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Everything posted by goduranus

  1. Gonna post my craft now that it's started https://kerbalx.com/goduranus/Samurai-Sled
  2. Regardless you would still need controll surfaces far behind the rearmost wheel, otherwise it can't rotate. Right now it looks like control surface is right on top of the rearmost wheel.
  3. The plane's problem is wheels almost behind the rearmost control surface, resulting in the lack of sufficent lever arm for takeoff rotation, it will not take off regardless of the length of the runway. Try adding some canards at the front.
  4. It was good luck for the Gunbrick, I think it's okay for Gunbrick to beat the VS on the leaderboards. A lot of times the plane that wins seems to depend on which direction the two side turn at the initial merge. The Gunbrick seem to have taken a good turn during both these matches.
  5. Maybe don't use AMRAAMs, all leaderboard planes have ECM, AMRAAMs will never fire. Who ever runs next rounds, myself included, maybe make a note to run this one first, cuz he's replacing his old plane which was pretty high on the queue, not submitting a new one.
  6. Ship customization is far more detailed than KSP can ever be. Also it's got material science stuff with different alloys making your ship perform differently.
  7. Get this one, Children of a Dead Earth. A realistic near future space ship customization combat simulator.
  8. I noticed the Tiger Engine's afterburner exhaust don't really increase the temperature of parts they strike, and IR missiles from BDArmory don't pick up afterburning Tigers as well as the other afterburning engines, could you perhaps increase the exhaust particle temperature a little, mostly just for BDArmory, really.
  9. I think 4x AIM-9 on the PEGASys actually made a difference, I gotta put more on my next plane.
  10. Since you have an Nvidia card, you can also download the Geforce experience and use Shadowplay.
  11. Pasting the rules here so it's easier for people to see Also contrary to what I once believed, drones are allowed.
  12. I think it's fine as long as the timer flashes green some of the time, almost nobody could keep it green all the time. @dundun92 you still building a plane for Hojoz' CFC? We're waiting on a few more planes to get started.
  13. For this one, try to spawn each plane in a slightly different direction, with J and L keys. I try to point them away from the center(fighter on the right point slightly to the right, and fighter to the left point slightly to the left) of the formation by 1-2 key presses, this seems to keep them from doing a crazy collision avoidance maneuver some of the time.
  14. I think here are some steps, assuming you're playing on Windows 10 Open PRE(physics range extension) tab on the top right, and set ground object load range to ~40km Use Vessel Spawner menu to deploy one of the teams on the eastern tip of the KSC runway, facing east Use Vessel Spawner menu to deploy the other team on the western tip of the island runway, facing west Check if teams are correct, then F5 to quick save If needed, swap to all competitor vessels and press space bar to activate their engines, although some planes are set up to not need this Use BDArmory menu, click gear shaped settings button to start competition mode When opposing sides are closer than 8km apart, press [windows key]+G to open game recording menu(windows key is usually between Ctrl and Alt keys) Click the Record button in the game recording menu After combat ends, press [windows key]+G again and click on the stop record button The videos are saved under "This PC\Videos" If you're using Windows 7, then you might have to use shadowplay or some other 3rd party program.
  15. Don't bother with it, the RCS torque is puny compared to aerodynamic forces at any significant speeds.
  16. Did you crank up the "Missiles per Target" setting on the weapon controller? Usd missile controller bits floating around count as active missiles. If you've reached the setting limit then more missiles won't be fired.
  17. Yes. I did some tinkering and it seems the culprit of missiles exploding on the launching craft is the drop timer used to stagger the AIM-9 launches. The solution might be to have multiple modular missiles controls, each with staggered ranges without drop timer, and have each MMC launching a single AIM-9. A few AIM-9s that needed to be fired from closer than the minimum range setting of the modular missile control would still need drop timer, but these could be ejected downwards to prevent collision with launching craft. Also maybe tilting up the MLRS slightly will help. I am gonna try this. Edit, Hmm, the newest version of the Vampire Squirrel from a couple of days back already had MLRS tilted up slightly, could've swear I uploaded that one but nope. Oh well, gonna send in that version as a new entry. https://kerbalx.com/goduranus/Vampire-Squirrel-B
  18. That happened several times when I was trying your plane before, it kept flying as a distraction, and I think it's a good feature.
  19. I noticed that in VS RS battle 1 the VS I was viewing was damaged from the start. I think that's the damage from taking off after falling over. It looks like I didn't upload the version with the fixed landing gear, and can't change it now that battles are ran. if anyone else runs it, please check that none of them fell over before starting the match.
  20. @Mukita12 according to rules on the first page, the builder is responsible for all modifications to the craft, you have to do the tuning yourself. Besides, AI settings is a very important part of the plane, if its AI is not tuned it's gonna get pwned anyways. Vampire Squirrel vs Rabid Squirrel 1 PEGASys-D3 2 TFD mod A 3 Vampire Squirrel (next match) 4 Viper-ASP MkIIc 5 Gunbrick
  21. And Finally @Box of Stardust's PEGASys with the Leaderboard top dog, the @dundun93's TFD Current leaderboard as of this post: 1 PEGASys-D3 2 TFD mod A 3 Rabid Squirrel 4 Vampire Squirrel (next match) 5 Viper-ASP MkIIc 'temporary' 6 Gunbrick Either Rabid Squirrel or Vampire Squirrel would be eliminated if it loses the next match.
  22. I watched some old Rabid Squirrel videos and restored it to what I believe are old settings. So here's PEGASys vs Rabid Squirrel
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