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Everything posted by RayneCloud

  1. And really no one cares that you didn't. Was this meant to do anything constructive?
  2. And just to keep proving the point..... Mach 4+ at 20km and just now starting to see temp gauges...
  3. Stock spaceplane nearing 51km on a suborbital hop straight up from the KSC. The only issues so far here in this thing, is with asymmetric flame-out and intake air problems, but that can be fixed. This thing broke a 1,000M/S, was lit up like an x-mas tree, and not only did it not explode, or tumble, or have ANY issues getting up to this altitude and speed...but it flew like a dream. So, again, the problem my friend is with you, and solely with you.
  4. This is really, really old friend. Post real bug reports already. Every single one of your posts has brought nothing of value to the discussion.
  5. This can be locked if need be, made a rocket builders post.
  6. Ty - - - Updated - - - I was thinking of opening back up in the rocket builders section, but I build rovers and planes more than lift systems, hmmm
  7. New from Sentinel Heavy Industries Resourcing Operations Divison, The Mobile Resourcing Operations Rig - Drilling and the Mobile Resourcing Operations Rig-Refinery SHI MROR-D Craft File - http://kerbalx.com/DamionRayne/SHI-MROR-D SHI MROR-R http://kerbalx.com/DamionRayne/SHI-MROR-R
  8. Really? Every, single person, that makes spaceplanes agrees with you? Despite the multitudes of people showing working space planes in 1.x.x in threads where people swear up one side and down the other they're broken? You sure that it's not just you needing to relearn the game? Naw, that can't be possible at all. Everything is Squads fault right? This has nothing to do with giving proper feedback on ISP/Thrust/OverHeat/FuelUse all that IMPORTANT data..so let's just toss that out the window and keep raging on about how bad everything is and how it's entirely not our fault that oldschool planes that used bugs to be uber don't work anymore. I mean, these posts are really just getting plain old. If stuff is actually broken, and not subjectively "broken" do to your own perceptions? Great. Call them on it. Send them bug reports. But this constant "it's broke cause I say it is" nonsense just doesn't get us anywhere at all. I have made plenty of aircraft since 1.0 come out and they are all great. I had to relearn things, you might want to try that.
  9. Yeah, they hate spaceplanes.... Despite hiring on C7 to bring space-planes in to the game back in the day. Hiring on porkjet to bring his entire mod in to the game as stock, adding new IVA, mk3 parts, cargo bays, all the work C7 did way back when and the new runway, plus a secondary runway on the island, the new landing gears, modular wings that now have fuel... Jeebus man, these guys HATE spaceplans soooooo much...
  10. These types of posts are completely and utterly useless in the greater scope of things and bring nothing of substance what so ever. This is entirely subjective complaining and no real assistance given to the team in identifying REAL problems. So, try that yeah? Instead of being resistant to change, instead of REFUSING to accept that the problems are with YOU and YOUR Designs and blaming squad for these things, how about you post bug reports. Ya know, like one I brought up today, and that being that ore does not have an HSP (heat value) set in the resources definition config and every other resource does. Is this in intended? Is it a miss? Give REAL data for real issues. "Resources suck!" is subjective and your opinion. "This system is missing this, does this when I use it, crashes here, etc..." that's real feedback. So start giving them that.
  11. They do, agreed. But more people need to go the proper direction with feedback. Feedback is videos, screenshots, showing broken CFGs, giving them math and data that can actually be looked at. "space planes is broke yo, rage!" is not feedback, at all. Regardless, I've said my peace and gotten it off my chest what I wanted to say. Take it or leave it. Think what you will.
  12. The list is not "all inclusive" as should be obvious to everyone. This was about making a point, that people need to give them data they can USE to fix real problems and not perceived problems.
  13. Nice, so you're going to use your 7th post to be a troll. Good job.
  14. An Engineer An Aerospace Engineer A Game Designer A Programmer Or a developer of your own game or project... You have no right to speak about this update from those perspectives. NONE. You do however have a right to give constructive, logical, calm, and THOUGHT OUT feedback to the team based on your "feelings" and "Personal Experience" with the update. If you say "aero model is broken!" and you're not an actual aerospace engineer? You have no clue what you're talking about. Period. Instead, you should say that it "feels" broken to "you" and stop making all these over arching statements lumping people in with you as though everyone MUST agree with your assessment. Spaceplanes feel broken? Maybe that's because you were used to an aero system that..well...was crap and you can't "cheaty plane" your way to orbit without some thought anymore. Heating feels broken? Turn on the thermal overlay and thermal data in action menus and study the data like the rest of us so that you can give honest and thought out feedback to the devs...such as.. "Cub Octag struts seem to be acting as heat insulators and while they seem not to increase the overall thermal mass of the part they are attached to, they seem to assist that part with absorbing and radiating heat" Maybe this was intended, maybe it wasn't. But it's feedback that doesn't have a single bit of "I am engineer, I know more than squad, squad sucks!" in it. Oh and if you provide some screenshots? Well boy howdy...now you're talking their language. So hows about we all calm down, and give them actual empirical data they can use to fix things that are ACTUALLY broken, instead of spending time telling them what we THINK is broken yeah?
  15. Just because you're not an aerospace engineer does NOT mean that aerodynamics update was implemented wrong. Quite the opposite, it proves that the people complaining about it..are armchair scientists who know NOTHING about aerodynamics and love to pretend they do.
  16. Remote tech working for 1.0 yet guys or are we waiting on an update?
  17. Not sure yet on that V-max. Thanks for the kind words guys.
  18. Hey Rover, your PM's are full, -DR
  19. So wait, you're ok with time warping a scansat satellite around the planet rather than just having to get a probe out in to a polar orbit and pressing the button? I..this blows my mind. I love scansat, I do. But you're going to timewarp anyway, so you comp[lain about it being instant? This is the definition of "makes no sense"
  20. No, you're not. It's a great update full of a lot of content and features. However, you're going to have to deal with the entitled and fickle lot that are present on these forums complaining about absolutely everything.
  21. This sort of nonsense is so tired and old now. Really it is. How about you be constructive yeah?
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