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    Curious George
  1. I'm not sure if this is the best place to mentioned this, but I have found a small bug in this mod, which relates to the use of ModuleEnginesFX. It is this bug giflo that means that protractor indicates TMR 0 with FTmN nuclear rockets or if you have "Hot Rockets" installed byNazeri1382 (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65754-HotRockets!-Particle-FX-Replacement-Tutorial). To fix the problem, you need to edit the "tmr()" subroutine in the protractor - partmodule.cs file, and change the line "else if (p.Modules.Contains("ModuleEnginesFx"))" to "else if (p.Modules.Contains("ModuleEnginesFX"))" (note the capital FX). You also need to rem out the "if (!me.flameout)" line, although I'm not sure what flameout relates to, since as far as I know that only occurs on jet engines and you don't use them for planetary transfers (although there maybe other engines that have this property). Anyway I hope this helps everybody, especially mrenigma03, who created an excellent mod. I know without it I would find it almost impossible to do planetary transfers.
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