding thing. It\'s weird, sometimes if you\'re going just slow enough you kind of clip it bounce off really fast like a ping pong ball being used in a game of billiards. I also noticed the explosions seem to be spaced out as if the ship has remained still and the asteroid dragged across it at orbital velocity. I tried reducing the mass, and even tried approaching the asteroid from behind so that its orbital vector was pointing away from the ship, but pretty much the same outcome.


    Great fun to practice munar orbit rendezvous with though. That thing really sneaks up on you when it suddenly appears at 2.5km!

  9. screenshot7.jpg

    I have been playing with concepts for a service/docking module for weka. Just need to model some new stuff, been having far too much fun playing with other people\'s mods. This concept wet workshop module was put together using white monkey kitchenware and truss parts.

    Vlad has also done an amazing rebalance and feathered re-entry using landing leg parts on the kergin galactic spaceplane. I have been very slack, but hopefully one of us will be able to release that soon as well!

  10. That sounds like the debug log might be getting flooded with messages, causing lag. If it happens again, can you press Alt-F2 to bring up the debug console and report what\'s being printed there, if anything?

    Here\'s your debug console. Pretty much the same story, got close to the munlet and it totally lagged out. Was within 800m but it was uncontrollable due to lag. KSP crashed shortly after the screenshot. Hope it helps!


  11. On topic: I think we\'re going to continue to see this level of pouring over the little data we have about life on Mars, until we go get some more. Ditto for Venus. Let\'s get some balloons up there! http://www.planetary.org/blog/article/00003338/

    Off topic:

    The worst stereotypes about Finnish people in general are that we are moody, utility knife-wielding stabbists and manic-depressive drunkards who can shrug off extreme cold that would incapacitate other people, and slaughter invading (and freezing) armies with ease only rivalled by our suicide rates.

    You missed lacking a sense of humour :P

    JK, as a Kiwi I found that quite funny.

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