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Everything posted by Kamuchi

  1. I would buy Kerbol Skyline though, develope Kerbin and colonize the Kerbol system
  2. Idea was to use multiple hulls in radial around a central core, you would get something like this with container&modules on both exis: and looking at all the scifi pics, using 2 hulls next to eachother and build custom cargo pods or tweakscale kontainers to massive sizes, this would be looking pretty sweet aswel Got a few more ideas with MKS/PBS/modded part designs already
  3. @dboi88 watching the renders made my brain hurt again with ideas about how I can use it as an abusement framework of how it was not intended to be used, but I have a silly question as I know Roverdude some times does it to his parts and the standard KIS container: Will there be any sort of collision detection between parts that could generate phantom torque or just parts start to wiggling out of control and explode? I know the obvious answer would be "no", but if I may please ask to keep an eye out for clipping weirdness while bringing the parts to life in KSP that would be really appriciated The idea popped into my head to use 4 frames (5 would look cool, but symmetry... :)) as a frame that would give heaps of realestate to use as a massive interplanetary freighter, carrier, knowing myself a large spare parts hauler and even as a colony ship turning it basically into a massive HAB center as I've started a 10x GPP with everything decades away edit; I agree with the idea to release the parts first and then work on the IVA, obviously
  4. @Galileo @JadeOfMaar just noticed you guys put my Lili nightmare mission screenshot in the loading screen, that put a big grin on my face, cheers!
  5. @JPLRepo I just chucked it up to a mod conflict, some where as I also can't recreate it. Starting a new game on a fresh install using DeepFreeze from the start so if it happens, I'll be able to catch it while not messing with mods
  6. That's it @RocketPCGaming, I'm starting a new career in 10x on a fresh install
  7. copy&paste from the mail reply also those double docking ports on the "station parts expansion" are just mirror symmetry OPT parts, same one used on those shuttles and clipped in
  8. It is It's not a spaceship unless it has an aerospike The ship has reached it's full potential though with 0.49TWR in LGO (low Gael orbit) and as I finished my Tellumo mission, it stretched it's life support capabilities as well. Just wait till till I can start on ship #2, and ohboy, if I can get my hands on dboi88's Coyote parts \☺/
  9. So I just ran into the funniest bug ever and didn't notice it earlier as every time I transferd the kerbals to their assigned modules, except this time, lol Rasie is on the ship as I just thawed her after an interplanetart trip: Switching over to the outpost and Rasie shows up? Thinking to be funny and EVA her, she falls out of the ship: This is why I didn't get the Deep Freeze icon in the list onload (restarted) and only after hopping back and forth it appeared again. This must be linked to what ever is happening with the game thinking the cryo pod is some where else. Prolly a nullref in there related to some visual mod and I should really update IR, though when that works correctly is nearly a miracle already output_log
  10. @Galileo you should have received an email, reception was poor over here (should make that button slightly bigger ;)) ♥
  11. Now you're making me want to go from stock fun size to hardcore 10x LOL Alright, I'm prepared! 2 kits orderd
  12. That looks stunning If you in the future decide to do everything in 8K as a seperate download for pc's not to overburden the download size for normal users, I will not hesitate to throw this into my pc just for your mod https://www.alternate.nl/html/product/information/page.html?articleId=1278978&channel_code=544&ad_id=41451789236&s2m_product_id=IFIG7U23&utm_source=adwords-shopping&s2m_campaign=DEACTIVATED&gclid=CIHPkZ7AzNICFe0W0wodeNoNtA
  13. @Galileo 8K textures, I'll buy another set of 16gb ram just to run GPP! as ksp is already pushing over 10gb on ultra This view...
  14. @astroheiko just of the south pole, a nice tiny flat piece of land with like 80% of sunlight, works like a charm Still need to check out what the heck that resource spot is, but easier to do with fuel in the tanks
  15. @dboi88 Thanks and that would be awesome! Quite a few hours went into planning and design that ship as it was early career and only now slowly starting to unlock the cool stuff Screenshots, I screenshot every thing, multiple times aswel The parts will be put to the best use I will be able to come up with, it will rival my biggest creation to date and thanks to 64bit, autostrut, I can push it even further to make it a real freighter as GPP seriously pushes life support crafts!
  16. This looks awazing I have 1 question though, the modules look great, but as I mostly use parts like these the way they are not intended to be, is the large block integration permanent or will you also in the future stand alone modules? I use Planetary Bases parts actually for ships and your models would be perfect as crew cabins and life support sections Can already imagine my next generation of interplanetary ships have segments, to give you an example of what I mean https://imgur.com/a/uRHfM & https://imgur.com/a/kAFJO
  17. o.O I can already see this being added to my ships! Managable life support parts without going into frigate size territory for multi crew missions @dboi88 wouldn't have found your WIP otherwise
  18. @astroheiko thanks andnot yet, I actually have the ship in a polar orbit after figuring that one out, but that also made me aware that I had no drill on the refinery, lol The thing is, after scanning Lili, I got this and wanted to land on it to see what it is and if it would give better resources
  19. Ever since starting to use GPP, I'm still loving it! Taking my time as I slowly build things up and not rushing to "just get it done" to have some fun Specially designed to be able to land on Iota and Ceti as main workhorse for SOI work and with a refuel be able to do interplanetary trips (this ship is my best ship ever, for now ) https://imgur.com/a/uRHfM Some Iota work, nothing fanc yet http://imgur.com/a/2vzVT and reason for this post while taking my first flight to Tellumo! Guys, this is just awsome when going there for the first time http://imgur.com/a/B5CFU @RocketPCGaming those 10x screenshots look awesome
  20. Some Iota and Tellumo shots with Lili, still have to go everywhere else while slowly progressing through career
  21. "it`s not what KSP can do for you, but what you can do for KSP..."
  22. On that note, here`s a patch for WildBlue which also uses their own tank configuration... WildBlueIndustries.cfg WBIConvertibleStorage @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[WBIConvertibleStorage],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:FOR[GPOSpeedFuelPump]:AFTER[zzz_CryoTanks]:FINAL { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump } }
  23. As others stated it is what you make of it After playing a couple thousand hours stock, I did give career a change and went with GPP as that gives you a ksp 2.0 feeling as everything is different. GPP is also less of a science farm to a point I ran into some serious funding that I had to grab 3 tourists contracts just to be able to upgrade my R&D to level 3. Using USI Life support will put a short leash on "just go anywhere" as you have to get back home to restock, refuel and rotate the crew while all the long term stuff is still locked. Using the Community Tech Tree will domper you`re "I went to the moon and unlocked everything" as with GPP, more and expensive nodes you have far less biomes to simply unlock the tree but enough to unlock long term HAB for inter planetary travels I`ve been in my career for over a week and only unlocked R&D 3 today, mainly cause I don`t want to just spam contracts, have a little role play fun and try to have a more sustainable space program. This is how my low tech early start looked by trying to build a more modular ship, I must admit that half my game time is almost spent to get the dang thing fueled after every mission, but that had me going to develope a Falcon 9 style rocket that I never botherd with but had to due to the budget (admitingly, it`s a blast to fly) So really, grab some mods, set some personal goals and focus on just building an infra structure from the start to late game use and have fun http://imgur.com/a/uRHfM
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