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Everything posted by ClLaw

  1. I thought I'd give this a try to check out all the new planets and moons and found a bug. It's happened both times I've fired up the game. I went to the Tracking Station to cycle through the different planets to admire the handywork. I returned to the Space Center and then I returned to the Tracking Station to read up on the info but the camera zoomed right out and I couldn't zoom the camera back in. If I hit 'TAB' then it zooms back in. Nothing major but figured I'd bring it to your attention. Having never used Kopernicus before I've no idea what could be at fault here. I'd just like to say thank you and well done on this pre-release. RSS looks awesome already! Keep up the good work
  2. Same problem here too. My solar panels seem to burn up on launch
  3. All the chutes that are on discarded stages will need to be in a stage that doesn't get activated, ie. boosters separate on the second staging sequence, say S9, then place your chutes in a later stage, say S8-1. Stage Recovery counts the fact that there are actually chutes attached to your discarded stage not how the chutes are set up to deploy. So long as you have enough chutes to stop your discarded stages from hitting the ground too fast then SR will recovery them.
  4. I get this happening to me too so I've uninstalled it for now as I don't even have these parts unlocked yet
  5. I never have fullscreen checked. I've tried it both with and without it checked and still no luck EDIT - New found solution(for me anyway). Turns out the HDMI cables were to blame. Opengl didn't like either of my HDMI cables but works perfectly(for now) using DVI cables. Full explanation at the link below: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103129-Couldn-t-switch-to-requested-monitor-resolution/page3
  6. You are right . After trying this again it would appear that opengl mode is being turned off. I guess I was just too hasty and hopeful in believing this might be a solution. Although I have found that even lowering the resolution is not working for me either. I still get the same message coming up. I'm linking my output_log if someone could please help me in identifying the cause then maybe a solution could be found https://www.dropbox.com/s/ccc1wfo50uwnpxu/output_log.txt?dl=0 EDIT - Finally got it working for sure this time. Turned out it didn't want to work through my HDMI cables, only my DVI cables. Switched my main display screen to one of my other screens and it worked. Switched main display to my other DVI screen and it worked again. Switched back to my middle screen(HDMI) and it didn't work. Changed out one HDMI for another HDMI(keeping it to the same middle screen to try and isolate if it was a dodgy cable) and still didn't work but worked on both my DVI screens. So this time I switched a DVI and HDMI cable around so the middle screen was now DVI and KSP opengl mode now works on my middle(main display) screen. So the issue is the HDMI cables. Seems this problem is solved for me..... for now
  7. Thought I had a solution but this turned out to not be the case
  8. Found a solution to this:- I did the above registry changes and this didn't change a thing for me. I still couldn't get 1.0/1.0.1/1.0.2 to work with opengl mode whether it was with mods or without. The strange thing was that it still worked in 0.90 so it wasn't anything to do with my system drivers. I didn't think it had anything to do with Unity either as it was only v1.0+ that was having the difficulty with it. By mere accident(and probably my fat fingers) I found out that with 2 '-' in front of the word 'force' it worked. So instead of "-force-opengl" I typed in "--force-opengl" and it started up straight away. Over the past few days of trying whatever I could to fix this I have noticed a lot of people having this trouble in the past with past versions and they all used the registry fix to correct it. This wasn't the case for me and if it's not the case for you then please try this method. Hope this helps anyone else who may have this trouble in the future. It would appear this is wrong information. Not solved
  9. I'm having this exact problem. What exactly did you change? I've found the registry but I'm unsure as to what to change
  10. Cheers for the speedy response but alas it didn't work. Deleted the file and tried again - didn't work. Deleted KSP from Steam(in case there was possibly something else I had changed) and re-installed - didn't work. Exactly the same message as above
  11. I've tried the -force-opengl launch command in both 1.0 and 1.0.1(modded and vanilla) and just get this pop-up: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n4fgal8co9612i8/KSP%20Error.PNG?dl=0 KSP then crashes. Any ideas?
  12. I've been having trouble with the new style AJ10 that got added(looks like a larger version of what the Aerobee Sustainer looked like before this update with Ven's Revamp installed) and the Generic 1kN Thruster. These are the only 2 so far but haven't checked everything yet. Whenever I click to use these engines I'm able to place them where I want but once I've click to place these parts then I'm not able to do anything with them again. It's like they cease to exist but you can still see them. Whether you place them on a node to your craft or if you place hem to one side(greyed out) they do(or don't do) the same thing. This has only happened since this update.
  13. I'm sorry but I don't actually know what you mean here. I click the link to download the latest stable release, I click the ckan.exe download link and it downloads a single file. I have no folder. I don't know what you mean by directory. I have the single ckan.exe file in my download folder which starts up ckan
  14. I get these errors too but I've no idea where this GUIConfig.xml is. All I have is the ckan.exe file that I downloaded. Where do I get the .xml from? computer noob here EDIT - Nevermind, I've somehow managed to start it up and update my mods
  15. Strange, I never had this. You did remember to change the in-game time in the settings to 24 hour days right? Unless this is the case I honestly have no idea why it would be that long. Upgrades should bring the time down but it shouldn't be that long in the first place
  16. I've recently restarted my RO career but this time I installed Kerbal Construction Time which uses your science or funds to decrease the time it takes to construct craft or research new tech nodes(assuming you're not using KCT and not sure what it is). Maybe worth a try?
  17. I had this too but what I did was install all the mods I could via CKAN first and then added the other mods I wanted in manually afterwards. I found that CKAN deleted any mods I manually placed in the Gamedata folder beforehand so reversed the process. Also, rather than launch the game via CKAN I use the shortcut process in the KSP directory Sakai - Which textures are you using? If it's the 8192 texture pack then try using the 4096 ones instead. With 8192 I found I was hitting the RAM limit fairly soon after load up but with the 4096 texture pack I'm around the 2GB mark at load up
  18. Agathorn - if you install the FASA mod then there's the Explorer Probe(I think that's it) and that is 0.2m wide with an integrated antenna and this is how you'd be able to get your reports back without parachutes. As for the fairings in NK's photos - I've no idea as I don't get them unlocked until the 3rd of 4th tier. I'm guessing these pics were taken from an earlier version of RP-0 On a side note - this install I have now has taken me countless number of times to get installed properly. I've had some big issues which I couldn't figure out so would start again and then would have new issues arise. Probably taken me somewhere in the region of 3 weeks(on and off) to get to where I am now. I have no idea if my tech tree is right or not but after it's taken me so long I really don't care anymore . Main thing is that all my parts seem to be working properly now
  19. Time to bump this. With the release of TechManager you're now able to play all the old tech trees as well as any new ones so I'm hoping this gets updated as I'm using it in a play-through now but so many nodes are empty or parts out of place. Still plays ok, albeit a little difficult, but a little tweaking would be very much appreciated if possible
  20. Only one ModuleManager dll(2.3.5) but I'll try downloading it again and using that when I next go to play the game EDIT - I was reading through the OP again in case there was maybe something I missed, low and behold I haven't used Goodspeed before and it was actually one of the last mods I added to this install so I'm going to forgive myself for missing this little tidbit of information. Sorry for wasting your time but thanks again for trying to help
  21. No worries. At least you tried though and the quick response was very much appreciated . I was thinking of getting rid of Snacks anyway and this gives me more of a reason to. I think Fusebox was updated for 24.1 so that could be the issue there. Again, thanks for trying
  22. The output log..... I hope :/ https://www.dropbox.com/s/ccc1wfo50uwnpxu/output_log.txt?dl=0
  23. Apologies for any lack of info but don't normally post on here. Here's a snip of my gamedata folder. Hope this helps https://www.dropbox.com/s/6dcexf5uwe30hk2/KSP%20Gamedata%20Folder.PNG?dl=0 http://i.imgur.com/uzqeB84.gif The 'Scale' option in the right-click menu of each part as in this gif from the OP Yes. Everything I use on that list is up to date. I also have AVC. I know it's not included with all mods but I am almost an obsessive about keeping my mods up to date Huh? I've no idea what this is. I'm pretty new to modding in general. I just follow instructions for installation. Tbh I'm not too fussed about it really as I could live without it but I figured if someone else ends up with this issue then it could help or maybe prevent something like this happening again
  24. Hi, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before or not but I'm having trouble getting TS to work in my multi-mod install. I've tried TS on a clean install of KSP and it works fine but in my multi-mod install there's no 'Scale' option when right-clicking in the VAB on ANY part. Is there any known mod that can interrupt the way TS interacts with KSP? All mods are up to date as I'm checking this forum pretty much on a daily basis and I'm using the 32bit version. I would list my mods but it's quite extensive. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated
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