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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. I'm downloading and installing DropBox... slow connection. :/ I'll post it here when it finishes.
  2. It appears I have no way to do that... don't have Dropbox or whatever. Cut/paste... well... that was a disaster. lol
  3. Ok, I just threw something together out on the launchpad... those adapters allow cross-feed... engines fired.
  4. Humm... I'll look in the Wiki, the parts list in-game doesn't declare anything. *edit* - Wiki doesn't say anything about cross-feed. :/
  5. I've built a ship up in orbit, docking sections together. I can move the ship using RCS thrusters, but I cannot get the engines to fire. I'm stumped. I've checked all the Clamp-o-tron Sr.s, and none of them have crossfeed disabled. All the fuel tanks are full. The solar panels are not shown in the image below, but they're there (retracted)... and there's plenty of battery power onboard. There are 3 Kerbals onboard also. The engines are LV-T30's, 4 of them attached to a TVR-400L Stack Quad adapter... I've right-clicked each engine and 'activated' them. I still can't get them to fire. The staging indicator shows they have no fuel... yes, it's docking mode in the image, from testing the thrusters... still doesn't fire from staging mode. When I try to fire, or right-click deactive/reactivate, all the engines do is 'hiss'... and it's indicated there's no fuel flow. What's going on here? This thing should fly - no?
  6. Worked last night on assembling a new ship in orbit, sending it up in sections. I was docking two large sections when all of the sudden my RCS thrusters stopped working... so naturally I freaked out and ensued with reciting every curse word I knew, thinking it was some kind of *new* frustrating bug. Took me several minutes of cursing and hair pulling before I realized I'd hit the Caps Lock key. Oh my. It's true... you learn something new every day. lol
  7. It's about time they pumped some funds into NASA. Far more are needed. Pet projects of special interest groups should be funded by interested individuals donations... not public funds.
  8. As far as I'm concerned, much to the dismay of Jeb, Bill, and Bob ... they are just Public Relations figureheads, doomed to hang out at KSC and do interviews with reporters - while the real expendables are out there in space, reaping all that glory and science, occasionally sacrificing themselves to the Kraken. lol
  9. "Mud Flaps", "No Roads Rally Point" or "Off-Road Rally Point" or "The Rally Point", "The Checkpoint", "Hangin On!" lol "Air-Time"?
  10. To the tune of "Jingle Bells"... Dashing to Moho, in an Ion powered sleigh. Through deep space we go, our nav points went away. The chutes would not deploy, Bill's stuck in shuttle bay. What fun it is to crash and burn, and then go EVA! Oh... Jingle Bells, Jeb's feet smell, careers, they just don't pay. Oh what fun it is to ride upon an Ion sleigh. Oh... Jingle bells, Jeb's feet smell, careers, they just don't pay. Better do a quick save else the Kracken you will pay. (No applause, just throw money. Thanks. )
  11. Umm... 'InTheDirt', 'GetVerticle', 'OuttaTheWay' - as in lead, follow, or get the..... ? lol
  12. "Despite their low performance, on paper, we got a lot of work out of those old machines. For those used to waiting 15 seconds for a Windows spreadsheet to even load, it's difficult to imagine how much work a 1-MHz computer can do when it's running full tilt in machine language, not encumbered by bloated software, interpreted languages, and a GUI interface. I'm old enough to remember, and look back on those days wistfully." - http://www.embedded.com/electronics-blogs/programmer-s-toolbox/4008319/3/Calculating-trajectories-for-Apollo-program I can SO totally relate. Many, many years ago, during the Apollo era, in an IBM headquarters involved with NASA, hung a sign on the wall which read: "Manual is better". No lie. lol
  13. I had something similar happen back in v0.24.2 ... I'm pretty sure some manner of Kraken was involved. The capsule dove through Kerbin, and then proceeded to race out across the Kebol system at 159368.3m/s!
  14. Was a NAR member for many years. Had most of my fun with 'D' engines, multi-stages, clusters, etc. Where I live, didn't permit much larger... had to hold a class-C license and carry 1 million in liability insurance (through NAR, at the time) just for C & D operation. These days, I don't think my state permits it anymore at all. Nicest most meticulous builds I ever did were an almost full Nike arsenal (Ajax, Hercules, Zeus, Pershing, and Sergeant)... all were D-class, multiple flights, recovered. Had lots of fun with the early Camroc... I still have the rocket (camera nosecone), but I don't know if the 110 film is still available. Somewhere I've got a boat-load of pictures, Camroc, launches... if I ever find them again, I'll scan and post. http://www.poweredmodelairplanes.com/fmr/camroc.html
  15. Indeed!... to all: Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! mraval shobas!
  16. If you ask me, it looks like a lawn-dart.
  17. About the only thing I've seen (YouTube) are clips of Russian launch fails, and the tribute to Uri Gagarin's first flight... a move called "First Orbit"..... which is definately worth watching.
  18. Damnit. Now I gotta go make a BLT... with mayo. Thanks a lot.
  19. Well, I've flown a few different scenarios... with Lazor / without Lazor... and I can't seem to duplicate the original issue. Perhaps it was related to SCANsat. Sorry. Happy to have my docking cams back though... don't know what I'd do without them! Why isn't this incorporated into KSP itself?!? It should be!
  20. Great vid. There's a lot of TED talks that are eye-openers... like the one (the implications) about PhotoSynth/SeaDragon.
  21. I've had a problem, but I'm not sure it's attributed to Lazor... I need to try and duplicate it. My game is a Science_sandbox which I brought over from v0.25.0 into v0.90.0, Windows. I use Lazor for the docking camera. The only other mod I had installed was SCANsat, which apparently does have problems with v0.90.0. I had launched a new ship intending on docking up with another I had in Kerbin orbit. As I did my final burn into position, I discovered that 'Orbit' on the navball didn't change over to 'Target'... I was within 2.8km from the orbiting ship. Needless to say, I found it pretty much impossible to continue with a docking effort. I tried deselecting the target and then selecting it again... no change. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this, and if so, is it a Lazor issue or some other issue? Yes, I know I made a previous post saying things were working for me, but the test I ran was of a ship already docked to another... all I did was undock, back off, and redock again... I don't think I even looked at the navball (usually totally rely on just the view and data in the docking camera display). Today's situation was different.
  22. I don't have any jitter issues around Kerbin usually, but I do around Mun and expecially Minmus - seems (for me) it's been that way since I first started playing. I was wary of that myself, so rather than allow it to 'update', I downloaded and unpacked v.90 on its own in a separate folder to try it - then moved my v.25 save into it to see if anything broke. I only encountered minor issues with one of the mods I use (SCANsat), and no problems yet thus far with the other (Lazor docking cam). Had the whole thing gone kablooie, I still have my v.25 install to play with, untouched, mods included. Anytime something *new* comes out, no matter what it is, it makes good sense to run parallel if at all possible.
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