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Status Replies posted by lo-fi

  1. Lo-Fi, I love your Kerbal Foundries mod!

  2. kerbal stuff has shut down. we need a new download for Kerbal Foundries

    1. lo-fi


      I'm no longer really custodian... I don't even have KSP installed any more, let alone the dev tools, and I've no idea what the current status is. There was a dropbox link posted, but I can't offer much more than that I'm afraid.

  3. Do you have a developer to take over?

    1. lo-fi


      *Aqua* is keen, Gaalidas is busy with college. Could probably use another brain if you're keen too? I'm out of action as far as continuing anything goes, but available to help with code unpicking and handover.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. I actually was hoping to pick your brain. How did you all do the grouping for Foundries? That bit is a brilliant implementation, I was hoping to replicate it in the ballast mod I am creating. 

    1. lo-fi


      I honestly can't remember! It was either to do with part names, or file names, or titles or something like that.... I just messed about until I found how it organised things IIRC

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