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Everything posted by RayneCloud

  1. Yes. 4. Kebral Space Program. Legends of Aethereus. Heliborne. Grumpy Witch. I am also in talks to become a Senior Community and Media Relations manager for the US arm of a AAA studio tomorrow morning. Also, all four of the projects I worked on were Unity Engine projects. I've also done QA/Testing and been a QA Lead, again, for Kerbal Space PRogram, for which I was one of the people who started the Experimental Testing Team and Media Teams for the game whose forums you are on asking me this as you seem to have not read my signature.
  2. I have no idea what to say to this, other than, this reads like someone whose never worked on a single software or game project before.
  3. Cool! I'm also talking about the start of the calender year in jan and the end of the fiscal year in march (which is 3 months apart) but please do go on correcting me and being pedantic.
  4. Oh? That? No. That doesn't happen. Especially when a project "goes gold" yeah, thought you were talking about something else.
  5. Yes actually, code bases can and do change, a lot over a the course of the whole development cycle. Re-writes, Forks, Engine Updates and Changes, Code Cleanup passes after an Audit, etc. This does in fact happen, often.
  6. Take 2 Interactive's Fiscal Year ends in March. Fiscal Year 2023 Ends March 31st 2023. People seeing that the game was pushed to "Q4 FY 2023" think that means the game will launch in Oct - Dec 2023 which is now how Fiscal Years work. When I say "Off By 3 Months" I mean, that T2's "Fiscal Reporting" for the "New Fiscal Year" Starts April 1st, meing their Fiscal year is "Off" by about 3 months compared to the Calender year.
  7. Not for T2 it's not, their Fiscal year is their own. FY's can change as @adsii1970said
  8. What Is a Fiscal Year (FY)? A fiscal year is a one-year period that companies and governments use for financial reporting and budgeting. A fiscal year is most commonly used for accounting purposes to prepare financial statements. Although a fiscal year can start on Jan. 1 and end on Dec. 31, not all fiscal years correspond with the calendar year. For example, universities often begin and end their fiscal years according to the school year. What does this have to do with KSP2? For starters, T2's Fiscal Year 2022, as noted here, ended on March 31st 2022. (Making the Jan-March 2022 Timeframe Q4 FY 2022.) https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220516005693/en/Take-Two-Interactive-Software-Inc.-Reports-Strong-Results-for-Fiscal-Year-2022 This places us firmly in "Q1 FY2023" right now as I type this post. Meaning, that when you see the game slated for "Q4 FY2023" that is a Fiscal Year that is going to End by March 31st of the Calender Year of 2023. In short, their Fiscal Year is off by about 3 Months or so. On a side note, the Steam Update that showed the Date being 29DEC2023 is a place holder. That happens. I've personally set the launch dates for 3 games on steam, (Heliborne, Legends of Aethereus and Grumpy Witch) and that really is just that, a place holder date. The rampent speculation here isn't helping anyone, nor are the insults, attacks, and outright abuse thrown at the team for making a very very hard decision. I trust Nate, I trust this whole team to do right by what Harv, C7, Mu, Nova, Skunky, PDX and Me all started all those years ago. Remember, that there are also KSP1 Dev Team members working on KSP2 now, and I promise you that they want KSP2 to be the best it can be as well. I am asking for some paience and understanding is all, some temperance and a little bit of faith and good will. Pretty please? Sincerely, C. Rayne Formerly KSP CM 0.8 to 0.20
  9. This is a test render of some of the newer tools and workflows I'm exploring rendered in Blender. I hope to get near to this in the final in-game version.
  10. Everything we've seen about KSP2 so far has been constantly "Pre-Alpha" gameplay, any release that would be this year just doesn't seem to be feseable from my perspective. I really don't think KSP2 is coming this year.
  11. Hey everyone, wanted to show off more of my new found perfered and most loved work flow. Here's test render of a moon using proc gen with blender, It needs a great deal more texture, craters, detail overall, etc. However, I'm pretty pleased with it as a first test. The work flow is basically build a world in blender, export everything in to GIMP to handle fixing things like polar distortion and offset seam fixing, etc, and then build the KOP config and hopefully... put it in game.
  12. Can we keep my thread on topic to my mod and work on it please?
  13. Hey @Angel-125Blueshift has quickly become my faveorite FTL mod ever for KSP. I love your design here and the requirements for stucture, etc. However, I have a quick question if I may? I've noticed that when I'm in interstellar space traveling between stars, the speed of the ship sky rockets to 10,000c or much higher and I seem to just fly right past stars I have targeted. Is this supposed to happen? Or is there a specific velocity curve based on location?
  14. I started this project last monday, and a week later I've learned so much from so many people. I've learnd GIMP, Wilbur, and other tools. I've learned how to make color maps, normal maps, height maps, I've even learned how to spawn in asteroids and a lot more. The ONE thing that was holding me, was building the stars themselves. The data in the configs are a nightmare and confusing as hell, and if it wasn't for @StarCrusher96 spending many hours with me (thank you for being so amazing and patient and a wonderful teacher and mentor) I wouldn't have gotten here. Now, I'm sure you're asking, "Why care about the stars so much?" The answer, is that I wanted the stars to blend in with the stock skybox like they were always there. Today, I reached that goal, so, let's take a look shall we? This image shows Krios, the first star in the pack, that sits at 0.04LY from Kerbin. If I don't show you were it's at? Can you pick it out from the crowd? I can because I know where it is, but I doubt others can see it without knowing or zooming out the map. So, where is Krios? Right there. Anyway, this week should be FULL of forward progress, so stay tuned! -Rayne
  15. After a LOT of help and a lot of work and several nights of frustration, Krios is finally where it should be, looking as it should. Hopefully, it blends well enough in to the stock skybox. Though I doubt man will miss where it is in this image. Now that I have a much better understanding of how to build stars, I can move past this road block and get to work. So, stay tuned! Thanks to all those that have helped.
  16. Morning everyone! I wanted to go ahead and post the current planned Road Map for the Twelve Colonies of Kerbol Planet Pack. For now, I'm starting with the Stars themselves, and including what decisions I've made in regards to distance and local celestial objects. Stay tuned to this post for more as I update it moving forward. With this first iteration of the planned Road Map, I'd also like to lay out some goals for the pack. 1. TCoK is planned to be a Progression Based Pack, as such the star systems are laid out in terms of distance from Kerbol and difficulty of local bodies. 2. TCoK is planned to be an Intermediate Pack. Mostly the hope is that my pack will help players get in to Interstellar Modded Gameplay while also providing a challenge to those that have some experience with packs of this nature such as GU, KHNS, & SNW. 3. TCoK is using a "Kerbal Light Year" Scale (I abbreviate as kbLY) which follows Tradtional Scaling, that being 1/100th Light Year Scale between stars in the pack. Example, Krios, the first star in the pack, is 4kbLY or 0.04LY from Kerbol. 4. TCoK will stay with in a similar 1/10th scaling for Local Celestial Distances and SOI Calculations. 5. Planned Compat to include EVE, Scatterer, and others. 6. Possible "Alternate" Version planned to include 1/10th distance scaling for those that want it or those using FTL mods. (-Subject to Change) Planned Celestials - (Subject to Change) Near Kerbin stars within 5kbLY to 10kbLY (1st Release) Stars within 10kbLYkbLY to 15kbLY (2nd Release) Stars within 15kbLY to 20kbLY (3rd Release)
  17. Thanks! Something I really want to work on for any worlds with an ocean. Thank you! <3
  18. Greetings everyone! I thought I'd take some time today to showcase some of the new proc gen tools I've been using and work I've been doing to progress forward in the mod. Firstly, I'd like to showcase a terrain test for a martian-like planet. This is a 1st pass concept for one of the first planets in the Krios star system. Krios VI, which exists just outside Krio's local habitable ecosphere. The idea here is to generate a matian llike world that both has no polar caps and also has hot great desert sea beds where water once existed. Now on to the 1st pass concept for Krios IV, a habitable Kerbin Like world orbiting just inside Krios's habitable ecosphere. The concept here is a "Semi Pangaean" That is a single large continental enviroment with a supre massive ocean and numerous smaller islands chains. In this I also wanted to shoot for oceangraphic topography. That is something I see missed out sometimes in earth like worlds and with this you can see the continental shelf and where the deep ocean begins. Also, if we want to, we can apply a heavy latitude bias in order to force the proc gen to basicalyl paint polar caps for us. The image below is a second pass with a different landmass output with that heavy latitude bias. That's it for now, so stay tuned for more! -Ciara Rayne
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