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Posts posted by abowl

  1. Hello,

    Unfortunately the nav ball sometimes gets in the way when trying to for example land. There is a mod for that, that lets you slide the navball to the left or right. Very usefull. But when it comes to EVA missions how do you guys go about it? In my experience the kerbal tends to be in the way more often than not. When playing with KIS i can imagine this a real pita. But even collecting science and resetting experiments on EVA can be a bit of pain. Is there a first person mod or something like that, that helps with the EVA stuff? :) Thank you

  2. Kerbal Space program is a game like no other. It requires elegance, pre-planning and has high risks, exploration/open game world and mechanics that are very "free". The game carries very little restriction and gives the player alot of influence in how to play the game and all that sort of stuff. So as a gamer, it appeals to me.

  3. Hello i like to play on hard mode but its difficult especially in the beginning because you need more than 100k to hire a new pilot if you lose either one and that happens to me usually always. I have to cheat the game by force closing it before it saves when a kerbal is killed. I feel like if new kerbals didnt require as much money in order to hire them it could make playing on hard more a little more enjoyable. And before you say Hard is supposed to be hard, there is no challenge in having to grind 100k+ after you lose a pilot, to get a new one, when you are already grinding to upgrade the buildings.

  4. I'm going to be honest in saying that whoever moderates the KSP subreddit needs to be removed from their position and replaced. Protest all you want, but do so in a way that doesn't effect others. Following a ridiculous tend and throwing a hissy fit that does nothing but bother the users is completely irresponsible and immature. From someone who's supposed to be representing the community, they make themselves and all of us look like foolish teenagers.


  5. Hello,

    If anyone uses reddit to find kerbal space program content, the mods apparantly decided to make it private because a moderator from another sub was let go.

    If you feel like this is wrong please tell the mods by creating a message and putting /r/KerbalSpaceProgram as the reciever. This will reach all the mods. Hoping the subreddit will return asap. Thank you.

  6. Just got a new idea. What if the g's drain a new resource. Ah let me start over.

    You lose control of a craft if the probe runs out of electricity. You dont have this problem with manned flights. What if the g forces could drain a new type of resource, that if drained would make you lose control of the craft until the resource came back.

    For example pulling too high g's will lead to the resource rapidly draining. When drained. You cant control the craft. The resource - lets call it consoucness for now - replenishes passively.

  7. Someone (Squad) should find the time and/or means to give this guy some money/award. The mod is several years old. And its always super maintained it seems. If squad went out of their way to do this, or set up a small program/event/award for similar modders it will be a world first. And i think it will reflect positively on sales etc. Hows that Maxmaps? Instead of conjuring deals with the devil (curse, sony etc.) for mo money flows why not do something that really affects the community and would give positive PR? Thanks

  8. Hello KSP'ers,

    Im not sure wether this is the correct category to post in or not since its kind of mod related.

    But i feel like the game stops giving me "progression" contracts, and/or gives it to me at random. Do you know of a mod that makes contracts that first asks me to Visit mun, then minmus, then duna, then eve, etc. so it gives me all the planets in order according to the percieved diffculty in getting there?


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