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Posts posted by Cetera

  1. Is there a way to tone down the blue haze around Kerbin? I love that it makes the "pale blue dot" effect, but the transition is always harsh, and it seems to really slow things down until I get further away? I think I would like to mellow the color, still keep some of the blue, but clear it up a bit. I just have no idea where to look to configure that in the mod and settings files.

    Also, (and this may be the same area as above) is it possible to also tone down the sky color a bit? The blue is way to dark and unrealistic at the horizon when on Kerbin, and overhead the blue is nearly black, rather than a deep blue. I would like the horizon to still be blue, but a pale blue, and the overhead sky to be nearer where the horizon is now. Is that possible? Where would I look to tweak the settings for that?

    I absolutely love this mod, and it is the mod I most look for updates when KSP is upgraded. The rings it adds to Jool are perfect, and I love a lot of the other little tweaks and effects.

    Oh, one other this, is there any reason the Jool texture was changed from the Jupiter-style clouds from .25 to the more stock variant currently distributed?

  2. I've been having a lot of issues with my game, and I think I've traced it back to OPM. Thanks to the debug menu option for "Show Biomes on Map", I've realized Minmus' biomes have been replaced by Ovok's biomes. Ovok still has Ovok's biomes. It looks like Tylo and Slate are both using Slate's biomes, and Gilly and Hale are both using Hale's biomes.

    Any ideas or advice on how to fix these things? I can put together screenshots demonstrating it, if necessary. Is there a way to show this in log files?

  3. This is almost certainly an out-of-memory situation. Try using smaller planet textures. Posting the log (see Starwaster's post above yours) is a great way to confirm what the issue is, though.

    Thank you, that was the exact issue. Doing the 4k textures instead of the 8k seems to have corrected the problem. Thanks, regex!

  4. I'm installing RSS for the first time, and I'm having a lot of issues getting the game to launch. It all seems to come up just fine, and starts going to through the RSS process of adjusting the planets, with the various PQS status messages on the screen. However, it will never, ever finish this process. It always gets stuck and just hangs. I know the documentation says it may be slow, and then after it is finished it will be fast. However, it usually hangs on either Duna at #6, or Ike at #13, or once in a while something else. I've left it running overnight to finish, and it never does.

    Any ideas or suggestions?

  5. It's completely natural.

    Kerbin/Earth atmosphere is diffusing the blue color from the sunlight, and turning the white light into a more red/orange one depending on the amount of atmosphere particles traversed by sunlight, which results in what you can see in sunsets and sunrises.

    For Eve it's the same: it diffuses purple, leaving the light greener in the end.

    (PS: I don't like KSP's Rayleigh Scattering shader, spent a day tweaking it and couldn't do anything close to what I wanted :P)

    Excellent explanation, sir. Thank you. I'm assuming PlanetShine uses the purple reflected light, and we won't have a green light bath in low orbit around Eve?

  6. In .24.2, KSPRC's "Cool Rockets" folder breaks default engines. It causes all stock engines to have a permanent fairing/shroud, even without a decoupler behind them, and these shrouds cannot be detached manually or as part of any staging process. Deleting the "Cool Rockets" folder resolves this issue. I have not messed with trying to put the KSPRC Cool Rockets mod into the updated Klockheed Martian folder structure.

  7. Yea, that's what I've been dealing with but I never bothered to really figure it out. Instead I've just been using Procedural Fairings interstage for an engine shroud, which works very well and actually adds weight. I also modified it to be a decoupler

    fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
    sound_decoupler_fire = decouple

    @ejectionForce = 250
    @explosiveNodeID = top
    @isTweakable = True

    After a great deal of testing, I've isolated this problem. It took me forever, because I never thought to look for the issue with simply a graphics touch-up mod.

    The problem is caused by KSPRC (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76972-0-23-5-KSPRC-Renaissance-Compilation-artworks-remake-V-0-1-514-HOTFIX-19-4-14). Specifically, something in the Cool Rockets folder of the KSPRC is what is creating the issue. I'm guessing it hasn't been updated properly for .24.2. KSPRC puts a separate "Cool Rockets" folder under Game Data, and the Cool Rockets mod is now under "Klockheed_Martian_CoolRockets."

    Simply deleting the KSPRC-created "Cool Rockets" folder seems to address the issue.

  8. I need a little bit of help. I just resumed KSP playing, did a clean install of .24.2, and downloaded a fresh set of all mods this past weekend. I have installed KW 2.6c. Now every single engine when selected in the VAB has an engine shroud/fairing around it. The shroud exists before the engine is attached to the rocket, and before there is any kind of decoupler attached. These shrouds are also permanently attached. They don't separate during staging or any other time.

    I've read through the past 20 pages of this thread, and it looks like some were having this issue, but I can't seem to find a fix or what I need to do to correct the issue. Any advice?

  9. No, the wobble when going from map to ship is definitely there in 32-bit DX11. I may have been running the wrong version for the 32-bit DX mouse click issue. I've got two folders open, one for 32-bit and one for 64-bit, and I've not had the mouse issue on 32-bit again.

    The only errors I've only experienced in the 64-bit that are not present in the 32-bit is possibly the mouse issue, and the decouplers. Everything else seems to occur in the 32-bit version, especially when running DX11. It is a shame, because the DirectX11 experience is far smoother, with better framerates and lower RAM usage. Of course, I haven't really had any crashes in the 64-bit version like others have.

  10. I've now confirmed the right-click issue does happen on 32-bit when forcing DirectX 11. There seems to be something there with Unity at some level that does not like DirectX11. I have not yet tested to see if I don't get it running 64-bit with OpenGL or DirectX 9. Again, there seems to be some very flaky things that occur that aren't necessarily due to the 64-bit version, but were discovered because we're trying new things to see if we can get it to work.

    I think if we can fix the decoupler issue in 64-bit, I'll learn to live with any other bugs. By the same token, if we can fix the texture issues in DirectX 11 with the 32-bit client, I'll be ecstatic there too. That will save enough RAM to let me run everything I want without issue.

    Edit: I may have jumped the gun on the DX11 thing with 32-bit. I need to do more testing.

  11. Porkjet, by any chance could you build in a 5-direction RCS thruster for this mod-pack? Right now that's about the only thing I still use B9 for anymore, and it is way too big to justify having it installed for just a couple of parts. The 5-direction RCS is invaluable for space planes, needing just 2 in symmetry rather than 4 to control attitude and direction outside the atmosphere, especially for docking.

  12. Well that is darn decent of you. I'm always including both on just about everything, and it can often be quite difficult to get the aesthetics correct when placing both those parts. Finding someplace for them to not look out-of-place, and to not look unbalanced, can be trying. Thanks, I'll give this a shot.

  13. So I've done quite a bit of testing. So far the only real bugs I've encountered with the 64-bit edition are decoupler issues. I've not been able to recreate the craft wobble from the map view in the 64-bit version. The screen loading issues with the flicker and the astronaut selection are also 64-bit only, and don't appear in the 32-bit version. All other bugs I've been able to recreate in the stock 32-bit version by forcing DirectX 11.

    In the stock 32-bit edition, forcing DirectX 11, RAM usage is lower, the texture issues on the launchpad and the hanger exist, text corruption exists, and the re-entry effects turn everything pink with no textures. However, in the 32-bit version with directx11, lowering the re-entry and atmospheric effects does not seem to resolve the issue like it does with the 64-bit version.

    So it appears there are a couple of different things we need to isolate: 64-bit version bugs only, and DirectX 11 bugs only. I'm hoping that it should be easier to isolate DirectX11 bugs for Squad to fix (it won't require new versions of Unity, hopefully). If Squad can release a DirectX 11 version to help save on RAM, hopefully that will tide us over until a 64-bit version can be worked out with Unity.

  14. It took me a long, long time, but I finally got this to function. I was trying to extract the new files from the unity installer, rather than copying from the installed client. For whatever reason, for me the extracted files were different from the installed, and it would not work. It is entirely possible I was doing something incorrectly with the extraction. If you are having issues, try copying from the installed unity client.

  15. Do we have any idea of an estimate for 1.4? This was probably my favorite mod, and I've been completely unsuccessful getting it to work in .23.5. I check this thread with some level of trepidation every week, it seems, hoping that it is coming along, and fearing that everyone has quit on it.

    I'm not expecting dates, or anything. I'm completely torn between desiring info and not being needy. Maybe just a little bit of progress updates? Is the current thinking that 1.4 ETA will be measured in days, weeks, or months?

  16. You have to fly your spacecraft realistically. You need to figure out a way to stay in the upper atmosphere as long as possible and let it slow you down. There are lots of ways to do this, from a very high periapsis and many aerobraking orbits, to wings to give you lift, or using your heat shield as a wing to generate lift and keep you you.

    If you are coming in at less than 3km/s and you keep your periapsis no lower than 35k, you're going to be fine. If you are coming in steeper than that, you're going to have real trouble. If you are moving much faster, you should probably aerobrake a few times.

    Use quicksaves, and practice your re-entry profiles and what your ship can take. It can be easier to use a slightly unbalanced ship to help your heatshield generate lift.

    Once you are down below 10km, keep an eye on your speed. If you're still moving really fast, let the atmosphere slow you down more. If you're opening your chutes at 1km/s, you're going to have problems. Get under 500m/s. Get under 300m/s. The atmosphere will really start to slow you down quickly under 10k, as it thickens very rapidly with decreasing altitude, just as it thins very quickly going up.

  17. I need some help with the Interstellar mod. There are a few things that aren't working, and for the life of me I can't figure out why.

    1.) I have an infrared telescope deployed in high Kerbin orbit. It has 5 tanks of the liquid helium, and it seems to be running just fine. It tells me that it should be generating .49 science per day. However, no matter how long I let it run, I never get any science out of it. I've switched back to it after days, I've clicked on ever part, I've stopped the deep field survey and restarted it, and nothing seems to work. Any ideas? I'm not finding any troubleshooting for this anywhere.

    2.) I'm trying to start a beamed power network. I have two reactors parked at the space center for testing.

    a.) One is an Akula 3.75m fission reactor using UF4, with an inline refinery and a KTEC generator. It did produce quite a bit of power for a number of days. However, it has run out of fuel. I could not, and cannot, get the inline refinery to reprocess spent fuel.

    b.) I have roughly 20 spare UF4 cannisters attached to the "vessel", and I pumped depleted fuel into them, and good fuel into the reactor. The reactor is shut down, and says EVA maintenance required. I've sent ol' Bob out there in a utility rover, and he can't do anything. The reactor is very low to the ground, almost touching, and he can certainly "reach" it to do anything with it. Right-clicking just says "no damage", same for the inline reactor.

    c.) Since I was having no luck with the Akula, I build a similar vessel using the Aegletes 2 fission reactor. Same story. I can't reprocess fuel. I'm also using UF4 'cause I didn't know how to take care of the actinides, but I'm still building them up with this reactor anyway when I'm not using ThF4.

    Any help on any of these would be very appreciated.

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