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Everything posted by RayneCloud

  1. Thread locked for multiple off-topic posts. It's suggested the OP start a new thread, and as a note the Mod team will be watching this new thread very closely. We are tired of warning you, and will now hand out infractions instantly for off-topic posting. -DR
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNnHn16Nd5c&feature=youtu.be
  3. Stay on topic people or we'll start handing out infractions, you've been warned.
  4. Below is the current forum statistics and counts for a reporting period of one month, which only actually includes the last 10 or so days. This table shows forum user registration statistics from August 01, to Aug 10. As we can see, registration (which does not count user conversion from SMF) has fluctuated quite a lot, but remained steady at around 300-400 users daily over the last 4 days. The table below shows "User Activity Statistics" or How many of our uniqie users logged in each day, as you can see we have a very very steady activity level of between 2,000 and 2,500 logon's per day. The next two tables are "Threads Per Day" and "Posts Per Day" in that order. Our current server load remains steady below the 2% of load marker each day. As VB is better capable of addressing the SQL database without pulling down the entire record-set each time it does, it's now possible for us to have threads with unlimited post counts. As long as our table overhead remains below the 50meg point, which with the software set to run a constant set of daily updates and diagnostics (which are hardly noticeable) keeps the database clean and usable. Users We currently have 2,664 active users with more than 10 posts, and 35,218 users with less than 10 posts, or very little to no log in and or activity. We have around 800 users still awaiting E-Mail conformation, this is unfortunately do to issues with the built in PHP based mailing system not having direct access to the mailer. There are still over 30,000 queued emails waiting to be processed by the system as of this report. This is an issue that can not be fixed directly by the admin team, but only by the System Operator, aka Alex. Moderation Team There are currently a total of 33 members of the moderation team, this means that only using our "Above 10 posts active user" number, the ratio of moderators to users is: 1 Moderator per 81 active posting users. The mod team has a total of 968 actions over the last 10 days, these actions include.. Removing Threads Approving Posts Approving Threads Approving New Users Merging Threads Moving Threads This puts the team at roughly, 96.8 actions per moderator per day. In closing, the forums look to be in good health, as I personally conducted around 10 updates to the forums, with assistance from N3X15 and Kaufman. Thank you for reading and have a great day. Damion Rayne Assistant Community Manager Reporting Moderator for Aug 01-10/2012 Reporting Period
  5. All Junior Mods, check in to the mod lounge!
  6. Since the rep system is working now, it's time I sat down and explained it. When you first come to the forums you have 0 rep, and at around 10 posts or so you're reputation power kicks in. You start with 1 point of "Rep Power" meaning, when you click to up someones rep, you up it by one point. Every 100 points of your own rep = +1 Rep Power Every 365 Days on the forums = +1 Rep Power Every 1,000 Posts on the forums = +1 Rep power These numbers are not final and they might change, but it's an idea of how the system works.
  7. Everyone please join me in welcoming and congratulating the single largest number of moderators to the team that we've ever added! Below is the list of all accepted members to the team, all of those on this list will be brought on to the team as a "Junior Moderator" placed in a moderation team, and given a single forum of responsibility. The list follows, Olex Speedio The-Bean tjoreilly karolus10 Ted Skyro MrMadGameplay Mr Chips SJWT Cykyrios Navy4422 DT890 If you're on this list, you need to contact me as soon as possible with an acknowledgement. You wont have access to the mod forums right off the bat as I need to create an access mask for all 13 members. Congratulations to all! PS: We need Europe TZ IRC mods, let me know in your contact note if you're willing and able to help cover Europe TZ's in IRC. -DR
  8. As you are all no doubt aware, the Community Development Team or (KGB) has recently opened, and the closed recruitment. This was done in order to handle our current work load, maintain as much coverage both time wise and actual forum wise as possible, and to lower the over all workload for the team. With this comes a rebuild in ranking, structure and organization of the team. So, the list below will contain the current moderation team list and structure, to remain in the public eye. As a note, new information will be added as we assign mods to areas, accept new mods to the team, and generally work to make your forum experience as safe and fun as we can. Thank You -DR KGB(CDT) Chain of Command/Roster Community Manager: Capt_Skunky Assistant Community Manager: Damion Rayne Senior Global Moderator: Moach Senior Global Moderator: Sordid (Advisory Only at Current) Senior Global Moderator: Ascensiam Global Moderators: Positions Open for Promotion General Forums Team Leader: Position Open Development and Support Team Leader: Position Open Addon Forums Team Leader: Position Open Other Forums Team Leader: Position Open Senior Moderator: Epsilon Senior Moderator: Hpearson Senior Moderator: Johno Senior Moderator: Radion_Space_Works Senior Moderator: RayvenQ Senior Moderator: Socket7 Senior Moderator: Softweir Senior Moderator: Tiberion Senior Moderator: Tosh Moderator: Foamy Moderator: Deadshot462 Moderator: Rich Moderator: Sal_Vager Moderator: DYJ Junior Moderator: Kaufman Any questions related to a certain rank, or structure can be posted here and we'll answer them to the best of our ability.
  9. That's Your Opinion mate, I like Kerbal just the way it is, wait till we get better atmo shaders. As a note, the planet parameters are entirely to complicated to be mod-able.
  10. Exactly what Sal said guys, while this might be some tongue and cheek humor, we are in need of new mods! So apply!
  11. RayneCloud


    In short? No. If I change them for you, I'll get bugged 24/7 to change them for everyone. Besides I can't confirm what you're saying, and the posting loss that you claim was not my fault, it might have been an ImpEX issues.
  12. S1E2 "That Blasted Green Rock..." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lh6jjVnKJHw&feature=youtu.be
  13. RayneCloud


    Tosh, I have NO clue what you are talking about...I can't change that post size limit, at least not that I've seen in the CP. As for storage..I updated it...I know for a fact I did, the CP says it's updated to 20meg.
  14. Oh sure, yeah I'll do that when I get a free moment.
  15. Season 1 Episode 1: "Mapping the Mun" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDNddOPvC0U&feature=player_embedded
  16. RayneCloud


    IFVN 1.4.5 Removed HTML code from Signatures, sorry but this was an over-ride from above me. Increased Image Upload size to 2meg for album images Increased User storage space to 20meg for "members", people with more than 10 posts. Sorry guys, but this is all the space we have on the web server and we've only been allotted so much space for uploads. This might increase at a later date. -DR
  17. Yeah, locked. It's done when it's done. Welcome to the forums though!
  18. RayneCloud


    It is a little goofed yes, it gives people rep who are brand new to the forums. I'll fix that later.
  19. Next Downlink in 2 hours, we'll find out about the downlinks during the press conf at Noon EDT
  20. RayneCloud


    IFVN 1.4.4 Changed all forum display options to the following settings, Last post First, Descending Order, Show All Posts Turned on the Reputation and Rating System for all forums except Off Topic and Games. Removed Archive forums, VB has a built in automatic archive function that can be accessed by click on the "Archive" button on the bottom right nav bar at the bottom of the page. Maintenance: Fixed some database overhead and optimized tables in the database. Ran scheduled tasks Updated user titles
  21. All of this, cost the American tax payer 7.00USD per person... Money well spent? Yes, money more than well spent on thee single greatest engineering achievement and success in recent history. My daughter will grow up, as we explore the final frontier. It'll be because of this mission, that she'll know that we can Dare to do mighty things, even though why might fail, and still succeed. Dare Mighty Things!
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