Advanced weaponry from the Advanced Weapons Research and Development division of Cube Corp. For all your intended explosive needs. Click images to embiggen. C7 Addon Parts Parts for use with the C7 flight pack. Thanks to C7Studios for allowing me to use his textures. [table][tr] [td][/td] [td] [li]Mk2 Hull Bicoupler V1.1 Attaches to the bottom of a Mk2 hull and converts it to two side-by-side 1m hulls. [/li][li]Forward Swept Wing V1.0 Forward swept wings with built in ailerons.[/li][/td] [/tr][/table] Weapons [table][tr] [td] [/td] [td] [li]\'Devastator\' Railgun V0.3 (Version 14.0 and higher) Includes the forward, side and rear facing railguns and two projectiles. Recoil will now be experienced due to 0.14 decoupler physics. [/li][li]\'Devastator\' Railgun V0.2 (Version 13.2 and lower) Includes a forward facing railgun, a normal projectile, and a half-sized projectile. Projectiles come with built-in flares for easy tracking. [li]Version 0.2 - Optimised railgun model. Added half-sized round.[/li] [/li][li]Side-facing \'Devastator\' Railgun V0.2.1 (Version 13.2 and lower) Left, right and rear facing railguns. Does NOT include any ammunition. Has slight issues with ammunition stacking. Try stacking ammunition on a free node then moving them into the railgun. [li]Version 0.2.1 - Fixed orientation issue with one of the railguns.[/li] [/li] [/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table] [table][tr][td][/td] [td] [li]Modular Missile Pack V1.0 A modular missile pack. Includes two different nosecones and three different types of missile fins. The missile body acts as a decoupler so it doesn\'t need to be attached to an external decoupler. If attached to an external decoupler, don\'t put both decouplers in the same stage.[/li] [/td] [/tr][/table] Deprecated [table][tr] [td] [/td] [td] [li]\'Wasp\' Missile V1.0 Recommend missile be used with a lightweight decoupler such as the decoupler from Tosh\'s \'Drone\' UAV. [/li] [/td][/tr][/table] [li]Version 0.3 - Almagated all railgun versions. Fixed properties due to new decoupler physics.[/li]